


Unit 3  Life in the future 一。单词拼写(须用本单元的单词和词汇) 1. She r_____________me that I hadn't written to mother. 2. We have s____________experiences, but your end result is quite different. 3. Liu Huan is a w________________singer. 4. The t_________________of goods by air is very expensive. 5. There is no such car in the s___________________area. 6. As is known,it takes years to m________________a new language. 7. Why is the driver f___________________his lights at me? 8. The flowers died for 1________________of water. 9. Everyone who enters the chemical factory must wear a m_____________. 10. His head a_________________, which stopped him from going to the party. 11. It's said that she is a girl of e_______________beauty. 12. Good glasses can a____________________you to read. 13. I got this job through an employment a______________________. 14. The little boy s____________________along at his mother' s side. 15. This suggestion r___________________careful thought. 16. The teacher is in a bad m____________________today. 17. He has built an e_______________________house. 18. James can i__________________his father's speech perfectly. 19. The new plane goes at an a___________________speed. 20. You can't i_________________Jack living on the lonely island alone. 21. Your i__________of a person or thing is what you think they are like, usually after having seen or heard them. 21. A s__________is a place where people have come to live and have built homes. 23. Your p_______________things belong only to you, or may only be used by you. 24. If you describe something as e____________, you mean that it is very unusual or surprising. 25. We are______________(乐观的) that the mainland and Taiwan will unify in the    near future. 26. He can hardly find a job in the canteen, because he has had no                    ________________(先前的) experience of this kind of job. 27. All the passengers are______________(需要) to show their passports when they     leave the country. 28.After a big flood, thousands of volunteers went to Hunan to                     __________________(协助) in rebuilding the disaster area. 29. The government decided to explore the ____________(周围的 ) countryside to     build a new industrial park. 30. The people in Iraq lived a hard life, because it was _______(不断的) hit by war. 二.短语翻译 1.拿起,接受,继续________________________________ 2.结果,由于……的结果_______________________________ 3.缺乏,缺少_______________________________________ 4.立刻,马上_________________________________________ 5.横扫,掠过__________________________________________ 6.寻找____________________________________________ 7.帮助;援助____________________________________ 8.光年_________________________________________ 9.变成_______________________________________ 10.以……为依据___________________________________ 三。完成句子 1. Suddenly the driver began to ___________  _____________(加速) 2. His leaving ___________  ______________(增加了 ) our difficulty. 3. Who________  _______________(究竟) is the man you spoke to? 4. I __________seen him __________  _______________(不再). 5. We still need ____________  ___________(另外五个) students to finish the work. 6.餐厅里响起了那首动听的歌,它使我回想起我快乐的童年。 The fair-sounding song playing in the restaurant __________ me_______my happy childhood. 7.人只有鼓起勇气,告别海岸,才能发现新的海洋。 Man cannot ________new oceans unless he has ________ to lose sight of the shore. 8.拿起扫帚把地上的纸屑和碎玻璃打扫干净,行吗? Get a broom and ______  ________the bits of paper and broken glasses on the floor, will you? 9.这本书会提供一些好的消息来源帮助你做出最好的选择。 This book will provide you some good source of information to ______ you _____ making the best choice. 10.一些公司把新闻媒体用作他们为自己的产品做广告的工具。 Some companies used the press as a vehicle for _____________ their products. 11.由于大雾天气的影响,今天广州新白云国际机场的全部航班都必须取消。 Today all flight at the New Baiyu International Airport of Guangzhou have to be cancelled, _____  _____  _______  _________foggy weather. 12.一项研究表明经历过南京大屠杀的人们仍然在焦虑和战争的痛苦记忆中扎。 A study shows that people who ______   __________ the massacre of Nanjing still struggle with anxiety and painful flashback from the war. 13.谁都不愿意别人怀疑自己的话。 One does not like to have his word ____________. 14.第一本为把英语作为外语教学用而写的教科书是在十六世纪出版的。 The first text book written for teaching English as a foreign language _______  __________ in the 16th century. 15.现在才去清理受到这么严重污染的河流可能已经太迟了。 Having suffered such heavy pollution already, it may be now too late to ______  __________ the river.   答案 Unit 3.一。 1. reminded  2. similar  3. well-known  4. transportation  5. surrounding6. master  7. flashing  8. lack  9. mask  10. ached  11. extraordinary 12. assist13. agency  14. skipped  15. requires  16. mood  17. enormous 18. imitate 19. amusing  20. imagine  21. impression  22. settlement  23. private  24. extraordinary  25. optimistic  26. previous  28. assist  29. surrounding30.constantly  二。 1. take up  2. as a result of  3. lack of  4. in no way  5. sweep up6. search for  7. assist in  8. light year  9. change …into 10. base on三。1. speed up  2. added   to   3. on earth  4. haven’t  any more 5. five; more 6. reminded; of  7.discover ; courage  8. sweep up  9. assist in  10. advertising11. as a result of  12. went through  13. doubted  14. came out  15. clean up 查看更多

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