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人教版新课标 必修五 单元单词(短语)检测 Unit 1 Great scientists 一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。 第一组:characteristic, radium, conclude, analyse, defeat, expert, attend, physician, challenge, victim 1 The need to communicate is a key _________ of human society. 2 He _________ his speech by wishing everyone a safe trip home. 3 It took us a long time to _________ what went wrong. And eventually we knew the problem. 4 This is the first time that our team has been _________ at basketball match. 5 Madame Curie is always remembered by people as the discoverer of _________. 6 My uncle has been in hospital for days and he is well __________. 7 Destruction of the environment is one of the most serious ____________ we face. 8 A big fire broke out in the dancing hall last night. More than a dozen people were killed. He was amongt the ___________. 9 You may go to him for advice. He is a computer __________. 10 Upon graduation from a medical college he worked as a __________. 第 二 组 : neighbourhood, severe, pump, foresee, blame, pollute, handle, announce, instruct, construct 11 The new tunnel hasn’t been finished; it is still under _________. 12 She is a ________ woman who never smiles. 13 Who is to _________ for this road accident? 14 She turned the _________ , opened the door and went in. 15 This engine is used for _________ water out of the mine. 16 The government _________ yesterday to the media plans to create a million new jobs. 17 You will be _________ where to go as soon as the car is ready. 18 The river is seriously __________ and no fish live in it. 19 She shouted so loudly that the whole ___________ could hear her. 20 It is impossible to __________ how life will work out. 第三组:absorb, suspect, enquiry, contribute, firework, positive, spin, enthusiastic, cautious, reject, universe 21 As we know, exercise _________ to better health. 22 I am a witness. I am _________ about what time it happened. 23 He seemed totally _________ in that book. When I came in he didn’t notice me at all. 24 She was even less _________ about going to Japan. 25 This proposal was firmly _________ at the meeting. 26 He is very _________ about committing(承诺) himself to anything. 27 Many excited people were astonished at the beauty of the ___________ display. 28 I __________ his motives(动机) in offering to help me. 29 Two men have been helping police with their __________. 30 My sister can ___________ on her toes like a dancer 31 Our world is but a small part of the ___________. 二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化): put forward draw a conclusion expose…to link…to apart from be strict with make sense 1 What he thought and said didn’t ________. 2 My boss _________ me in my new work. 3 He was brave enough to _________ objections at the meeting. 4 __________ Changjiang and Huanghe there are many other rivers in China. 5 You may _________ your mobile phone __________ a computer. 6 After carrying out several experiments he ___________. 7 Don’t _________ yourself________ strong sunlight; it will harm your skin. Unit 2 The United Kingdom 一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。 第 一 组 : unite, province, clarify, accomplish, conflict, unwilling, credit, currency, institution, convenience 1 Two parties _________ to oppose the government’s plans. 2 I have _________ my intention of leaving the company. 3 Can you telephone me at your _________ to arrange a meeting? 4 The project didn’t work out, so they were ________ to invest any more money in it. 5 Shall I pay in cash or by __________ card? 6 Henan __________ has the largest population in China. 7 I have made a fortune by trading in foreign __________. 8 The government has done nothing to solve the __________ over workers’ pay. 9 I once worked as an advisor at an educational __________. 10 The first part of the plan has been safely ___________. 第二组:rough, attract, architecture, collection, administration, enjoyable, description, furnished, possibility, quarrel 11 I have a larger ________ of coins than he has. 12 The Window to the World is a famous _________ to visitors from both home and abroad. 13 There is now no __________ that she will make a full recovery. 14 There were about 20 people there, at a _________ guess. 15 The house is simply _________. You’ll have to buy a lot of things before you live in it. 16 Please give me a full __________ of what you saw and heard last night. 