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2010年XX市高三摸底考试 英语试卷 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。第Ⅰ卷1至 8 页,第Ⅱ卷9至10 页。考试时间:120 分钟,满分150分。 注意事项:     1.答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考试科目涂写在答题卡上。     2.做选择题时,每小题选出答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。 做非选择题时,用黑色或蓝色钢笔、圆珠笔写在答题卡相应位置,不能答在试题卷上。 3.考试结束后,将答题卡交回。       第Ⅰ卷(选择题) 第一部分:英语知识运用(共三节,满分50分) 第一节  语音知识(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 1.advice      A. account   B. absence   C. pattern       D. patience 2. admire    A. spear     B.fair       C. quiet         D. figure 3. medicine  A. directly    B. pronunciation    C. cooker    D. couple 4. cough    A. daughter    B neighbour     C. flight     D. enough 5. limited     A. advanced   B. decided       C. worked     D. refused 第二节  语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。     例:We ____ last night, but we went to the concert instead. A. must have studied            B. might study                       C. should have studied          D. would study 答案是C 6.    newspaper is       package of content to attract eyeballs.          A.  A, a    B. A, the    C. The , the   D. The , a 7. In my opinion, this kind of book is rather easy. You needn’t keep     .          A. it          B. one      C. that       D. the one 8. _____ wants to be admitted to university must devote himself or herself to    . A. Anyone, review        B. The one, reviewing    C. Whoever, reviewing     D. Who, review 9. ――Is China Daily ____ here at your book stall?   ――Sorry, it has been sold out. A. suitable   B. available   C. precious   D. convenient 10.  All was perfect for the party _____ the weather. A. but        B. besides    C. apart from  D. except for 11.――Have all of you listened to the speech ? ――Yeah. Every boy and girl in the area         invited. A. were   B. have been     C. has been      D. was 12.――Jack was knocked down by a car and sent to the hospital.    ――God ! I_________, I_______ this evening.        A. didn’t know, will see him         B. don’t know,   will see him        C. didn’t know, am going to see him   D. don’t know,   am going to see him    13. Liu xiang is reported to        three champions since he      his foot injury this year. A. win, recover from              B. have won, recovered  C. have  won , recovered from       D. win, recover 14. The famous scientist Qian Xuesen passed away in November, _______is really a great loss to our country.        A. who        B. which         C. what         D. that 15 . Most people will find it safe to surf the internet ______ they visit the illegal network .        A. why        B. how          C. unless        D. where 16.      hands with Obama ,the college students ,     in the first row , felt extremely     .            A. Shaking, seated, excited       B. Shaken, sitting, excited C. Shaken , seated ,exciting       D. Shaking, sitting exciting 17. Housing sales are       in some of the hardest-hit markets.             A. picking out    B. picking up    C. picked up    D. picked out  18.――Jenny looks very happy. She      have won the first prize in the spoken English competition . ――I guess so. She speaks English fluently as if she were an American. A. should      B. could      C. might      D. must 19.――It is really a heavy snow in early winter.     ――       . A. So is it     B. No, it isn’t    C. I couldn’t agree more    D. As is it . 20. It is       Du Li and Pang Wei married        they knew they are the first Olympic champion couple in our country .          A. until, that    B. not until, which   C.  until , when       D. not until, that   第三节  完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的中个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出或以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。          As I was driving out of the store parking lot, they crossed in front of me.My first reaction was filled with 21  at being delayed for a whole ten seconds.But I quickly became 22  when I  realized that it was an elderly 23  .          The man leaned on his 24  who walked in front of him.He not only used her for 25  but it was obvious that he was blind.The two of them 2 6   as one—each needing the other to 27  in this fast-changing world.          That little example of true strength28   my whole personal perception(理解)of life that day.Suddenly I wasn’t so  29     having to work a few extra hours on Saturdays.I had my 30 ,and I was still  31 young.          That picture of those two elderly people walking with dignity(尊严)and strength 32  me the entire week.My 33 wasn’t so bad after all.I had my health and a good job.I had a wonderful,34   wife.I started to think—not only was I 35  to have these all, but so was that wonderful old couple,who,36  the trials and sufferings of a long life,still had the love and support of each other to 37  them through this world.         