

天天资源网 / 小学英语 / 教学同步 / 人教PEP版 / 三年级下册 / Unit 6 How many? / PEP三下英语Unit 6 How many Part B Les talk课件

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Unit 6 How many? B Let's talk Open it and see. I have one . A: How many crayons do you have? I have .sixteenB: B: I have sixteen. A: How many apples do you have? apples A: How many do you have? B: I have . bags toy cats A: How many do you have? B: I have . flowers A: How many do you have? B: I have . balls A: How many do you have? B: I have . crayons A: How many do you have? B: I have . bananas A: How many do you have? B: I have . Passing Game 全班齐读句子: How many do you have ? 拍手传卡片。掌声停,持卡片的同学 起立,回答 I have . Passing Game toy cats 16 A: How many do you have? B: I have . Passing Game bananas 9 A: How many do you have? B: I have . Passing Game A: How many do you have? B: I have . crayons 11 How many crayons do you have? Let’s talk 1、Listen to the tape then answer the question. (听录音回答问题) Learning tip 1: 我们在听录音 时,应抓住问 题的关键词。 How many crayons do you have? Watch and answer Learning tip 2: 我们在观看视 频时,应注重 理解文本大意, 获取具体信息。 Learning tip 3: 尽力模仿语音哦。 角色扮演星级评价标准 看书能读出来。 看书,声音响亮、发音正确。 不看书,加上适当的表情动作, 自然地表演出来。 Perform(一人扮演Wu Yifan, 一人扮演Amy) Let’s go for a spring trip!Let’s go for a spring trip! A: How many apples do you have? B: I have 3 . Let’s talk 同桌两人练习,询问同伴拥有物 品的数量。使用以下句子: Let’s share. 分享 和小组内的伙伴们分享自己的物品吧 ! A: How many do you have? B: I have . A: Can I have some ? B: Here you are. How many ? How many do you have ? I have . I have . I have . I have . Let’s chant Go home!Go home! 1.Read and act page 61. 2.Make 5 new sentences using “How many … do you have?” Homework 查看更多

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