17 The couple often __________ over money. 18 I have worked in the Sales __________ department of the chain store. 19 This summer I made a journey to Japan. I had an _________ summer vacation. 20 My son went to a famous university and majored in ___________. 第三组:arrange, wedding, fold, delight, royal, uniform, splendid, statue, communism, thrill, error, consistent 21 It was Karl Marx who developed ________. 22 Please ________ down the blanket and put it into the closet. 23 He won the game easily, to the __________ of all his fans. 24 The results are entirely _________ with earlier research. 25 That plane belongs to British ________ Forces. 26 I think you have made an _________ in calculating the total. 27 Students are asked to wear school _________ at school. 28 They __________ for a car to collect us from the airport. 29 The _________ of Liberty was presented to the United States of America by France. 30 They bought a ________ apartment by the sea, which cost them lots of money. 31 The old couple got married thirty years ago. Yesterday was their 30th _________ anniversary. 32 The fans were __________ at the sight of the famous pop star. 二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化): consist of divide…into break away from to one’s credit leave out take the place of break down 1 China _________ 23 provinces, 4 municipalities, 5 autonomous regions and 2 special administrative regions. 2 Miss Wang _________ Mrs. Liu to give us a lesson. 3 __________ sentences which are unnecessary in the essay. 4 Mum _________ the apple _________ four parts, so everyone got his share. 5 Negotiations between these countries finally __________. 6 I persuaded him to _________ the gang and be a good man. 7 ___________, Jack never told anyone exactly what had happened. Unit 3 Life in the future 一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。 第一组:aspect, impression, constant, previous, tablet, capsule, stewardess, surrounding, tolerate, lack, material 1 As you know, fashion is ________ changing. 2 Anyone can do this job. No ________ experience is needed for it. 3 The doctor told me to take two ________ with water before meals. 4 Those miners were brought up from the mine in a special _________. 5 My hometown lies in a small village with nice _________. I enjoy living there. 6 She succeeded because she had the determination that her brother ________. 7 His words left me the ________ that he didn’t like the plan at all. 8 She felt that she had looked at the problem from every _________. 9 Her sister is a ________ with Shenzhen Airlines(深圳航空公司). 10 This company has its own training teaching _________. 11 There is a limit to what one person can _________. 第 二 组 : adjustment, mask, carriage, press, fasten, flash, switch, optimistic, desert, citizen, representative 12 The ________ conference is to be held between 9:00 am and 10:00 a.m. next Monday. 13 This is an express train with 18 ________. 14 A neon(霓虹灯) ________ on and off above the door. 15 If you don’t like this channel, just ________ to another one. 16 The two sides are not too ________ about the result of the negotiation. 17 The robbers were wearing stocking ________ when they robbed the bank. 18 Everyone please ________ your seat belt . The plane is taking off. 19 She is our sales _________ in France. 20 Jack is English by birth but now he is an Australian _________. 21 We know few kinds of plants grow in the _________. 22 She went throught a period of emotional _________ after her marriage broke up. 第三组:typewriter, postage, postcode, button, instant, dustbin, ecology, greedy, swallow, recycle, motivation, settlement 23 The management and the unions have reached a ________ over new working conditions. At present we type on the computer instead of with a _________. The _________ for the decision is the desire to improve our service to customers. It was _________ of you to eat up all the sweets. These old shoes can go in the________ now. You’d better buy a new pair. It costs lots of money and require special equipment to _________ rubbish. I feel a little sleepy. I'd like a cup of _________ coffee. He put a grape into his mouth and _________ it whole. To keep ________ in balance is our duty. I left in a hurry without even _________ my coat. You should pay $15, including _________ and packing. Be sure to write your address and _________ correctly on the envelope. 