


六年级期末专题训练三(问答配对) ( )1. Did you hurt your arms? ( )2. Is this your purple purse? ( )3. What’s wrong with you? A. My leg hurts. B. Yes, it is. Thanks. C. It doesn’t matter. ( )1. What’s wrong with Tony? ( )2. What’s bad for you? ( )3. What are you going to do? ( )4. Are you going anywhere? ( )5. What does she have to do? A. She has to go home. B. Yes, I’m going to Canada. C. He feels bad. D. I’m going to go fishing. E. Too much meat ( )1.Is it cool today? ( )2.What was the weather like yesterday? ( )3.What’s her bedroom like? ( )4.What was your bedroom like yesterday? ( )5.Is his shirt clean now? A. Yes, it is clean. B. My bedroom was messy. C. Yes, it is cool today. D. Her bedroom is tidy. E. It was warm. ( )1.What was the food like? ( )2.What did you do? ( )3.What is the weather like? ( )4.Were you in Guangzhou last week? ( )5.Where were you yesterday? A. I was at home B. It is sunny. C. I visited friends. D. Yes, I was. E. It was tasty. ( )1.Where were you last month? ( )2.What did you do yesterday? ( )3.What was the weather like? ( )4.Was the food tasty last night? ( )5.Where did Tony come from? A. Yes, it was. B. It was sunny. C. He came from Canada. D. I ate some good food. E. I was in China. ( )1.What’s wrong with Peter? ( )2.Excuse me, where is the movie theater? ( )3.What is good for me? ( )4.What are you doing now? ( )5.What’s your favorite food? A. It’s next to the cake shop. B. Meat is my favorite food. C. I am seeing the doctor. D. He has a bad cold. E. Enough sleep is good for you. ( )1.What was the playground like? ( )2.What did you studay last Tuesday? ( )3.What do you want to do? ( )4.Does it rain in Guangzhou? ( )5.How many days are there in a week? A. There are seven days in a week. B. Yes, it does. C. It was very dirty. D. I want to see a movie. E. I studied math. ( )1.Did you plant trees yesterday? ( )2.What’s wrong with Lisa? ( )3.What was the food like in Thailand? ( )4.What did they do this morning? ( )5.Is the park next to the candy shop? A. It was spicy and tasty. B. No, It’s across from the candy shop. C. She has a bad cold. D. Yes, we did. E. They washed the dishes. 查看更多

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