There are so many people out there just like that couple.My wife and I sometimes 38  ourselves in our old age, walking arm in arm into the sunset.That image always gives us a 39 feeling.Just remember,none of us would be here if it wasn’t for our elders.We all should spend a little extra time and patience,  40 helping our elder friends. 21. A .tension         B. anger          C. surprise      D. puzzle 22. A. nervous        B. worried         C. patient       D. satisfied 23. A. couple         B. driver           C. policeman    D. truck 24. A. friend          B.daughter         C.wife         D.mother   25. A. fun            B.free             C.support       D.care 26. A. worked        B. stood           C. thought       D. considered 27. A. warn           B.point            C.remind       D.function 28. A.ruin            B.remove         C.change        D. fail 29. A.sure of        B. mad about     C. excited with     D. curious about 30. A.courage         B.freedom        C. dream         D. strengh 31. A. similarly       B.extremely       C. naturally       D. relatively 32. A. agreed with     B.stayed with     C. happened to     D. connected with 33. A. family         B.plan           C. life            D. salary 34. A. supportive      B. famous       C. active          D. pretty 35. A. lucky        B. fit             C. willing          D. eager 36. A. unless        B. despite        C. owing to        D. since 37. A. challenge     B.value          C. carry            D. arrange 38. A. picture       B.share          C. compare         D. teach 39.A. sad          B.bitter          C.serious            D. warm 40.A.in case of     B. regardless of    C. as a result of      D. when it comes to    第二部分:阅读理解  第一节:阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、和D)中,选出最佳选项并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(共20小题。第一节每小题2分)                                          A A huge truck bomb exploded at the entrance to Marriot Hotel in Islamabad on Saturday evening, killing at least 40 people and wounding at least 250, the police said.                                   (The New York Times Sep.20, 2008) Three Chinese astronauts landed safely back on the earth on Sunday after a 68-hour voyage and space walk that showcased the country’s technological mastery and were cheered as a major victory by its leaders.                                             (Reuters Sep.28, 2008) Brazilian singer-songwriter Dorival Caymmi, who rose to fame in the 1930s by writing a hit song for Carmen Miranda and became known as the grandfather of bossa nova, died on Saturday. He was 94.                                             (Reuters.July 17, 2008) South African President Thabo Mbeki, who presided(担任总统) over South Africa’s longest of period of economic growth, told the nation on Sunday that he has resigned as head of state, deepening the country’s worst political crisis since apartheid.                                              (Reuters Sep.21, 2008) Benjamin Netanyahu was sworn in as Israel’s prime minister late Tuesday――for his second go-around――after the Israeli parliament, the Knesset, voted 69-45 to confirm his coalition government.                            (The Christian Science Monitor Mar.31, 2009) 41. How many people are injured in the explosion? A. 290    B. more than 250    C. less than 250     D. 250 42. What does the word “showcase” probably mean?       A. imply   B. predict   C. suppose     D. suggest 43. What can you learn according to the four piece of news?       A.  South Africans feel every sad.       B.  Thabo Mbeki presided after South Africa’s longest period of economic growth.       C.  The South African political crisis will become worse and worse.       D.  President Thabo Mbeki was forced to resign as head of state. 44. Which is true according to the above news?       A.  The huge truck bomb exploded in the Marriot Hotel.       B.  Dorival Caymmi was born in 1903.       C.  Three Chinese astronauts spent two days in space.       D.  Now Israel’s prime minister is Benjamin Netanyahu B  Something about myself? Ok. You know albino? I was born an albino. No one in my family had ever known what an albino was,what it meant to be an albino,and what had to be done differently because I was an albino. My parents treated me just like they treated everybody else. That was just about the best thing they could have done. It helped me trust myself,so when the trouble came along,I could deal with them. True,my photo always looked like a snowball with two pieces of coal for eyes. Kids would laugh at me,asking if I was joi ning the circus(马戏团) and calling me “Whitey”. Like most albinos,I had terrible eyesight,and my grades suffered until eventually I overcame my feeling ashamed of myself and realized it was okay to ask to sit in the front of the classroom so I could see the blackboard