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Unit 5 My clothes Part A Let’s learn Let’s do dress red dress Hang up your dress skirt pink skirt Wash your skirt pants black pants Put away your pants hat green hat Take off your hat What’s missing? What do you like? I like that ___dress I like that ___skirt I like that ___ pants I like that _____ hat I like that __________ pants dress skirt hat shirt red blue yellow orange white black green pink Let’s chant • skirt skirt, I like this yellow skirt • dress dress, I like that green dress • hat hat, I like that red hat • pants pants, I like this black pants • shirt shirt, I like that white shirt Let’s do Let’ do • Put up your shirt • Hang up your dress • Take off your hat • Wash your skirt • Put away your pants clothes 衣服 my(我的) your(你的) her(她的) his(他的) our(我们的) clothes形容词性 物主代词 my clothes 我的衣服 形容词性物主代词 (如:my,your,her,his,our),具 有形容词的性质,后面一定要加名词。 For example: 1.你的书包/钢笔 your schoolbag/pen 2.我们的学校/教室 our school/classroom 3.她的鞋子/帽子 her shoes/hat Ok.It's four o'clock.It's time to go home. Amy,are these yours? No,they aren't.My shoes are green.They're Chen Jie's. What about this hat? Is this John's? No,it isn't.It's Mike's. Ok.It's four o'clock.好了,4点整了。 It's time to go home.该回家了。 It's time to +动词短 语 For example: 该去上学了。 It's time to go to school. It's time for +名 词短 语 For example: 该吃早餐了。 It's time for breakfast. -Amy,are these yours? 艾米,这些是你的 吗? -No,they aren't.不,它们不是。 My shoes are green.我的鞋子是绿色的。 They are Chen Jie's.它们是 陈洁的。 这里yours=your shoes yours是名词性物主代词,具有名词的性质, 可独立使用。 Chen Jie's 是名词所有格, 表示“谁谁的”,用名词或人名+'s 如:张鹏的Zhang Peng's -What about this hat?这顶帽子呢? Is this John's?这是约翰的吗? -No,it isn't.It's Mike's. 不,不是。它是麦克的。 John's 和Mike's 也都是名词所有格, 分别表示“约翰的”和“麦克的” hat和cap的区别: hat一般是那种圆边的礼帽 cap一般是鸭舌帽 小结: 询问物品主人的句型及其答句: 表示复数: Are these +名词所有格/名词性物主代词 肯定回答:Yes,they are. 否定回答:No,they aren't. 表示单数: Is this +名词所有格/名词性物主代词 肯定回答:Yes,it is. 否定回答:No,it isn't. 这些是你的 吗,麦克? 是的, 它们是. Are these yours,MIke ? Yes, they are. 这是约翰 的吗? 不,它不是。 它是吴一凡的。Is this John's? No,it isn't. It's Wu Yifan's. 查看更多

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