


专题 04 人物 【话题导入】 我们一生会结识很多人,认识很多人,了解他们,并可以向他人介绍。 【写作指导】 以写人为主的记叙文,对题目所给的信息要进行适当重组,安排好写作顺序,突出重点信息,重点信 息通常是写作的目的所在,比如求职要突出重点学历经历,新闻报道要突出重点事迹,介绍自己的老师朋 友,要突出他们的特特点等。 注意运用正确的时态,描写人物的外貌,性格,兴趣等,通常用一般现在时,而描写人物的出身教育 背景,经历事迹等,通常用一般过去式。  写作步骤 1. Basic information 2. Personal life story in details 3. Evaluation  增色语料 精彩句型: 1. He was born into a poor/rich family. 2. Showing great interest in music, he began learning to play the piano at age of 3. 3. Having broken the world record and got the gold medal, she became the idol of the youth. 4. He is always willing to help others in trouble, thus becoming popular among us. 5. She has burying herself in medical study, which enables her to win the Nobel Prize. 6. He is one of the scientists who made a great contributions to society. 7. People spoke highly of him and respected him 8. He's honest and always ready to help others. That is why we made him monitor. 9. She really cares about others and is an extremely talented listener. 10. Her diligence has set an example to others. 11. Mr. Zhang is such a good teacher that we all respect him. 12. With a loving character, he is such a kind and helpful person as we cannot praise too much. 13. From her success, we can see that everyone should be devoted to hard work consistently.  范文赏析 你校英语报拟开展“我最敬佩的改革先锋”征文评选活动。请从下面四人中任选一位,撰稿应征。 Yuan Longping Lang Ping Ma Yun Tu Youyou Father of Hybrid rice Coach of China women’s volleyball team Chinese business magnate Chemist discovering artemisinin to treat malaria 内容包括: 1. 最敬佩的人物及理由 2. 该人物对你的影响。 注意:1.词数 100 左右(开头已经给出,但不计入总词数); 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 任务分析:本篇要从四位杰出人物中选取一位进行介绍,包括科学家,商界精英,和体坛风云人物, 他们都为中国做出了巨大贡献。写作时要突出选取的理由和对自己的影响。 补句成文: 请根据汉语提示使用恰当的单词、短语或句子补全下面范文中所缺的内容,补全后请通读 全文并建议记诵。 Of all the reform pioneers, I admire the “Iron Hammer” most, who trains and shapes China women’s volleyball team. Admittedly, as coach of the national team, Lang Ping has helped China win many titles and championships. The team’s series of triumphs_______________________________(使全国人民爱上了排球), and apart from that, bring us glory and joy. To me,______________________________________________(她不仅仅是中国的骄傲, 还是时代楷模). All in all,__________________________________________(郎平出色的技能和奋斗精神深深地影响 了我). It is your hardest time that leads to the greatest moment.” That inspires me to face difficulties with courage whenever I am depressed. 答案:1.make the whole country fall in love with volleyball. 2.she is not just China’s pride,also a model. 3.Lang Ping’s outstanding skills and fighting spirit deeply influenced me. 【且学且练】 某英文刊物正在进行“孝道传播”活动。请根据以下内容,以“My Respectable Mother”为题写一篇短 文, 内容要点: 1. 40 多岁,工程师 2. 懂得知识的重要并关心你的学习。 3. 善良,勤劳,值得尊敬。 注意:1. 词数 100 字左右;2. 可以适当增加情节,使行文连贯。 My Respectable Mother As for the person who plays an important role in my life,without doubt it is my beloved mother. My mother is an engineer. During her work, she realizes it's important for people to equip themselves with more knowledge. As a result, she encourages me to study hard. She tries her best to take care of me so that I can have more time to study.She not only encourages me to study hard but also tries her best to take care of me so that I can have more time to study.Whenever people around get into trouble, they are willing to turn to her for help,which makes her respected by people. Such is my mother, and I will respect and love her forever. 论述类文体 查看更多

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