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梁园中学高三月考英语试卷           总分:120分       2012.10一、单项填空(15分)1.        the news is true, how will you deal with it?A.Supposing B. Supposed    C. To support D. Supporting2.Mr Byrd     Hong Kong in several days. Do you know when the earliest plane         at the weekend?A. is leaving; is taking off   B. leaves; takes offC. leaves; is taking off        D. is leaving; takes off3.The visiting expert      giving lectures to students                     invited to meeting at times.A. preferred; to being    B. preferred to; rather thanC preferred; than being   D. preferred; to be4.This kind of cloth  doesn’t     washing; its color will fade soon.A. need   B. stand   C. want   D. allow5.They were once very close, but their opposite political views       them from each other.A. broke   B. destroyed   C. separated  D. divided6.This worker is      skillful; he usually makes fewer products than others.A. too far  B.  far too    C. far from    D. far away7. Many university students plans to find a job first,      the opportunity for further study.A. giving up  B. giving in  C. giving away  D. giving out8. With houses ruined in the flood, the homeless people     a tent on the foot of the hill.A. put up    B. put away   C. put on  D. put off9. He      very rich, but he goes bankrupt now.A. says to be      B. says to have been C. is said to be    D. is said to have been10.I didn’t have the     to argue with her; she was not talking sense.A. power   B. energy    C. force   D. strength11.The old temple was completely      in an earthquake; fortunately, no one was injured.A. lit   B. damaged    C. burnt   D. destroyed12.—Did Jack take the doctor’s suggestion that he      in bed for a couple of days?  —If only he       .A. lies; does   B. lay; did   C. lie; did   D. lie; had13. There’s no     from my bedroom window except for some factory chimneys.A. view   B. scene   C. sight   D. look14.The hours that the children spend in their one-way relationship with television people undoubtedly      their relationship with real-life people.A. effect   B. attack  C. affect  D. focus15.Don’t treat her so differently. She’s honest       .A. in some ways   B. in this way   C. in no way D. in any way二、完形填空(共20小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。When Debbie Macomber decided to pursue (追求) her dream of becoming a writer, she rented a typewriter. She put it on the kitchen table, and began    16    each morning after the kids went to school. When they came home, she moved the typewriter and made them    17   . When they went to bed, she moved it back and typed some more. For two years, Debbie followed this    18   . The super mom had become a    19    writer. One night,    20   , her husband, Wayne, sat her down and said, “Honey, I’m sorry, but you’re not bringing in any    21   . We can’t do this anymore. We can’t    22    on just what I make.”That night, her    23    was broken and her mind too busy to let her sleep. Debbie knew, with all of the    24    of keeping up a house and taking four kids to sports, church etc, that    25    40 hours a week would leave her no time to write.Wayne    26    and seeing her despair (绝望), asked, “What’s wrong?”“I really think I could    27    it as a writer, I really do.”Wayne was    28    for a long time, and then said, “All right, honey,    29    for it.” So Debbie returned to her    30    and her typewriter on the kitchen table, pounding out (敲出) page after page. Her family went without    31   , and wore hand-me-downs (旧衣服). But the sacrifice and the persistence (坚持) finally    32   . After five years of struggling, Debbie sold her first book. Then another. And another. Until finally, today, Debbie has    33    more than 100 books, three of which have been sold for movies.  Debbie’s kids got a gift far more    34    than a few summer camps.    35    by their mother, they are pursuing their own dreams.     16.  A. analyzing B. copying C. typing D. reading17.  A. dinner B. drink C. presents D. clothes18.  A. principle B. routine C. custom D. example19.  A. winning B. leading C. promising D. struggling20.  A. still    B. besides C. however D. therefore21.  A. fortune B. income C. information D. happiness22.  A. survive B. improve C. eat D. agree23.  A. business B. marriage C. body D. heart24.   A. Experience     B. demands C. responsibilities D. results25.   A. managing B. working C. serving  D. thinking26.   A. got over B. settled down C. turned up D. woke up27.   A. make B. get C. change   D. turn28.   A. silent B. arguing C. nodding D. doubtful29.   A. stand B. prepare C. wait     D. go30.   