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Unit 2 The United Kingdom Word usage 1. rule v. 1) to control or be the person in charge of (a country or people, ect)         2) to have a controlling influence over         3) period or way of ruling It's against the rules of the school to smoke. He's made it a rule to rise early. The queen ruled her country for 20 years. He ruled over the country for ten years. 2. debate v. 1) to give dispute or argue about            2) to deliberate on; consider; an argument A fierce debate on the tax cut was going on. They debated the question openly. She debated whether to accept his invitation. We debated on the question till late into the night. 3. clarify v. 1) become clear or easier to understand           2) to make clear by removing impuritied or solid matter. He clarified his stand on the issue. His explanation clarified the mystery It requires of us great efforts to clarify sewage in cities. 4. link v. 1) to connect or become connected with or as if with a link         2) person or thing that connects two others The special envoy's visit established a link between the two countries The new canal will link the two rivers. The children linked hands to make a circle. 5. united adv. 1) firmly joined in a state of love, agreement, etc              2) with everyone concerned having the same aim.        They are a very united family.        We are united in our determination to eradicate famine. 6. convenience n. 1) suitable to one’s comfort, purpose, or need.                 2) personal comfort or advantage                 3) something that increase comfort or saves work The hotel has a restaurant for the guests' convenience. The kitchen has all the modern conveniences.       Please come at your convenience. 7. attraction n. 1) the action or power of attracting              2) something which attract Detective novels used to hold a special attraction for me. The elephants were the chief attraction at the circus. The attraction of the moon for the earth causes the tides. 8. influence n. 1) power to sway or affect based on prestige, wealth or position.               2) to affect the nature, development, or modify The influence of climate on crops are self-evident. Mr. Smith is a man of influence in this town. I don't want to influence you. You must decide for yourself. 9. evidence n. 1) things in forming a conclusion or judgement.              2) the answers given in a court of law He was punished for giving false evidence. The evidence is very shaky. There are evidences that somebody has been living here. 10. arrange v. 1) to plan or prepare for              2) to bring about an agreement concerning; settle She arranged the flowers in a vase. It was arranged that they should leave the following spring. Bill arranged for this man to come whenever needed. I will arrange everything. 11. available adj. 1) present and ready for use; at hand ; accessible                 2) capable of being gotten; obtainable The swimming pool is available only in summer Is there water available around here? The principal is available now. This film ticket is no longer available. 12. delight vt. 1) to give great pleasure or joy              2) n. great pleasure or joy              3) n. something that gives great pleasure or enjoyment To our delight, our football team won. She ran back home with delight. He enjoyed the delights of New York's night life. We were delighted to read your novel. She delights in her work. 13. royal adj. 1) splendid, magnificent                 2) a member of the royal family The royal family consists of the king and queen and their relations We were treated to a royal feast. The boss is in royal spirits just now. The royals will go to the concert this evening. 14. occasion  n. 1) a special event or ceremony                 2) a time when something happens                 3) a suitable or favourable time                 4) to cause He seized the occasion to invite her home for dinner. Her departure was the occasion of much sadness. You have no occasion to buy another car. His rude behavior occasioned a quarrel. 15. thrill  v. 1) to cause to feel a thrill or thrills          n. 2) a sudden very strong feeling of excitement, joy. He was thrilled by her conversation. She was thrilled with terror when she saw the scene of the murder She thrilled at the invitation. Her voice thrilled with joy.   Useful expressions 1. refer to 1) mention or speak of sh/sb          2) to pertain; concern          3) to make mention or reference Don't refer to this matter again, please. In his speech, he referred to the Bible several times. The rule refers only to special cases. Please refer to the last page of the book for answers. 2. break away 1) to escape, especially with a sudden violent effort              2) to end your connection with a group, organization, et        The prisoner broke away from the two policemen who were holding him.        An innovation musician who broke away from the classical tradition. 3. leave out 1) to fail to conclude            2) fail to accept or make welcome into a social group They must decide what to leave out. She left out a "c" in "account" . No one speaks to him, he’s always left out. 4. pick up  1) lift it up from a surface            2) to gather together, collect            3) to come to have, gain, learn, etc The boy picked up the hat for the old man. You should pick up the tools after work. He was picking up the skills quickly. We picked up a couple of girls at the pub last Friday. 5. break down 1) to stop working or fail              2) to destroy, knock to the ground, or reduce to pieces              3) to come to unsuccessful end              4) to separate into different kinds        The car broke down.        The police broke the door down.        I try to break down her opposition to our plan.        The peace talks broken down without any agreement being reached. 6.  devote  t to give one’s time entirely to a particular activity.       He devoted himself to writing. He was still devoted to the study of chemistry. He has devoted his whole life to benefiting mankind. 7.  lead to 1) to have as a result, cause           2) to be means of sth. reaching a place, going through an area This road leads to the hotel. Smoking can lead to lung cancer. 8.  consist of : be made up of Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen. The house consists of six room. 查看更多

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