


必修四Unit 3 Speaking www.shijuan1.com Discuss with your partner whether you think the story you listened to is funny. Give your reasons. Use these words and expressions below to help you. Did you still remember what happened in listening? Mary smith’s husband’s attitude and what happens to the jam and the chickens is amusing. • How wonderful! It surprises me that … • I’m pleased we both like … • I felt happy because ,,, • I (don’t) laugh at that kind of thing because … • What fun! • I (don’t )enjoy this very much because… • It is (not ) very amusing/funny that … Useful expressions Speaking on P23 S1: What fun! I enjoyed that story. I always laugh at that kind of thing. S2: Me too. I’m pleased we both like the same kind of funny stories Sample dialogue 1: S1: The punch line was good. You were wondering what would happen. So I’m happy that it all turned out well in the end. S2: It surprises me that John didn’t see the plum stone if Mary did. S1: That’s because Mary did the cooking, but John didn’t look at the jam carefully! He just thought it was a mess and threw it away. S2: I think it’s very amusing and always try to read stories like that. They make me smile. S1: Ok. Let me tell you this funny story then. It is about a hedge cutter which was made in China but sold in England... Speaking on P23 S1: This is my joke. (without smiling) “When is a door not a door?” S2: I don’t know. When is a door not a door? Sample dialogue2: S1: When it’s a jar. (laughs) S2: Why is that funny? S1: It is a play on words. A door is a jar when it is slightly open. A jar is a sort of jug. That is what makes it funny! S2: Oh, I see! Well, you did not say it in a very funny way. S1: What should I do? Was I too serious? Did I smile when I shouldn’t? S2: You looked serious. That was good but you looked too serious. You should have a little sparkle in your eye to show me that a joke is coming. You could also smile a little (with your lips perhaps). S1: OK. Shall I try it again? Let me see if you find it funny this time. S2: Yes. When you are ready, you can begin again. Writing 必修四Unit 3 Can you tell a funny story in a logical order? Writing Task An unforgettable day When did the story happen? Where did the story happen ? Who was in the story? What happened? Why did it happen? How did it happen? What to write? Find the interesting words or expressions you can to describe what was happening . Brainstorming: curious,naughty,be excited, play a trick on , be surprised, be shocked at ,feel frightened, fun, funny,glare at , run away with … Useful words and expressions How to write? Logical order First … Then… Next… Finally/At last… Write down your story in a logic order. For each part of your story try to find the most interesting words you can to describe how you felt or what was happening. Then write out your story using these interesting words. Read through your story. Then show it to your partner. Let him/her suggest some new and exciting words. Write out the story and put it into a class collection of stories. Work in groups. Read the writing and give a general mark to it.. Point out and correct the mistakes in the writing. Peers correcting 1.handwriting ,spelling 2.Key points 3.Grammar (tense,agreement…) What do you think of the work? Excellent (A) Good (B) Average (C) Poor (D) Content (meaning) Language (grammar, vocabulary, phrases tense, etc) Beautiful words and expressions Sample writing1: Stages in the story 1. Mr. Hills buys a hedge cutter made in China. 2. It breaks down and he tries to mend it himself. 3.The instruction booklet says it should not be touched “ without permission” 4. He decides to get a new one so no one will ever know. Mr. hills in London bought a Hedge cutter made in China, It was very small and very cheap and it worked very well. At first he was very pleased with it. Then one day it broke down. There was nothing he could do to make it work. He took it apart and put it together again but still it would not work. Next he took out the blanket of instructions to see if they had any advice for him. Imagine his amazement when he saw these words written in the blanket. “No one is allowed to touch or try to repair this hedge cutter without permission.” What was he to do? Should he have written to the manufacturers in Beijing before he had his hedge cutter mended? Mrs. Hills thought long and hard. Finally he went back to the shop and bought another hedge cutter. He put his old one in the dustbin. He thought no one would ever know what he had done. At a dinner party, the speaker, who was the guest of honor, was about to deliver a speech when his wife sitting at the other end of the table, sent him a piece of paper with the word “KISS" scribbled on it. The guest seated next to the speaker said, "Your wife must love you very much, I see her send you a 'KISS' before you begin your speech." The speaker smiled and explained, "You don't know my wife. The 'KISS' she give me stands for 'Keep It Short, Stupid.'" Sample writing2: Two persons are walking towards a chair in the park. One is Mr. Brown with a board who goes ahead. The other is Mr. Green with a walking stick behind. Mr. Brown is beginning to walk faster. Mr. Green runs much faster and soon he gets ahead. Mr. Brown also runs. But Mr. Green reaches the chair first and sits in the chair, feeling very happy. Mr. Brown is the second to reach the chair, showing the board to Mr. Green. The board reads, “ WET PAINT ! ” Sample writing3: Homewo rk Write a funny story in a logical order. 查看更多

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