


Module 7 Unit 2 Pandas love bamboo. 一、根据提示,将下列单词按画线部分读音归类。 soon lucky bamboo stamp meat body see another fantastic hobby (1) school __________ (2) teach __________ (3) map __________ (4) shop __________ (5) duck __________ 二、翻译句子。 (1) Elephants like water. _____________ (2) Cats like fish. _____________ (3) Sheep like grass. _____________ (4) Dogs like playing with children. _____________ (5) Rabbits like carrots. _____________ 三、找出句子中错误的一项,并改正。 ( ) 1. Is the animal big and small? __________ A B C ( ) 2. Where does the bird lives? __________ A B C ( ) 3. Looking at the picture. It’s beautiful. __________ A B C ( ) 4. We can learns a lesson from this owl. __________ A B C 四、按要求做题。 1. I believe that pandas eat meat.(改为否定句) _______________________________________________________________ 2. Snakes love the sun.(改为一般疑问句) _______________________________________________________________ 3. Pandas eat for twelve hours a day.(对画线部分提问) _______________________________________________________________ 4. Bears like to sleep in winter.(对画线部分提问) _______________________________________________________________ 5. Amy likes fish. I don’t like fish.(用 but 连接句子) _______________________________________________________________ 五、选择正确的选项,补全短文。 Horses can run. They can run fast. Some horses are big. ________ horses are not so big. A pony is not a big horse. It is a small horse. Sometimes we see brown horses. Sometimes we see black horses. And sometimes we see a white horse or a gray horse. A horse has two ears, two ________ a nose and a ________. A horse has a back. A horse has a tail. A horse has four legs. Horses eat ________. Some horses like apples too. Horses ________ water. They drink buckets and buckets of water. (1) A. Another B. A C. Some D. Those (2) A. eye B. eyes C. feet D. body (3) A. month B. mouth C. mouths D. months (4) A. grass B. grasses C. meat D. egg (5) A. drinks B. eat C. eats D. drink 参考答案 一、(1) soon bamboo (2) meat see (3) stamp fantastic (4) body hobby (5) lucky another 二、翻译句子。 (1) Elephants like water. 大象喜欢喝水。 (2) Cats like fish. 猫喜欢鱼。 (3) Sheep like grass. 羊喜欢草。 (4) Dogs like playing with children. 狗喜欢和孩子玩。 (5) Rabbits like carrots. 兔子喜欢胡萝卜。 三、l. C: and→or 2. C: lives→live 3. A: Looking→Look at 4. B: learns→learn 四、1. I don’t believe that pandas eat meat. 2. Do snakes love the sun? 3. How many hours do pandas eat a day? 4. What do bears like to do in winter? 5. Amy likes fish, but I don’t. 五、(1)-(5) CBBAD 查看更多

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