better. People stared at me when I held reading material right at the tip of my nose so I could see it well enough to read. Even when I was eight or nine, movie-theater clerks started asking me to pay adult prices because I “looked older”. The worst part for me was that because my eyesight was so bad,I couldn’t play sports very well. I didn’t give up trying,though. And I studied harder. Eventually,I got better at school and loved it. By the time I got to college 1 was double majoring,going to summer school and devoting myself to every kind of extracurricular activity I could find. I had learned to be proud of being an albino. I did my best to make “albino” a positive word. And I decided to make my living with my eyes. I couldn’t see well enough to play sports,but with a solid education and the drive to do it. I could make a living involved in the field I loved. I’ve done it now for more than thirty years in print and in video,and now in cyberspace. People make jokes about how I’m the only “blind editor” they know,but most of the time the jokes are signs of respect. And I make jokes about being an albino. I was just a proud albino kid from the coal country of Pennsylvania. I now realize that being born an albino helped me to ov ercome difficulties,gain confidence,and be proud of my personal achievement and humble(谦虚) about my professional accomplishments. 45. What does the underlined word “It’’ in Paragraph 2  refer to? A. The fact that the author was born an albino. B. What had to be done differently to the author. C. The way that the author’s parents treat ed him. D. The fact that the author had no idea what an albino was. 46. Which of the following statements is TRUE? A. The author’s study was affected by his eyesight at first. B. The author had to pay adult prices for movies when he was still young C. Despite his bad eyesight,the author played sport well. D. “ Albino” has already become a positive word now. 47. Why are people’s jokes about the author mostly signs of respect? A. Because he is an albino. B. Because he has a solid education. C. Because they think he is a great “blind editor”. D. Because they think he is proud of his achievement 48. Through the passage,the author tells us __________________. A . that albino helped him achieve success   B. how an albino studied well C. what it is like to be an albino           D. how people should treat an albino                                       C Wildness was, for campers years ago, real wildness. Today, a wildness is anyplace without bandwidth.(宽带) I did send my daughter to a tennis camp seven years ago, but that didn’t count since it lasted five days and she was allowed to use her cell phone, which made me suspect the point of the present camps: if the 19th century campers were meant to retrieve the lost survival skills—trapping, fishing, 21th century campers need to work on their social skills. The winter issue of Camping noted that today’s campers are often missing basic means, they are aware of the internet, but less familiar with ideas of sharing their space, and pay less attention to their surroundings. For kids who are allowed to text with their cell phone during dinner, who have their parents on speed dial for whenever they get into trouble or need a ride, a little self-independence is a must.    I bet that more and more parents will find that our concern about kids’ contacting ways overtakes our desire to be in touch with them. I hate not talking to my daughter. But I agree with MIT psychologist Sherry Turkle, who says that the mobile phone is  a “controlled technology,” strong but wireless, a safety net woven a bit too tight .When colleges report kids explaining their lateness to class with the excuse that mother forget their wake-up call, when a professor finds graduates communicating with parents more than ten times a week, I look back on my once –a –week calls home to the parents I was very close to and wonder if this really counts as progress. Maybe it wouldn’t be bad to practice distance, not just physical but psychological. let our kids take a walk alone in the woods, maybe do the same ourselves, and enjoy the fresh conversations we’ll get to have when we are together again. 49.The underlined word retrieve in the first paragraph is closest to the meaning: A. recorrect something    B.reinvent something   C. restudy something     D.discover something 50.The writer says “it wouldn’t be bad to practice distance” in the second paragraph, it means that ________. A.   Kids sometimes should be away from parents both physically and psychologically. B.    Parents should ask their kids to practice long distant walk either physically or psychologically. C.       Parents should not worried about their kids both physically and psychologically . D.      Parents should practice long distant walk both physically and psychologicall y. 51. The article tells us that ________. A.      