


Unit 2  The United Kingdom 一。单词拼写(须用本单元的单词和词汇) 1. The common interests u_________________the two countries. 2. The class ___________________of (组成)56 members. 3. Our class is d_______________into two groups during the discussion. 4. What he said in the meeting p______________________all of us. 5. The bad ______________(影响)of the flood is that no people are deard to swim in that river. 6. The c_______________of transportation in this area brings hope to this mountain village. 7. Her beautiful singing drew the a_____________of the professor. 8. The film"Hero"has much a________________for the youth. 9. The habit of c____________________stamps benifit him a lot. 10. The_________________(工业) area of this area made more pollution to the air compared with agricultural area. 11. If something is done for your c_____________, it is done in a way that is suitable or useful for you. 12. An a_____________is something that people can go for interest or enjoyment, for example a famous building. 13. A p_______________is a question, game or toy which you have to think about carefully in order to answer it correctly. 14. U______________is a particular type of clothing worn by all the members of a group or organization such as the police, the army, etc. 15. Most advertisements work through________________(暗示). 16. We are_____________(感到激动) to hear a wonderful piece of news that the people lived in the mainland can go to visit Taiwan in the near future. 17. The second Children's Palace of Guangzhou sits in _________________(极好的)location by the side of Pearl River. 18. The government is__________(辩论) the new adjustment of Guangzhou's district. 19. Some  parents  considered  that  some  of  their  children's  friends  to  be a bad________________(影响) to their children. 20. There are plans to______________(建造) a new road bridge across the river to    ease the traffic problems in this area. 二.短语翻译 1.将……分成_____________________ 2.英国国旗_________________________ 3.省去;漏掉_______________________ 4.令人吃惊的是____________________ 5.脱离_________________________ 三。完成句子 1. Why you debate this wonderful opportunity so carefully is a ______(困惑) to me. 2. The ________  _______  ________tigers (老虎保护工程)will be launched after the meeting. 3. She is good at ____________flowers(插花). 4. If you continue working like that, your body will________  _________(垮下来). 5. Their____________(婚礼) will__________  _____________(举行) in May. 6.这道数学题把小明给难住了,无论他怎么努力也无法计算出正确的答案. This maths problem ___________Xiaoming. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't _________  ___________ the right answe 7.世界上最著名的教堂之一西敏寺是英国的旅游胜地。 Westminster Abbey, ________is one of the most famous churches in the world, is the ___________  ______________ of Britain, 8.陈水扁想把台湾从中国分裂出去的企图永远不可能得逞。 Chen Shuibian's attempt to __________Taiwan ________  ___________China could not be achieved forever. 9.未来,地铁将会逐步取代公共汽车成为人们的主要交通工具。 The underground will_______  _______  _______  _______the bus to become the main vehicle for the people in the future. 10.国际社会正在讨论关于如何惩治伊拉克前总统萨达姆(Sadamm)。 The international society ______  _________  ________ the punishment for the former Iraqi president Sadam. 11.初升的朝阳看起来很美但是西下的夕阳看起来更美。 The_________sun looks beautiful and the sun________ in the west looks even more beautiful.    12.十年以后他们第二次来广州,发现广州变化很大。 Ten years later they came to Guangzhou ______  _____  _____  ________ and found Guangzhou greatly changed. 13.小李环顾四周,发现有一个人正把手插入一个乘客的口袋里。 Xiao Li _________  _________and caught a man _________ his hand into the pocket of a passenger. 14.在我四周的范围内,除了沙漠以外没有任何的东西,只能看见一棵树。 For miles around me, there was nothing but a desert, with a single tree ______  _________. 15.在我们搬近新房子以前,我们准备(请人)安装电话。 Before we______  _______ the new house, we are going to get our telephone __________.. 16. 我们没有必要再浪费时间讨论去哪儿度假了,因为计划已取消了. There is ______  __________ that we'll waste time discussing where to go for our holiday, for the plan has been ____________. 17. 绍兴被人称作中国的威尼斯。 Shaoxing is __________  _____________ as China's "Venice". 18. 很使我感到高兴的是,父亲给我买了一台电脑作为生日礼物。 __________ to my joy, Father bought me a computer _______ a birthday gift 19. 托尼踢足球时,他的腿受伤了。 Tonny ________one of his legs _______when playing football. 20. 今天下午教室里竟然一个人也没有,真是奇怪。 _______  _______  __________that there shouldn't have been any student in the classroom 答案 Unit 2一。1. united  2. consists  3. divided  4. puzzled  5. influence  6. convenience7. attention  8. attraction  9. collecting  10. industrial  11. convenience12. attraction  13. puzzle  14. uniform  15. suggestion  16. thrilled17. splendid  18. debating  19.influence  20. constract二。1. divide…into  2. The Union Jack 3. leave out  4. to one’s surprise 5. break away from三。 1. puzzle  2. project of protecting  3. arranging  4. break down5. wedding  take place  6. puzzle ; work out  7. which; tourist attraction8. break away from  9. take the place of  10. are debating about 11. rising; setting12. for the second time  13. looked around; putting  14. in sight  15. moved to; installed 16. no need; cancelled  17. referred to  18. Much; as  19. had hurt  20. It was strange 查看更多

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