


7A期末书面表达复习写作指导;1积累和使用一些英语谚语使文章生动吸引2Using clauses(从句).用从句,if ,because , when , think ,I' m sure It seems that 等3用过渡词,顺结:and,also,too,either转折:although,though, but (不能同时用), however因果:because,so (不能同时用), 顺序: first…next…and…then…finally & First…then…after that…finally 举例:for example, such as,时间: when, before, after,  soon ,later, at first, at last 最后注意1. 整体性:结构清晰(如:是否分段),正确使用标点符号,书写端正。2. 优美性:语句连贯、优美(如:使用一些关联词,从句,高级词汇等)。3. 完整性:要点齐全,适当拓展。4. 准确性: 拼写正确、语法正确。美文赏析(大家模仿)请以“我的好友”为题写一篇书面表达,包括以下内容:1. 朋友叫乐乐,英文名字叫 Ella,今年12岁,身材高挑,长得非常漂亮。2. 我和她都在七年级6班。乐乐学习成绩非常好,乐于助人,大家都很喜欢她。3. 放学后喜欢和我从学校阅览室借一些书看。4. 她的爱好是唱歌和跳舞。并且将来想要成为舞蹈家。 5. 下个星期,她将和我一起参观动物园。My good friend is called Lele and her English name is Ella. She is a 12-year-old girl. She is not only tall but also slim. I think  that She is quite pretty. She and I are in Class 6 Grade 7. As the saying goes “No pain, no gain.” Lele works hard, so she does well in her study. Also she is ready to help others. That’s why we all like her very much. After school she likes to borrow some books from the school reading rooms with me . She has many hobbies like dancing and singing. She hopes that she can become a dancer in the future.Next week, she will visit the zoo with me . I hope we will have great fun together. 范文,背诵一、根据下面表格内容,介绍你的好朋友李强。年龄: 13   身份: 阳光中学7年级2班学生;长相: 高,壮,戴着眼镜;爱好:闲暇时间,喜欢听音乐,踢足球,是足球俱乐部 成员,郑智是他的偶像;擅长:体育和英语梦想当一名足球运动员,在世界杯打比赛。你的祝福…要求:1、条理清楚,语句通顺。2、不要出现自己的真实姓名。3、字数80左右。        Li Qiang is my good friend. He is 13. He is a student in Class 2, Grade 7 at Sunshine Middle School. He is tall and strong. He wears glasses. In his free time, he likes listening to music and playing football. He is a member of the football club. Zheng Zhi is his hero. He is good at sports and English.     He wants to be a football player and play in the World Cup. I hope his dream comes true. 二、假设米莉要向外宾介绍她学校的情况,请帮助她写一篇英文讲稿。内容要点如下。1.我的学校不是非常大,但看起来非常现代化;2.教学楼里有十八个教室,都干净明亮;3.教学楼前面有一个图书馆。我们可以从图书馆借各种各样的书。4.学校还有一个礼堂。我们在那开会。5.我们的老师都很友好。我们在学校每天都过得很开心。     Welcome to Sunshine Middle School!    Our school is not very big, but it looks very modern. There are 18 classrooms in the classroom building. All the classrooms are clean and bright. There is a modern library in front of the classroom building. We can borrow all kinds of books from the library. There is also a big hall in our school. It’s for meetings. Sometimes we have meetings there.    We students usually help and learn from each other. Our teachers are all nice to us.    We always have a good time at school. 三、假如你是林风,请你根据以下内容提示,用英语写一篇短文介绍你的学校生活。1. 上午6:00起床,乘公交车到校, 上午四节课。2. 中饭在学校吃。 下午两节课后进行课外活动。3. 喜欢所有的功课,擅长英语。4. 经常去图书馆读书,想了解世界上的很多事情。5. 不喜欢体育课,因为自己个子不高,不擅长运动。6. 老师和同学都很友好,非常享受学校生活。     I am Lin Feng, I am a student at Sunshine Middle School.    I get up at 6 O’clock every morning, I often take a bus to school, we have four lessons in the morning.    I have lunch at school, we have two lessons in the afternoon, and then we do after-school activities. But I don’t like sports, because I am short, and I am not good at sports.    I like all my subjects, I like English best. I often go to our library and read there, I want to learn a lot about the world.    All my teachers and classmates are all nice, so I enjoy my school life.四有关庆贺节日ABOUT CELEBRATING FESTIVALS1.春节是中国的新年。每一个中国人都很喜欢。它通常在1月或2月来临,2.在春节我们穿着新衣服。孩子们能从祖父母那里得到一些红包和礼物。3.在白天我们看舞狮。在夜晚我们放烟花。我们吃像饺子之类的许多种类的好吃的食品。我们很快乐因为我们全家人能聚在一起吃一顿大餐。我们都过得很愉快。