二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化): lose sight of sweep up speed up take up be back on one’s feet slide into 1 Wang Ping ran very fast and soon I ________ him. 2 Since retirement Old Wang ________ gardening. 3 After the train pulled out of the station it soon ________. 4 We’ll make our bathroom more comfortable if we _______ the mess every day. 5 I was not sure when she _________ the room. 6 She __________ again after her operation. Unit 4 Making the news 一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。 第 一 组 : edition, journalist, delighted, admirable, assist, submit, profession, colleague, eager, amateur, polish 1 He was an electrician by _________. 2 I often read the electronic _________ of Shenzhen Daily on the internet. 3 My article was carefully _________ and checked before release(发表). 4 After the exam all the students were ________ to know their results. 5 The teacher and his students are _________ with the result of the experiment. 6 This tournament is open to both __________ and professionals. 7 We are looking for people who would be willing to _________ in this group’s work. 8 Her devotion to teaching is really _________. 9 We have been friends and _________ for more than 20 years. 10 Our chief editor is having a friendly talk with those _________ from New York Times. 11 Please _________ an application if you’d like to join the club. 第 二 组 : update, acquire, assess, inform, deadline, meanwhile, deliberately, sceptical, guilty, dilema 12 The judge announced the man not _________ and then he was set free. 13 From whom did you _________ the latest information? 14 I have been _________ ignoring her all day, so she is very upset. 15 There are 20 minutes to go before the meeting. _________, I want to have a drink of coffee. 16 It’s about time we should ________ our software. 17 Please _________ us of any changes of your address and telephone number. 18 He hasn’t trained hard in the past weeks. I am _________ about his chances of winning. 19 We are trying to _________ how well the system works. 20 Since he is in a __________, why not give him some advice? 21 Just take your time. The ___________ is the end of next month. 第 三 组 : demand, technical, thorough, gifted, crime, approve, process, appointment, section, accurate, senior 22 The new edition textbook is _________ by the Department for Education. 23 I glanced over the sports _________ of China Daily. 24 I sent three rolls of film away to be ________. 25 We will offer free _________ support for those buying our software. 26 My watch is not ________. I am afraid it needs fixing. 27 We gave our classroom a __________ cleaning this afternoon. 28 In some countries you must make an _________ before going to a doctor. 29 Lisa is a very _________ girl for music. She can play the piano very well though very young. 30 We work in the same company, but he is _________ to me. 31 Anyone who commits a ________ shall be punished. 32 I can never satisfy Mr. Smith. He is such a __________ boss. 二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化): concentrate on accuse …of depend on so as to (do sth) ahead of 1 He moved to live with the disabled man _________ take care of him. 2 Never __________ him. He is not reliable. 3 Johnson was _________ murder by the police and condemned to 10 years in prison. 4 I finished the work several days __________ the deadline. 5 In this chapter I shall _________ the early years of Charlie’s reign(王朝). Unit 5 First aid 一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。 第一组:aid, temporary, injury, bleed, choke, organ, barrier, poison, complex, variety 1 With the ________ of my English teacher I have made rapid progress in English. 2 Be careful with the knife. Or you will do yourself an ________ . 3 I cut my finger while cutting the apple and it was ________. 4 The man almost ________ to death in the thick smoke. 5 Eyes, nose, and ears are the sense _________ of the human body. 6 Some mushrooms contain a deadly _________. Never eat them. 7 Last week he resigned(辞职) for a _________ of reasons. 8 We had a hard time communicating because of the language ________. 9 What he said was too _________ for me to understand. 10 More than half of the staff in our company are _________. 第二组:liquid, radiation, mild, tissue, swell, unbearable, basin, bandage, vital, symptom 1 Matter has three states—solid, gas and ________. 