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Unit 5 My clothes A Let's learn dress pants skirt hat clothes Her / His name is…. She / He is …. 你能根据图片选出相应的单词吗? 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 This is Amy’s family. This is Amy’s…. Is this Amy’s mother? No, it isn’t. It’s Amy’s aunt. Is this Amy’s brother? Yes, it is. Are they Amy’s parents? Yes, they are. Is this Amy’s bag? No, it isn’t. It’s Zhang Peng’s. Are these Zhang Peng’s glasses? Yes, they are. Are these Zhang Peng’s shoes? No, they aren’t. They are Amy’s. Are these ___’s? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t. Is this ___’s? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. 某人的 It's time for P.E class. Can you act it out? four go home green Chen Jie’s . Mike’s . 好了。现在四点。 是时候回家了。 那这个 帽子呢? 这是约翰的吗? 不,它们不是。我的鞋子 是绿色的。它们是陈洁的。 艾米,这些 是你的吗? 不,这不是。这是迈克的。 Listen again and answer the questions: • What time is it now? • Is this John’s hat? • Are these Amy’s? • What colour are Amy’s shoes? It’s four o’clock. No, it isn’t. It’s Mike’s. No, they aren’t. They are Chen Jie’s. They are green. Are these yours ? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t. Is this John’s? No, it isn't. It's Mike’s. 这些是你的吗? 是的,它们是。 不,它们不是。 这个是约翰的吗? 不,它不是。它是迈克的。 Looking for Lost clothes(寻物启示) There are many clothes on the playground,but they can’t find their owners(主人). Can you help them to find the owner? Thank you very much! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Lost I am purple.I’m very long.There is a green flower on me.My name is sweater.Please help me if you see my owner. Thanks! E-mail:zxylyn@hotmail.com Wanted It is gray(灰色).There is a bear on its back(背部) .It’s very beautiful.I like it very much. Thanks a lot! QQ:785644350 ---I can’t find my jacket. ---What colour is it? ---It’s brown.It’s cool. ---Is this your jacket? ---Oh,yes.Thank you very much. ---You’re welcome. Wanted It is my birthday gift from my mother. It is blue.Its name is dress. Please call me if seen. Thank you! Tel:0579-85330000 B DC A Finish the form(完成表格) A B C D 8 7 3 6 Is this(that / it) yours,…? Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t. It’s __’s. Are these(those / they) yours,…? Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t. They’re __’s. Is this(that / it) _’s,…? Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t. It’s __’s. Are these(those / they) _’s,…? Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t. They’re __’s. Make dialouges with your partner. ① this, Is, yours, (?) ② aren't, No, they (.) ③ these, yours, Are(?) 排序 : Is this yours? No, they aren’t. Are these yours? le / l / 同学们想想在你们学过的单词中 有哪些是以le结尾的? apple people table Let’s spell A green apple, a green apple, Nice people, nice people, A big table, a big table. Let’s chant 1.a little bike 2.Uncle Dan 3.a green apple 4.nice people 5.a big table Read, underline and listen. Chen Jie has a green _____. This is a _____ bike. That is Uncle Dan’s _____. Look, listen and write. apple little table 绿色圃中小学教育网http://www.lspjy.com ( ) ①little leg ( ) ②uncle lemon (2)(2)判断画线部分读音是否一致判断画线部分读音是否一致 × × ① This is my book.(对画线部分提问) ② These are Sarah’s shoes.(对画线部分提问) ③ Are these Zhang Peng’s erasers?(作肯定回答) , . (1)按要求完成 句子 book is ? these ? they Whose this Whose shoes are Yes are Exercises ① Is,this, yours, cap(?) ② are, rulers, your, these(?) ③ pens, those, whose, are(?) (2)排序 Is this cap yours? Are these your rulers? Whose are those pens? • 1.抄写let‘s talk中的句型,中英文一遍, • 并默写一遍,家长签字。 • 2.自己造个句子,仿照let's talk, • 要求句子不少于4句。(含中英文) 查看更多

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