A. program B. dream C. education    D. place31.   A. food   B. pleasure   C. vacations   D. hopes32.   A. took off B. went on C. ended up D. paid off33.   A. stored B. translated C. published D. printed34.   A. important B. general C. popular D. difficult35.   A. Allowed B. Encouraged C. Followed D. Witnessed 三、阅读理解  (共20小题;每小题 2 分,满分40分)AThe Titanic was the biggest ship in the world when it sailed on its ill-fated maiden voyage in 1912. It carried the rich and famous on its first voyage. It also carried immigrants, who were seeking a better life in America. The historic liner (客轮) set sail on April 10, 1912, from Southampton. Late at night on April 14, she hit an iceberg. In the early morning hours of April 15, the Titanic sank. Of the 2,227 passengers and crew aboard, more than 1,500 died.Now a century later, a group of 1,309 passengers boarded the MS Balmoral on Sunday, in Southampton, England, on a voyage of 12 days to retrace the path of the Titanic. Relatives of people who sailed on the Titanic, historians, authors and people fascinated by the story of the unsinkable ship, are on the Balmoral. They want to remember the doomed ship and those who died on her first and last voyage. First, the Balmoral docked (进港) in the port of Cherbourg, France, where the Titanic picked up more passengers. On Monday afternoon, the Balmoral stops in Cobh, Ireland, the Titanic’s last port of call before sailing to New York.+Balmoral will then cruise (巡游) the North Atlantic Ocean to the location where the Titanic hit an iceberg. On Sunday, April 15, at 2:20 a.m. passengers and crew will hold a memorial service. The next two days will be spent in Halifax, Canada, where many victims of the sinking are buried. Then, the Balmoral will reach its final destination in New York City, where the Titanic was supposed to dock—but never did.  Today, the 882-foot-long ship lies in pieces more than 12,000 feet below the ocean’s surface. Several teams of divers have explored the site. The Titanic has been remembered in books, movies and TV programs. But there’s a much more important contribution that the Titanic gave us. After she sank, lawmakers and shipbuilders made ships safer. It took a terrible tragedy (悲剧) to make ship travel safer for all.36. According to the text, the passengers of the Titanic ______.  A. all came from Britain           B. mainly consisted of rich people C. all wanted to seek their fortune  D. came from different social classes 37. Why will the Balmoral spend two days in Halifax? A. To have a good view of icebergs.   B. To hold a memorial service. C. To remember the death of the victims.   D. To explore the seabed in the area. 38. When did the Balmoral set off for its trip?  A. On April 8.      B. On April 12.     C. On April 10.      D. On April 7.  39. Compared to the Titanic, the Balmoral ______.  A. is much bigger  B. is more advanced  C. has much cheaper tickets  D. can carry more passengers BTeenagers who argue with their mothers are less likely to succumb to (屈服于) peer pressure (同龄人的压力), say child psychologists. Instead of bottling up opinions and feelings, it is best if older children are open with their mothers, according to a study by university researchers. And it is often disagreements rather than heart-to-hearts that help the most.If a teenager can stand up to their mother in a row about a girlfriend or boyfriend or poor grades then they are more likely to resist peer pressure, says the study. It is certainly better to have the occasional disagreement than not to engage in face-to-face conversations at all, it adds.The study shows that such arguments have the most beneficial effect when they are with a mother rather than a father, other family members or friends.  This is because teenagers tend to use more reasoned arguments when being told off by a mother.  Child psychologists from the University of Virginia analysed the behaviour of both teenagers — studied progressively from age 13 to 16 — and their parents. They found: “Teens who more openly express their own viewpoints in discussions with their mums, even if their viewpoints disagree, are more likely than others to resist peer pressure to use drugs or drink. Among the best protected were teens who had learned to argue well with their mums about such topics as grades, money, household rules, and friends.”While the research suggests having disagreements can help, the important point is the regular contact with a parent, and a mother in particular. The report added: “Teens who are secure in their ability to turn to their mothers under stress are less likely to end up feeling overly dependent upon close friends.”40. Which of the following best helps a teenager resist peer pressure? A. Mother’s love.  