2 It is said that you will be affected by the ________ if you talk on the mobile phone for long. 3 His legs were seriously hurt and were _________ up. He could only stay in bed. 4 She is a _________ woman who never shouts to others. We all like being with her. 5 Headache, cough and a running nose are all cold _________. 6 Will you please bring me a box of _________? My nose is running. 7 Her face ________ up where the bee had stung her. 8 Please first wash your hands in a ________ of clean water. 9 The heat is _________. Please turn on the electric fan. 10 Reading is of _________ importance in in language learning. 第三组:pour, wrist, damp, sleeve, throat, ceremony, bravery, treat, apply, pressure, ambulance 1 I cannot raise my voice, for I have got a sore ________. 2 Some high officials were invited to the opening _________ of Shenzhen Hi-tech Fair. 3 He saved the girl from the burning house. We all admired him for his _________. 4 You shouldn’t work under great _________all the time. Try to relax yourself. 5 He fell ill and had trouble breathing. So his family called 120 for help and then an __________ arrived immediately. 6 The house is very cold and _________. If you live here for long you will probably suffer from rheum arthritis(风湿性关节炎). 7 In summer people usually wear shirts with short ________. 8 My _________ aches. I can hardly move my hand. 9 The rain continued to _________ down. Just stay here. 10 He offered to _________ me to ice cream. 11 The new technology has been _________ to farming. 二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化): fall ill over and over again in place make a difference squeeze out a number of put one’s hands on 1 He __________, so his wife called for first aid. 2 When you finish reading my books please put them _________. 3 Don’t ask me such silly questions __________. 4 __________ middle school students signed up for the English Summer Camp. 5 Peter, I cannot ___________ any blank paper for you. 6 I took off my wet clothes and _________ water. 7 Your age shouldn’t __________ to whether you get the job or not. 参考答案 Unit 1 一 第一组:1 charactertistic 2 concluded 3 analyse 4 defeated 5 radium 6 attended 7 challenges 8 victims 9 expert 10 physician 第二组:11construction 12 severe 13 blame 14 handle 15 pumping 16 announced 17 instructed 18 polluted 19 neighbourdhood 20 foresee 第三组:21 contributes 22 positive 23 absorbed 24 enthusiastic 25 rejected 26 cautious 27 fireworks 28 suspected 29 enquiries 30 spin 31 universe 二 1 make sense 2 is strict with 3 put forward 4 Apart from 5 link…to 6 drew a conslusion 7 expose…to Unit 2 一 第一组:1 united 2 clarified 3 convenience 4 unwilling 5 credit 6 province 7 currencies 8 conflict 9 institution 10 accomplished 第二组:11 collection 12 attraction 13 possibility 14 rough 15 furnished 16 description 17 quarrel 18 Administration 19 enjoyable 20 architecture 第三组:21 communism 22 fold 23 delight 24 consistent 25 Royal 26 error 27 uniforms 28 arranged 29 Statue 30 splendid 31 wedding 32 thrilled 二 1 consists of 2 took the place of 3 Leave out 4 divided…into 5 broke down 6 break away from 7 To his credit Unit 3 一 第一组:1 constantly 2 previous 3 tablets 4 capsule 5 surroundings 6 lacked 7 impression 8 aspect 9 stewardes 10 materials 11 tolerate 第二组:12 press 13 carriages 14 flasehed 15 switch 16 optimistic 17 masks 18 fasten 19 representative 20 citizen 21 desert 22 adjustment 第三组:23 settlement 24 typewriter 25 motivation 26 greedy 27 dustbin 28 recycle 29 instant 30 swallowed 31 ecology 32 buttoning 33 postage 34 postcode 二 1 lost sight of 2 has taken up 3 sped up 4 sweep up 5 slid into 6 was back on her feet Unit 4 一 第一组:1 profession 2 edition 3 polished 4 eager 5 delighted 6 amateurs 7 assit 8 admirable 9 colleagues 10 journalists 11 submit 第二组:12 guilty 13 acquire 14 deliberately 15 Meanwhile 16 update 17 inform 18 sceptical 19 assess 20 dilema 21 deadline 第三组:22 approved 23 section 24 processed 25 technical 26 accurate 27 thorough 28 appointment 29 gifted 30 senior 31 crime 32 demanding 二 1 so as to 2 depend on 3 accused of 4 ahead of 5 concentrate on Unit 5 一 第一组:1 aid 2 injury 3 bleeding 4 choked 5 organs 6 poison 7 variety 8 barrier 9 complex 10 temporary 第二组:11 liquid 12 radiation 13 bandaged 14 mild 15 symptoms 16 tissues 17 swollen 18 basin 19 unbearable 20 vital 第三组:21 throat 22 ceremony 23 bravery 24 pressure 25 ambulance 26 damp 27 sleeeves 28 wrist 29 pour 30 treat 31 applied 二 1 fell ill 2 in place 3 over and over again 4 Anumber of 5 put my hands on 6 squeezed out 7 make a difference 查看更多

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