一、 Warming-up
分组:Group1 Group2 看哪一组得到的sweets最多,哪一组就是冠军。(学习单词sweets)
二、 Presention
(一)Learn the new words
Te’s look at the learning aims:
1.能够听说读单词sweets soup
sorry bread dark well turn on light
2.能用句型Can I have some…?
Yes,you can.Sorry,you can’t.来相互交流。
T:Are you clear?
T:Now let’s play a game.Can you guess?(出示一系列表示事物的图片让学生来猜,并用Do you want some…?来询问,在学习的过程中学习soup bread)
Tlease look at the picture.(假设出现一个小小的故障,让屏幕出现黑屏,Oh,sorry.What’s the matter?学习dark.)It’s dark.We need a light.(学习light).Turn on the light.(电灯泡亮了)
(二)learn the text
Amy is hungry.Now listen to the tape.What food does she want?listen and answer(让学生带着问题听录音并回答问题)
1.How does Amy ask(问)?
2.How does Amy‘s mother answer(回答)?
(板书)Can I have some…?
Yes , you can.
Sorry, you can’t.
T:It’s time for lunch now.I’m hungry.Can I have some noodles?(老师问一个学生)
S1:Yes,you can.
T:Can I have some soup?(老师问学生)
S2:Sorry,you can’t.
(三)Now let’s practice
A: Can I have some ... ?
B: Yes , you can. / Sorry, you can’t
T:You did a good job.Let’s play a game.(情景剧表演)
A:I’m hungry.Can I have some…?
B:Yes,you can.
C:I’m hungry too.Can I have some…?
B:Yes,you can.
D:I’m very hungry.Can I have some…?
B:Sorry,you can’t.You can have some…Here you are.
A C D:Mmm,it’s very nice.Thank you.
Reasonable diet, a balanced diet. (合理饮食,营养均衡)
三、 Homework
Cook a meal for your family . (为家人做一顿饭)
You can use this sentence to find their favourite food :
Can I have some ... ?
Yes,you can.Sorry ,you can’t.