B. Heart-to-heart talks.  C. Close friendship.   D. Disagreements. 41. The last paragraph implies that a teenager _____. A. should not depend entirely on his friends B. should not listen to his mother  C. should not contact his father under stress  D. tends to turn to his mother under stress 42. We can infer from the text that peer pressure _____. A. may have positive influence on teenagers    B. is more powerful than influence from parents C. can make teenagers do bad things D. cannot lead to lasting friendship 43. The underlined part “bottling up” in Paragraph 2 is similar in meaning to “_____”. A. controlling B. expressing   C. protecting D. discovering  CLetter to My GrandsonChange is difficult for all of us. The older we get, the more change we face. All change involves loss, and whenever we lose something, we try hard to have it back. So because we know that all change is loss and all loss is change, your mom and dad worried about how you would react when it was time to take away your beloved pacifier (奶嘴) — your “binky”.   Now that you’re four, you no longer have your binky; you have nothing to protect you from your anxiety. That’s why transitions (转变) are hard. Those transitional objects give us the illusion (幻觉) of security. When they are gone, we are left with the insecurity that’s been there all along. Sam, almost everything we become attached to we’ll eventually lose: our possessions, our loved ones, and even our youth and health. Yes, each loss is a blow (打击). But it’s also an opportunity. There’s an old saying: “When the heart weeps for what it’s lost, the soul rejoices (感到高兴) for what it’s gained.”   So when you feel the pain of loss, please don’t try to grab (抓住) at something to take away the pain. Just have faith that pain, like everything else, is transitional. Through it, you will learn about your ability to deal with adversity (逆境). You will learn how to manage stress. On the other side of pain, you will learn something about who you are. A friend of mine recently told me she had so many difficulties in her life that she felt like she was living in a nightmare (恶梦) and didn’t know what to do. I told her to find the bus station and wait for the bus! She looked at me as if I was crazy. I explained that all emotions (情绪) are temporary, and we can wait for them to pass as though we were waiting for a bus. We can wait with disappointment, anger or feelings of victimhood, but that won’t make the bus come any faster. We could wait with patience and relaxation, but that wouldn’t make the bus come faster either! We just have to have faith that it’s coming.   44. It can be inferred that the pacifier mentioned in the first paragraph .A. was just an opportunity to Sam  B. stills means a lot to Sam  C. was a transitional object  D. is an object Sam has already forgotten 45. According to the author, when we lose something, _____. A. we will lose protection from insecurity  B. we can have it back in a different way C. we should be thankful for what is lost D. we can still expect something positive46. What does the last paragraph indicate? A. We can do nothing about difficulties in life. B. Waiting for the bus is a good way to reduce one’s stress. C. We should be confident that all pains will be over in time. D. We can do nothing except wait to make the bus come faster.47. What does the author mainly want to tell Sam in the letter? A. We can avoid losses in our life by controlling our emotions. B. Keeping optimistic matters a lot in the face of hardship. C. Growing up is more than a process of losing and gaining.  D. One should value what he owns before it’s eventually lost.                       DIn the run up to Christmas it’s all too easy to lose track of how much you are spending. But now an inventor has solved the problem with a set of “smart” wallets that actually tell you when you are low on cash.One of the Proverbial Wallets physically shrinks when your bank balance is low in an effort to discourage you from spending. Another has a hinge (铰链) which becomes tighter and tighter when you have less money while a third shakes every single time you use it. The idea behind all three is that, in our 21st century cashless society, we need to remind ourselves each time we spend our hard-earned money, rather than just using a credit card and forgetting about it. “As consumers, we have trouble controlling our instant desires and there’s a difference between our decisions and the consequences,” said product designer John Kestner, who