


                            Module 4  Changes Unit1 I was very young 一、教学目标:掌握并能够使用be动词一般过去时对过去的情况进行描述。 二、重点词汇及句型: This was my grandmother’s house. Was she in Beijing? No,she wasn’t. You were very young. Were you on a swing? There weren’t many cars then. There weren’t many cars, were there? 三、教学流程: Teaching Steps Step1 Revision     Let students take out the exercise books. Then dictate the words. Step2 New lesson Ⅰ.Read the dialogue    Give students some time to read the dialogue. Then ask some students to read it for the class. Ⅱ.Teacher explains the dialogue. Knowledge points 1. is /am /are – was / were 2. want to do sth 3. photos of me/ photos of mine 4. fifty-year-old photos of Chengdu/ fifty years old After explaining every knowledge point, give some examples. Ⅲ.Act out the dialogue Give students some time again, let them read the dialogue. Then let them act out the dialogue for the class. Ⅳ.Do exercises. Step3.Sum up Step4.Homework.   查看更多

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