


1 知识目标: 1) 学习掌握本课单词: believe, lucky, bamboo, CD-ROM, copy, fantastic   2)  学习掌握本课的重点句型: 1) Pandas eat for twelve hours a day.   2) The snake thinks the flute is another snake. 2  技能目标: 1.能用一般现在时描述动物及其习性。  2.  理解本课的内容 3. 情感目标: 培养学生热爱动物,热爱生活。培养学生的自信心和合作精神以及用英语交流沟通的能力。 4.  学习方法: 培养学生自主学习,合作学习的能力,以及积极参加语言交流,用英语思维的能力。 教学过程: 导入:热情的和学生打招呼,询问同学们都在周末做了什么事,介绍自己去了动物园,出示一些动物的图片,让学生用英语来说出图片中的动物,做猜谜语的游戏(这样的导入有助于吸引学生的学习兴趣,提高他们学习本课的热情)。 T:  What did you do at the weekend? I went to the zoo. It’s very beautiful. Do you want to see the photos of the animals.    Let’s play the game, I speak, and you guess. They’ve got long tails. They like bananas. What are they?(monkeys)  They are fat. They’re black and white. What are they? (pandas) They are long. They like lines. What are they?(snakes) T : grandma gives Daming a present ,do you want to know ,what it is? Now let’s look about it .(此出可以引出课文,吸引学生的注意力) 课文教学Step1: listen the tape and find the new words.(读课文寻找生词,这一环节,可以加深学生 对新授单词的理解,便于今后的学习)      学生找出单词后针对单词进行教学。      believe( Yaoming is taller than Panchangjiang, I don’t believe it)      lucky ( I pick up 100 yuan, I think I’am lucky)      bamboo ( pandas like it.) CD-ROM (可出示实物) Copy( 动做教授) Step2sten the tape and answer the questions. 1. Who gives Daming the presents? 2. What is the present? 3. How long do pandas eat every day? 4. What do they like to eat? 5. Do snakes like music? 6. How does Daming like the CD-ROM? 本环节的设计有助于学生对课文的理解和把握。 Step3 listen the tape and follow it Step4 read the text one by one Step5 supplemented the text. 把课文原文用大屏幕出示出来,让学生填去掉的单词,(本环节有助于加强学生对课文的记忆。)    Step6 read the text together   Home work. 1. Draw a picture of animals that you like , and introduce them. 2. Composition: My favourite animal. 多样性的作业,有助于不同程度的学生来完成。 查看更多

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