developed the wallets. “This difference has enlarged as our physical money becomes virtual. When we’re shopping, do we know what our bank account balance is, or whether we’re over budget for the month? The Proverbial Wallet gives us the financial sense that guides responsible decisions.” All three wallets have a tiny computer inside them and use a Bluetooth connection to the individual’s mobile phone which then connects to the Internet and their bank account information. This means that the wallet is constantly updated with how much money the user has in their account, and can act accordingly. At present the wallets are at the prototype stage. Should banks or consumers take an interest, the designs could be put into mass production. John said that he is working on a slimmed-down version of the inventions which is credit card-shaped. “We want to make it as economical as possible — it would be rather ironic (讽刺的) if we charged a fortune for something that is supposed to save you money,” he said.48. What all the Proverbial Wallets have in common is that they _____. A. can change in size or shape   B. work together with mobile phones C. make it difficult to use your money   D. tell the bank how much you’ve spent49. According to John Kestner, consumers may often ____. A. feel regret at their shopping decisions   B. forget where their credit cards are kept C. find it difficult to decide what to buy   D. purchase things of bad quality50. Virtual (as underlined in Paragraph 3) money is money that ____. A. we put into our wallets        B. we earn through mental laborC. cannot be seen or touched    D. has a solid form and takes up space51. John Kestner is trying to make the Proverbial Wallets ____. A. look similar to ordinary wallets  B. bring him a big fortune C. serve as credit card-holders  D. cheaper to buy                      EThe New York subway is the fastest and most efficient way to get from A to B in Manhattan and the outer boroughs(区), and it is safer and more user-friendly than it once was. Put aside your qualms: Six million people ride the subway every day, quite a few for the first time.Any subway journey costs $1.50, payable by token (代用币) purchased at any booth, but if you are going to take more than a couple of rides, it’s more efficient to purchase a MetroCard. This allows you to transfer (for free) from subway to bus, bus to subway or bus to bus within a period of two hours.The bus system is simpler than the subway system. The major disadvantage is that they can be extremely slow — in peak hours almost down to walking pace, and extremely full to stand. Anywhere in Manhattan the fare is $1.50, payable on entry with either a subway token, a MetroCard (the most convenient way) or with the correct change — no bills.Taxis are always worth considering, especially if you’re in a hurry or in a group or late at night. Always use medallion cabs, immediately recognizable by their yellow paintwork and medallion top; gypsy cabs, which unlicensed, uninsured operators drive for business wherever tourists arrive, should be avoided. The tip should be fifteen to twenty percent of the fare; you’ll get a dirty look (遭人白眼) if you offer less. Drivers don’t like splitting anything bigger than a $10 bill, and they are in their rights to refuse a bill over $20.Getting around on foot is often the most exciting — and tiring — method of exploring. Figure fifteen minutes to walk ten north-south blocks — rather more at rush hours. A lot more people are injured in New York carelessly crossing the street. Pedestrian crossings don’t give you automatic right of way unless the WALK sign is on — and, even then, cars may be turning, so be careful.52. About tipping taxi drivers in New York, the author suggests that you give ______. A. no tips at all     B. less than 15 percent of the fare C. more than 20 percent of the fare     D. 15 to 20 percent of the fare53. According to the author, if a group of visitors are sightseeing in New York, they had better ______. A. take the subway   B. take a bus     C. take a taxi   D. walk          54. The underlined word “qualms” in the first paragraph probably means “______”. A. beliefs     B. doubts     C. questions     D. impressions55. What is the best title for the text?  A. New York transportation guide    B. The benefits of using a MetroCard C. Tipping in New York        D. The New York subway 四、写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节  任务型读写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,根据所读内容在表格中的空白处填入恰当的单词。注意:每个空格只填一个单词。