The writer’s daughter played tennis for five days when she was seven. B.       The writer sent his daughter to the tennis camp because it was free of charge. C.       Sherry Turkle’s cell phone is controlled and too tight to use. D.      Some students arrive at school on time with the help of their parents.    52. The article is written for_______. A.      kids B.       parents C.       campers. D.      psychologists                                      D Second-year students normally live off campus. Houses, flats and bedsits are relatively easy to find, and rents in and around Norwich are very reasonable in comparison to many university cities. Many students choose to live close to the university, around the Earlham and Unthank Roads, in the so-called “golden triangle”; others choose the rural life in the surrounding villages.The Union of UEA Students operates a housing bureau, which is centrally located on campus. A full range of advisory services and an extensive house index are available to assist any student seeking to rent private sector accommodation. Typically ,external(校外的) student accommodation is based on four or five sharing a house .The more popular student areas are made up largely of terraced houses, often with an extra bedroom and bathroom downstairs .At present, there is no standard contract(协议) in operation ,and students would be well advised to make use of the contract checking service available through the Union’s Student Support and Development Unit . It is not unusual for first-yea r students living in houses to be planning ahead for their year off campus as early as Christmas. Most however, leave house hunting until nearer Easter, when a wider range of suitable houses is advertised. For further information and advice, contact: The Accommodation Office, UEA, Norwich 7TJ Telephone 01603 592092 Fax 01603 250056 Email acccom@uea.ac.uk 53. Second-year students normally live in the places except the one  A.  close to the university. B.  around the Earlham and unthank Roads. C.  in the campus . D. in the surrounding villages 54.  How can you get help if you seek to rent private sector accommodation ?.      A.  Ask your friends for help.      B.  Telephone 01603 250056 C.  Read the ads in the newspaper . D.  Go to the Union’s Student Support and Development Unit 55.  What do you know about first-year students ?      A.  They hunt the house for rent when a wider range of suitable properties is advertised.      B.  Until nearer Easter, they begin to prepare for their exam. C.  They usually rent a house as early as Christmas. D.  they can’t wait to live off campus. 56.  What’s the best title for the passage?      A.  Living in Private Accommodation      B.  Life in the university      C.  Popular Houses      D.  My university                                         E In 2003, Margaret Chan, born in 1947, was director of health in Hong Kong when SARS hit. This year, she has risen to international position as the director-general of the WHO, approaching the response to swine flu.     As a Chinese citizen---the first to run a UN agency, some pepole question whether Dr Chan can be tough enough with her own country. Since Sars, China has faced repeated public-health scares over contaminated food as well as criticism over the export of drugs that do not meet international standard. A former US adviser to the WHO says that although Dr Chan has spent many years elsewhere, she’s a Chinese after all.    Observers also worry about how far Dr Chan can stand high-level pressure from countries and companies alike. In recent days, the WHO renamed the swine flu virus A (H1N1). She has resisted criticizing countries, including China, for tough quarantine(隔离) measures and pork bans.     Asked how she deals with such tensions, she says:” I would not come out and blame and shame ---T hat’s not my style. But that would not stop me talking , explaining, criticizing. Will I not upset countries for fear they won’t vote for me again? That is not ever on my radar(方式),If it is the right decision ,I would make it.” 57. What the former US adviser said means that A.  Dr Chan can do a good job as director-general of the WHO B.  Dr Chan will treat all the countries fairly. C.  Dr Chan won’t be tough enough with China D.  He respects Dr Chan very much. 58. What does observers think of Dr Chan? A.  She is wonderful. B.  She is working in stress. C.  She can deal with everything easily. D.  She is difficult to get on with. 59. What does Dr Chan do with such tensions?     A.  She will complain to her husband.     B.  She will feel ashamed of herself. C.  She just blames it on others. D.  She will explain, talk and criticize. 60. The text tells us that____________.     A .  Chinese are worried whether their food is safe to eat.     B.  The swine flu is different from H1N1.     C.  