The Spring Festival is the Chinese New Year. Everyone in China likes it very much. It usually comes in January or February. At the Spring Festival we wear new clothes. Children can get some red packets and presents from their grandparents. In the day, we watch lion dances. At night we let off fireworks. We eat many kinds of nice food, like dumplings. We are happy because our family members can get together and have a big dinner. We all have a good time. 五、假如你是Millie,请你根据下表用英语写一封电子邮件告诉你的好友Amy你的饮食和生活方式,70词左右。文章开头和结尾已给出,不计入总次数。 食物  生活方式 早饭 一个鸡蛋、一片面包、一杯牛奶,帮你很好的开始这一天 上午 6点起床,跑半个小时步,6点30吃早饭 午饭 一碗米饭、牛肉和蔬菜,为整个下午提供能量 中午 11点30吃午饭,睡半个小时 晚饭 一碗面条、鱼和一个苹果,对健康有好处 晚上 ......  Dear Amy,    How are you ? I’m happy to tell you something about my lifestyle. I get up at 6 a.m. Then I run for half an hour. After running, I have breakfast. I usually have an egg, a piece of bread and a glass of milk for breakfast. They help me start the day well. I have lunch at 11:40. For lunch, I often have a bowl of rice, beef and vegetables. They give me energy for the whole afternoon. After lunch, I often sleep for half an hour. At 6:30, I have dinner. For dinner, I often have a bowl of noodles, fish and an apple. I eat fruit every day. They are good for my health. I often do my homework after dinner. I go to bed at 9 every evening.    Do you think my lifestyle is healthy? What about yours? Write to me soon.    Yours, Millie六、提示:1. 我家附近有一家大型购物中心名叫 Moonlight Shopping Mall.2. 购物中心总共有五层,里面有许多店铺。一、二楼有三家餐馆、一家大型超市。三、四楼有几家书店、服装店和一家体育用品商店。我们可以从这些商店买到很多东西。顶层有一家电影院,我喜欢和朋友在那儿看电影。 3. 购物中心早上8点开始营业,晚上11点关门。4.这家大型购物中心是朋友聚会和娱乐的好地方。    There is a big shopping mall near my home. It is Moonlight Shopping Mall.    There are five floors of shops. There are three restaurants, a big supermarket on the ground and first floors. There are some bookshops and clothes shops on the second and third floors. There is also a sports shop on it. We can buy different kinds of things from the shops. On the top floor, there is a cinema. I like watching films with my friends there.    It is open from 8 a.m to 11 p.m every day.The mall is a good place to meet friends and have fun.七、随堂练笔  请以“My Fashion Design”为题,写一篇80词左右的短文。1.我想设计一件T-恤衫、一条裙子,一条牛仔裤和一双运动鞋。2.首先T-恤是棉质的,颜色是白的,因为它看起来很干净并且会与任何其它颜色相匹配。3.接下来,裙子是丝质的,绿色,不长也不短,它看起来很时髦;牛仔裤是蓝色的,也是棉质的。不要太紧(tight),看起来很神气。4.最后,运动鞋由皮革做成的,红白相间的,必须是又轻又舒服。适合走远路。My fashion designI want to design a T-shirt, a dress, a pair of jeans and a pair of trainers. First, the T-shirt is made of cotton. The color of the T-shirt is white because it looks clean and matches any other colour. Next, the dress is made of silk.It is green. It is not too long or too short and it looks modern. Then, the jeans are blue. They are also made of cotton. They are not too tight. They look smart. Finally, the trainers are made of leather. They are red and white. They must be light and comfortable and they are fit for a long walk. 八假设你在“2017苏州校园文化节”上遇到了一位来自美国的学生Peter Smith,他目前在苏州的某所中学做交换留学生,通过交谈,你了解了很多关于他的信息。请你根据提供的信息写一篇介绍他的短文。年龄:13 外貌:个高、戴眼镜,喜欢穿牛仔裤和运动鞋;饮食不健康:有时不吃早饭;经常吃...; 很少吃…;两餐之间吃零食;生活习惯:喜欢长时间看电视或玩电脑游戏,很少锻炼;打算:觉得是改变的时候了;打算…你对Peter Smith有其它建议或希望吗?自由发挥1-2点。 He is thirteen years old. He is tall. He wears glasses. He likes wearing blue jeans and a pair of trainers. Sometimes he doesn’t have breakfast. He often has hamburgers and cola. He seldom eats fruit and vegetables. He likes eating snacks between meals, so he has an unhealthy diet. He spends a long time watching TV or playing computer games. He seldom does exercise, so he doesn’t have a healthy lifestyle. It’s time for him to change now. He plans to eat more healthy food and take more exercise. I hope Peter will be healthier than before.  查看更多

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