Parents often take their children along with them when going shopping. If you take your child with you to the supermarket, what do you do when he gets tired and wants to get back home? Parents often ignore their child’s repeated requests and carry on with their shopping. If this is what you do, don’t be surprised if you see a temper tantrum(发怒) arising. Anticipate your child’s behaviour and act accordingly. If your child is happy on his own and can amuse himself by looking at passers-by and shelves, there’s little you need to do. If your child has little patience, here are some tips. Toys Carry one of your child’s favourite toys with you when you go shopping. Give it to him as soon as he starts showing signs of being restless. He will be able to amuse himself with his toy for some more time. Treat Get your child a little treat if you see that he is losing patience. Do this before he starts throwing a temper tantrum. Don’t reinforce(强化) his tantrum by rewarding him, or you will see many more. Attention When your child gets restless, don’t ignore him. Take a five-minute break from your shopping to talk to him and give him your attention. Let him know you need to pick up a few more items and will be done soon. Also, this will be a good time to ask him if he would like to eat an ice cream, and give him a little treat. Entertainment Try and make the trip as entertaining for your child as possible. If you are in a supermarket, put your little toddler in the cart and wheel him around. Also, keep asking for his opinions every now and again, especially when shopping for items for him. Giving him choices at every step and respecting his selections will also give him the confidence to make decisions in the future.Topic (56)        with kids What to do ♦ Don’t (57)        your child’s requests or he might (58)        his temper.    ♦ Anticipate your child’s behaviour and act accordingly.Tips for you when your child has little (59)          Toys Take your child’s favourite toy so he can (60)        himself.  Treat ♦ Get your child a little treat (61)        he loses his temper.  ♦ Never reward him after a tantrum,(62)                   you will see many more. Attention ♦ Give your child attention, (63)      the shopping to him. ♦ Treat your child to things like an ice cream. Entertainment ♦ Do whatever you can to make the trip (64)       . ♦ Ask for your child’s opinion to make him (65)         when making decisions in the future.第二节 书面表达(满分25分) 最近你班就“妈妈外出工作”一事进行了讨论,有人赞同妈妈外出工作,有人则希望妈妈留在家里。请你根据下列提示为China Daily 写一篇报道,并发表你自己的看法。不同的观点 理由65%赞成 1. 工作是妈妈的权利     2. 可以增加收入3. 妈妈会有自豪感        4. 有益于社会 35%反对 1. 没人做家务                 2. 没时间照顾、教育孩子你的观点 注意:1. 词数120左右。   2. 可适当发挥,注意行文连贯,不得提到真实姓名。                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 梁园中学高三月考英语试卷答题卡  班级             姓名            得分           一.单项填空(15分)1.    2.    3.     4.    5.     6.     7.    8.     9.          10.     11.     12.      13.    14.     15.      二.完形填空(30分,每题1.5分)16.    17.   18.   19.    20.    21.    22.   23.    24.    25.    26.    27.    28.   28.   30.   31.    32.   33.    34.    35.     三(阅读理解)(40分,每题2分)(A)36.    37.    38.   39.   (B) 40.    41.    42.   43.      (C) 44.    45.    46.   47.   (D) 48.    49.    50.   51.        (E) 52.     53.    54.   55.    四.任务型读写(10分)56.          57.         58.         59.        60.          61.           62.        63.         64.         65.           五.书面表达(25分)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      英  语  月  考 试  卷  答  案一.单项填空(15分)1-5 A D A B C  6-10 C A A D B  11-15 D D A C A二.完形填空(30分,每题1.5分)16-35   CABDC    BADCB   DAADB    CDCAB三.(阅读理解)(40分,每题2分)(A)D  C  A  B        (B)  D  A  C  A      (C) C  D  C  B(D)B  A  C    D        (E) D  C  B   A  四.任务型读写(10分)56. Shopping   57. ignore   58. lose  59. patience  60.amuse 61. before 62. or/ otherwise 63. explaining 64. entertaining 65. confident    五.书面表达(25分)Recently, our class had a discussion about working mums. About 65% of the students are in favor of mums working full-time. They think that mums have the right to work outside. Not only can working mums bring in more money, but also they can feel proud of what they have achieved. What’s more, mums working outside contribute to our society.   However, 35% are against mums working outside. Their reasons are as follows: For one thing, with mums going to work, no one will do housework like cooking and cleaning. For another, mums often have to work extra hours so that they may have no time to look after their children, not to mention educating them.As far as I’m concerned, it’s OK for mums to work outside as long as they can balance their work and families.   查看更多

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