

天天资源网 / 初中英语 / 教学同步 / 冀教版九年级英语复习课件(3)

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九年级(全)Units 5-6 冀教版九年级英语复习课件(3) method force unless fantastic repeat double queen handsome marry coast wives correctly certainly generally directly direction  director instruction marriage married service servant development developing developed turn…upside down pour out take…off use up  be made up of turn…over push up push down be involved in  divide up have…effect on be on go off put on put on in general except for  in place in order to even if be related to be full of billions of a couple of better better make laugh wonderful thing enjoy at Don't worry What do you think is needed  I like comedies B B What think of C C prefers reading prefer   to prefers  living  A A Why not  B A B among D C B C B A  C is believed is spoken  translated development wasn't  built  A A C D fantastic service France repeat to come up with How stupid It is strong enough to hold the water. or punish Why  not  What  favourite too  heavy  to in  order make  up  put  on had effect belongs  to which many  completely only cut down worries encouraged how freeze mysteries 第一篇 教材系统复习  考点精练十五 九年级(全) Units 5-6 B C D C C B A D D C B A A C D B A C D D   B  B A B A D C A D know is caused look like how including have found animal among which  the seventh C F E D A 查看更多

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