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Unit 3 Life in the future Word usage 1. overcome v  1) to control a feeling or problem that prevents you from achieving               something              2) to fight and win against someone or something              3) to have such a strong effect on someone that they become weak The learner of a second language has many obstacles to overcome. He was overcome by the heat. He was overcome with astonishment. I believe truth will overcome. 2. constantly adv.  all the time or very often She is constantly changing her mind.    As I walked through the town, I was constantly reminded of my childhood 3. remind vt. 1) to make someone remember something that must do            2) to make someone remember someone that they knew I reminded Gerald of his promise. The story reminds me of an experience I once had. The view reminded her of Scotland 4. unsettled  adj. 1) not yet settled                 2) changeable, especially likely to become worse Conditions in the coastal towns were unsettled after the hurricane A large part of the southwestern United States is unsettled desert. The argument remains unsettled. 5. similar  adj. 1) Almost the same but not exactly the same               2) be similar to His problem is similar to yours My view is similar to yours. They had similar views. 6. previous  adj.  1) Happening or existing before the time                   2) done before the right or sensible marriage I remember you mentioned the same thing on a previous occasion Don't be too previous about refusing. 7. uncertain  adj. 1) not sure or feeling doubt                 2) likely to change, often in a way that is bad                 3) not definite or decided The date of his departure is uncertain. I am still uncertain whether he will come today. We didn't have the picnic because the weather was uncertain 8. transport vt. 1) to take goods ,people etc. from one place to another in a vehicle               2) transport sth/to to The goods will be transported to Tokyo by air. She was transported with joy by the good news. British prisoners used to be transported to Australia. 9. confuse vt. 1) to make someone feel that they can’t think clearly             2)  to think wrongly that one person They confused me by their conflicting advice. You confused Australia with Austria. His granddaughter confused the papers on his desk. 10. swiftly adv. 1) quickly  2) be swift to do sth The capacity to respond swiftly to market changes He is swift to take steps. I noticed a swift change of expression in his face. 11. switch n. 1) an apparatus for stopping the flow of an electric current             2) a complete unexpectedly change           v. 3) to change or exchange You pressed the wrong switch. There's been a switch in our plans. He switched the light on. Hang on, please. I'll switch you to the manager. 12. optimistic adj. 1) believe that good things will happen in the future                 2) thinking that things will be better The expert are optimistic that we will succeed They are being over-optimistic if they think that car make an 800 mile trip. 13. persuade vt.  to make someone believe something, convince She persuaded me into buying it. The salesman persuaded us to buy his product. How can I persuade you of my sincerity? 14. amazing adj. Causing great surprise or wonder It was amazing that the boy was able to solve the problem so quickly. What an amazing film! 15. consider vt. to think of the state way, regard as I've begun to consider what to do next. We're considering moving to Seattle. Have you considered that he is only a little boy? Michael is considered an expert in computer science. 16. extraordinarily adv. Very strangely She is an extraordinarily beautiful girl. I take an extraordinarily long time.   Useful expressions 1. depend on  1) to change according to what else happens               2) to need the support, help, or existence of someone else You can depend on him. Health depends on good food, fresh air and enough sleep. The price depends on the quality. 2. fill in  1) to write all the necessary information on an official document         2) tell sb news         3) fill in time Fill in the blanks with suitable words. Steve is ill. Can you fill in for him?       We have got some time to fill in before the show, let’s go for a drink. 3. make sure  1) to find out if something is true or to check that something                 has been done.               2) to do something so that you can be certain of the result. You must make sure of the time and place.       Ben made sure of winning by betting on all the horses. 4. as well as: in addition to something else       They will travel by night as well as by day.       He speaks Spanish as well as English and French. 5.  have an effect on : have an impact on sth; influence This had a great effect upon the future of both mother and son.       Inflation is having a disastrous effect on the economy. 6. speed up: to cause to move, go or happen faster They have speeded up production. Production of this new model must be speeded up. 7. well-known adj. Known by a lot of people; be well known for    It’s well-known fact that smoking can cause lung cancer.    As is well known, Sun Nan is a very famous singer. 8. sweep up: clean sth away She was left to sweep up after the party. Harriet swept the child up in her arm and stormed out. 查看更多

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