


2019-2020 学年第一学期译林版七年级上册英语 期末复习重难点整理复习提优训练 一、单项选择 1. Which of the underlined letters "oo" has a different sound? A. foot B. noon C. cool D. tooth 2. —Sandy, _______ apple on the table is for you. Have it before you go to bed. — Thanks, Mum. ______ apple a day keeps the doctor away. A. an; An B. the; An C. an; The D. the; The 3. Jim’s house is made _____wood and his bedroom is______ the second floor. A. of; in B. from; on C. of; on D. from; in 4. We'll have the Term Ending Ceremony ______ 2:30 __________ the afternoon of 18 January. A. at; in B. at; on C. on; in D. on; on 5. Young children cannot __________ fireworks if their parents are not with them. A. think about B. talk of C. find out D. let off 6. There ______ some bread in the kitchen. You can have some. A. have B. has C. are D. is 7.—Which of the two apples are you going to take? —I am going to take___. One is for my brother and the other is for myself. We can eat____meals. A. both; between B. both; among C. all; between D. all; among 8. --What do you think of these three hair clips? --________ of them are nice. I'll take them. A.Every B.Each C.All D.Both9.--What would you like to order? --Let me have a look at the ________ , please. A.book B.dish C.menu D.plate 10.—________ do you celebrate Chinese New Year? —All my families get together and have a big dinner. A.Why B.What C.How D. Where 11. The activity is _______. And we send _______ to the children in poor areas. A. enough meaningful, enough food B. enough meaningful, food enough C. meaningful enough, enough food D. meaningful enough, food enough 12.Daniel plays computer games now because he is busy with his after-school activities. A.always B. usually C. often D. seldom 13.Which of the following cities isn’t a capital city? A.Pairs B. London C. New York D. Moscow 14. —What ______ big fish it is! —So it is! And ______ fish is my favorite food. A. /; / B. a; the C. /; the D. a; / 15.—______ do you take ______? —Every day. And I am very healthy. A. How often; exercise B. How long; exercises C. How much; exercise D. How many; exercises 16. It’s polite to__________ the door first before you go into someone else’s room. A. find out B. knock on C. shout at D. look for 17.—The passage is easy. There are ____ new words in it. —Yes, but I don’t think ______can understand it. A. few; anyone B. a few; anyone C. few; everyone D. a few; everyone 18.In the basket ___________a piece of meat and some tomatoes. A. has B. have C. is D. are 19. I hope_______to my birthday party next Friday. A. them to come B. they to come C. them can come D. they can come 20. ―My trousers fit me well. What about ________? ―Mine are too small. I’d like to buy a new _________. A. you; one B. yours; one C. yours; pair D. you; pair 21. — ________ my purple gloves? — They are nice. A. What do you like about B. How do you think of C. What do you like D. What do you think of 22. —________your brother free at weekends? — No. He______ has much homework to do. A. Is; always B. Does; always C. Does; seldom D. Is; seldom 23. —The new kind of bike is more than 5000 yuan. —Yes. Good things always _______ much. A. pay B. spend C. cost D. take 24. My parents and I ______ like eating western food. A. are all B. all C. both D. are both25. —Who is ___________ boy over there? —He is Tom. He likes reading. He is reading ___________ useful book. A. the; an B. a; an C. the; / D. the; a 26. The shopping mall near our school _________ for 12 hours a day. It _________ at 9:00 p.m.. A. opens; closes B. opens; is closed C. is open; is close D. is open; closes 27.Lucy’s desk is_____ the classroom and Lily is standing _____of her desk now. A. in front of; in front of B. in the front of; in the front of C. in front of; in the front of D. in the front of; in front of 28._____students can work out the maths problem on time because it’s too difficult. A. Lots of B. Much C. Few D. A few 29.Tom lives 3 kilometers_____ school, so he must get up early in the morning. A. from B. far away from C. away D. far away 30. The Spring Festival is usually____January or February and it’s often cold_____this time of year. A. in; on B. at; in C. in; at D. on; at 31. Can you help me __________ when the train leaves? A. look for B. find C. think of D. find out 32. —Do you know ______the Yangtze River is? —More than 6,300 kilometers. A.how far B. how long C. how many D. how often 33. Everyone gets a gift packet and it ______a T-shirt and a map. A. matches B. is matching C. includes D. is including 34. I think you ________ your lifestyle. Eat less and exercise more. A. need keep B. need to keep C. need change D. need to change 35. Look! Molly with her baby dogs ___________ on the grass in the sun. How lovely! A. lie B. lies C. is lying D. are lying 36. Our PE teacher _________ an orange T-shirt and blue jeans today. He looks younger. A. is putting on B. is wearing C. is having D. is trying 37. It’s about 1 a.m. There are very__________ people in the street and cars are running fast. A . few B. a few C. much D. many 38. 