


三年级英语练习(1-7)姓名            一.根据中文或上下文意思将句子填写完整,一格一词.1. Your father’s mother is your___________.2. You often wear__________ in winter.3. Look there,what are___________? They are_________.(蝴蝶)4. It is an insect. It is a good worker. It is a______________.5. I can _________ with my nose.6. The superkid can see the toys with his_________.7. We can_________ and __________ with our mouth.8. What’s_________ with your dog? It can’t _______(走路).9. He is very hungry. He wants some__________.10. My sister is thirsty. She needs some __________. 二、回答问题 1、 Have   you  got  a  pet ?                                                              2、 Have   you  got  a  pet  or  not ?                                                              3、 Are  there   any  dogs  in  the  pets  world.                                                               4、 Is  there   a  cinema  in  your  community?                                                              5、 Where  are  you  ?  (在邮局里)                                                             6、What  colour   do  you  like?                                                                三、用正确格式抄写句子1、 whos the man in the photo hes mingmings grandfather                                                             2. whos the lady over there  shes miss green our english teacher                                                           3. is it  your  father  no  its  my  uncle    查看更多

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