The drugs made in China are of high quality.     D.  In some countries, people have no access to clean drink water.    第二节:根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(每小题1分,共5分) W:Hi, Mark.Are you in town for another job interview? M:61.I've just finished my second interview with this company. W:62.I hope it works out for you.But wasn't it expensive just getting here? M:63. They've put me up in a hotel downtown. W:How nice! 64. M:They interviewed 18 the first time, and now six of us were chosen to go back for this interview. W:Well, I hope it goes well.65. M:I would, too.But my girlfriend doesn't want to leave her family.She hopes I'll find a job close to her home. W:Oh, what a decision.Good luck.   A.  That sounds great B.  Yes, I'm pretty hopeful this time . C.  About the same as myself D.  Is there anything else that I can do for you? E.  How many people are they interviewing? F.  No, in fact the company is paying all my expenses G.  John and I would love it if you came to this area to work.         [NextPage]         第Ⅱ卷(非选择题) 第三部分:写作(共三节,满分55分) 第一节  单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 根据下列句子及所给汉语注释,在句子右边的横线上写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)。(每空限写一词) 66. The scenery is so beautiful that it is        (超出) my description.   66.           67.My favorite season is_____ (八月) .                             67.           68. Luckily, we have           (收到) the invitation .                68.                     69. Don’t tell him the plan. His mind is          (狭窄) .             69.           70. It’s no use          (后悔) what you have done.                 70.           71. The members are          (严格) controlled.                   71.           72. Now villagers like to live in the house with some        (家具) .  72.           73. Rubbish is          (扔) everywhere in the street.                73.          74. The news has           (传开) throughout the country.           74.           75. We hope Chinese         (顾客)are greatly respected o verseas.  75.           第二节.短文改错(每小题1. 5分,共15分)       此题要求改正所给短文的错误。对标有题号的每一行做出判断:如无错误,在该行右边横线上划一个勾(√);如有错误(每行只有一个错误),则按下列情况改正: 该行多一个词:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉,在该行右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉。 该行缺一个词:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),在该行右边横线上写出该加的词。 该行错一个词:在错的词下划一横线,在该行右边横线上写出改正后的词。 注意:原行没有错误的不要改。   With the development of computer technology, the Internet have     76.______ become more and more popularly. Some students regard it            77.______ as a great helper. Since there was a lot of information on line,          78.______ you can surf the Internet for any information what you need in a        79.______ short time without work hard in the library. It is also very              80.______ convenient communicate with others by using the Internet.             81.______ However, other student think that there is some information on line      82.______ that is not bad for the students. In addition, spending too much         83______ time playing games on line will not only have a bad effect on study      84.______ but also do harm at our health. Therefore, we should make proper     85.______ use of the Internet.   第二节:书面表达(满分30分) 假如你是李华,从报纸上看到甲型H1N1流感(A/H1N1 flu)在加拿大流行,很多学校被关闭。你为你正在加拿大上学的笔友Sally的健康与安全担心。请你给她写一封信询问她的情况,并提出防护建议。 要点: 一、询问 1、  她的健康状况;她们学校有无甲型H1N1流感病例(A/H1N1 flu cases); 二、建议 1、尽量待在家里,少去人多的地方;2、勤洗手、多运动; 3、多开窗,保持空气新鲜;4、多吃水果、蔬菜。 注意:1、词数:100左右; 2、首尾已给出,不记入总词数。   [NextPage] XX市2009年高三摸底考试 英语参考答案     单词辨音:1-5  ACBDB  单项选择:6-10 ABCBD   11-15 DACBC   16-20 ABDCD            完形填空:21-25 BCACC  26-30 ADCBD   31-35 DBCAA   36-40 BCADD   阅读理解:41-44 BDCD   45-48 CACA  49-52 CADB  53-56 CCAA  57-60 CBDA   61-65 BAFEG 单词拼写:66.beyond  67. August  68. received  69.narrow  70.regretting   71.strictly  72.furniture  73.thrown   74.spread   75.customers 短文改错:76.have→has 77. popularly→popular 78. was→is  79.what→that或者去掉 80. work→working 81. communicate→to communicate  82. student→students 83. bad→good  84.√ 85. at→to 赋分说明:1—20  每题1分;21—40每题1.5分;41—60每题2分;61—65每题1分;           66—75 每题1分;76—85每题1.5分;   书面表达(满分30分) Dear Sally, I learn in the newspaper that there are still many A/H1N1 flu cases reported recently in Canada and many schools are closed as a result. I’m so worried about you. Are you all right ? Are there any A/H1N1 flu cases in your school ?    To stay away from the widespread disease, you’d better stay at home as much as possible and not go to places where there are a large number of people. Besides,wash your hands more often to keep them clean and take more exercise. At the same time, open the windows to let more fresh air in. What’s more, eat more fruits and vegetables to keep yourself fit and strong.    Take care. Yours truly,                                                                Li Hua 查看更多

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