一 The job really ____________ you, Tommy. 一 Yeah, I love it! And it makes my dream _____________ true. A. fits; to come B. matches; come C. fits; come D. matches; to come 39. ___________of my parents like me very much. ___________ of us in my family are friendly. A. All ; Both B. Both; All C. All; All D. Both; Both 40. I am a member of the ________ Club. Look, in the picture, I am scoring a goal. A. Football B. Maths C. Reading D. Swimming 二、词汇运用 1. We can see some (hero) photos on the wall. We should learn from them. 2. Drinking too much cola is bad for our________ (tooth). 3. Tommy is not ________ (interest) in going on a picnic, he likes going for a party. 4.Cathy speaks very good English, because she practices ________ (speak) English with her friend in the USA every day.5. Sandy’s boots are ________ (make) of leather. She looks modern in them. 6.— How many (radio) are there in your home? — Only one. 7. More and more people begin to love _________ (现代的) art. 8. There are all kinds of ________(围巾) in the clothes shop. I don’t know which one to buy. 9.Tom feels it very (舒适的) to live in the house with a swimming pool. 10. The price of the CDs isn’t (昂贵的), I want to buy them. 11. (地理) is an interesting subject, I like it very much. 12.—Can you tell me the (原因) for your being late for school? —Sorry, I got up late this morning. 三、完成句子 1. 李华和大卫都是运动俱乐部的成员,他们篮球打得很好。 _________ Li Hua __________ David are in the Sports Club, and they are __________ __________ _____________ basketball. 2. 玛丽经常从学校图书馆借阅各种各样的书. Mary often ________ ________ ________ _________ books ____________the school library. 3. 那盏灯笼和我们的不一样。 我们去看看! That lantern is _________ _________ ours. Let's go and _________ ________ __________! 4. 贫困地区的大部分孩子上学得走很长的路. ________ _______ the children in poor areas ________ _______ a long way to school. 5. 每当我去奶奶家,她总是用好吃的零食招待我。 Whenever I go to my grandma's, she gives me nice snacks _________ ________ __________.6. 你不觉得他们学校的教室与我们的不同吗? Don't you think the classrooms in their school are _________ __________ __________ in ours? 7. 这件外套摸上去很舒服,能借给我参加时装秀吗? The coat __________ __________. Can I _________ it for the fashion ___________? 8. 或许你得再花两小时完成这项工作 Maybe you have to __________ ___________ ____________ hours on the work. 9. 我真不明白为何那么多人对放烟花感兴趣。 I really don't understand why so many people are______ ________ _______ _______ fireworks. 10.别让这些孩子吃甜食,对他们的健康没好处。 Don't let the kids eat sweet food. Ifs not good ____________ ___________ _____________. 四、拓展阅读 "Which meal is the most important, breakfast, lunch or dinner?' Miss Clark asks. The boys and girls wave(挥动) their hands in the air. "Dinner," Jim answers. "Dinner is the biggest meal of a day," says Miss Clark. "But I don't think it's the most important." Tom puts up his hand, "I think lunch is the most important." "No," says Miss Clark. "Breakfast is the most important. Do you know why?" "From night to morning is a long time to go without ea ting," says Ann. "That's right," says Miss Clark. "But what may happen(发生) to us if we have no breakfast?" The students have many answers to give. “We may feel hungry." “We may not like working." “We may feel ill." “Yes, you are right," says Miss Clark. "Now let's talk about what makes a good breakfast. Give me your answers. I will write them down on the blackboard." The first word Miss Clark puts on the list is "milk". What else do you think she puts-on the list? Now, it's your turn. 1. _________ is the most important . A breakfast B . lunch C. dinner D. lunch and dinner 2. _______are talking about meals. A. The mother and her children B. A group of friends C. A doctor and some nurses D. The teacher and her students 3. Why is breakfast the most important meal of a day? A. Because it's the first meal of a day. B. Because there is always a lot of nice food to eat at breakfast. C. Because we have no food for a night and need energy in the morning, D. Because people eat breakfast with their family at home. 4. What may not happen to us if we have no breakfast? A. We may feel hungry. B. We may feel sick. C. We may like working. D. We may be uncomfortable. 5. If you want to finish the list, you will add(添加)_______to it. A. eggs B. sugar C. salt D. chocolate参考答案 单项选择 1-15ABCBD DACCC CDCDA 16-30 BCDDC DACBD DCCAC 31-40DBCDC BACBA 词汇 heroes’ teeth interested speaking made radios modern scarves expensive comfortable Geography reason完成句子 1. Both , and, good at playing 2. borrows all kinds of from 3. different, have a look 4. It takes, to walk 5. as a treat 6. different from those 7. feels comfortable; borrow; show 8. spend another two/ two more 9. interested in setting/letting off 10. for their health 阅读理解 ADCCA 查看更多

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