


B1U5 写作:英语学习博客 I. 写作格式 有两种格式: 1.正式的博客:文章包括标题、日期、分类和正文。 2.非正式的博客:没有标题、日期和分类,只有正文。 II. 黄金写作模板 III. 写作语言特点 1.时态多用一般现在时和一般过去时。 2.语言要诚恳,提供的建议要有实用性。 3.语言具有相互性。 IV. 写作常用词汇 have trouble/difficulty with sth.在某方面有困难 find it difficult to do sth.发现做某事很难 my biggest difficulty/headache 我最大的问题 give/offer sb. some advice 给某人一些建议 help sb. with sth.在某方面帮助某人 suggest/advise doing sth. 建议做某事 listen to English programmes 听语言节目 enlarge/increase one’s vocabulary 扩大某人的词汇量 pay attention to grammar 注意语法 practice speaking Chinese with natie speakers 和以汉语为母语的人练习说汉语 V. 写作常用句型 I used to do well in math, but now I’m having difficulty working out some exercises. 我过去数学很好,但是现在我在计算一些练习题方面有困难。 I think you’d better take down notes while listening. 我认为你最好边听边记笔记。 Speak English every day to achieve your greater fluency. 每天说英语使你说英语更流利。 If you often practice giving speeches in English, you will get your oral English improved. 如果你经常练习用英语作演讲,你就会提高你的英语口语。 Please give me some help. 请给我一些帮助。 典例剖析 假如你是李华,你在网上看到李明发的帖子,他说他的英语口语不好,希望得到大家 的帮助,你给他回帖。内容要点提示: 1.给李明提建议; 2.你的联系英语口语的成功做法; 3.你在英语学习中遇到的困难一并请求帮助; 注意:词数 80 左右。 审题谋篇 1、定框架—— 好的开始,成功的一半 体裁 应用文 人称 第一、二人称为主 时态 一般现在时为主 框架 首段:针对李明的问题提出建议;中段:自己的问题;尾端:求助 2、定要点、关键词及动词时态——打造一篇要点全面、用词准确得体、时态多样的 极优作文 要点一:我过去常常遇到这样的问题。 I used to meet such a problem. 要点二:现在我英语说得很好。 Now I speak English well. 要点三:当我回放它时,我比较那些演讲者的发音和我的发音。 When I play it back, I compare the pronunciation of the speakers with mine. 要点四:我尽可能经常地在公共场合练习说英语。 I practice speaking English in public as often as possible. 要点五:这帮助我获得自信和流利的英语。 This helps me gain confidence and fluency. 要点六:我知道大多数单词的意思。 I know the meanings of most words. 要点七:我不能理解整个句子。 I can’t understand the whole sentence. 3、词汇、句式升级——创造极优作文的倩词靓句 升级句式一:用 but 连接要点一和要点二。 I used to meet such a problem but now I speak English well. 升级句式二:用现在分词作状语改写要点三。 Playing it back, I compare the pronunciation of the speakers with mine. 升级句式三:以要点四为主句,把要点五改写为 which 引导的非限制性定语从句。 I practice speaking engish in public as often as possible, which helps me gain confidence and fluency. 升级句式四:把要点六改写为 though 引导的让步状语从句,要点七为主句。 Though I know the meaning of most words, I can’t understand the whole sentence. 4、组建极优作文——水到渠成的成就感:动力的源泉 Hi, Li Ming! How to improve your spoken English is really a problem. I used to meet such a problem but now I speak English well. I listen to high-quality spoken English every day and record my own speech. Playing it back, I compare the pronunciation of the speakers with mine and correct my wrong pronunciation. Besides, I practice speaking English in public as often as possible,which helps me gain confidence and fluency. I hope these suggestions will benefit you. However, I have trouble in reading. Though I know the meanings of most words, I can’t understand the whole sentence because of some set phrases and idioms. Any advice? I am eager for your help. 即学即练 加拿大高中生 David 在互联网上发了一个帖子,希望结识一位中国朋友,以便学习中 国的语言、文化。假设你是李华,请在看到这则帖子后,用英文给 David 发一封电子邮件。 主要内容包括: 1.你怎样得知 David 的愿望; 2.你愿意成为他的朋友; 3.你打算如何帮助他; 4.你盼望他的回复。 Dear Daviod, I’ve learned it from the Internet that you want to make a Chinese friend so as to learn the Chinese language and culture. I’m glad that you show such great interest in China and I would like to be your friend. I will try to write to you as often as possible about the Chinese culture. When you have the chance to come ot China, I’ll teach you how to speak Chinese and show you around some famous historical places of interest. Anyway, I am going to help you as much as I can. How do you find it? I’m looking forward to your repley. Yours, Li Hua 查看更多

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