


Unit 2 Poems Word usage: 1.convey v sb/sth take(carry/transmit) sb/sth;sth(to sb) make(ideas,feelings,etc) known to another person. 1) How is water conveyed in that area? 2) I was so excited at the news that I could hardly convey feelings in words. 3) Words convey meanings. 2.           aspect  n. particular part or feature of sth being considered; appearance or look; side of a building that faces a particular direction; 1) He has only considered one aspect of the problem. 2) Her face had an angry aspect. 3) The house has a southern aspect. 3.           tease v. make fun of/laugh at/play a trick on/play a joke on 1)                                Stop teasing that cat. 4. translate vi&vt. sth(from sth/into sth) express( sth spoken or written) in another language or in simpler words. 1) He didn’t understand Greek, so I offered to translate. 2) Please translate this article into Dutch. 5. branch  n. arm-like division of a tree; similar division of a river,road,railway or mountain range; local office or shop belonging to a large firm or organization; subdivision of a family,a subject of knowledge or a group of language 1)  He climbed up the tree and hid among the branches 2)  The Shuangjiang River is a branch of the Xijiang River. 3)  The bank has branches in all parts of the country. 4)  His uncle’s branch of the family emigrated to Australia. 5)  Gynaecology is a branch of medicine. 6. transform vt&vi sth/sb(from sth)(into sth) completely change the appearance or character of sb/sth   transformation n.改变,改造 transformer  n. 变压器 1)          the magician transformed the piece of cloth into a rabbit. 2)          Heat can be transformed into power. 7. joy n. feeling of great happiness; joyful/joyous  adj.  joyless adj.   for joy  由于(觉得)高兴to one’s joy 令人高兴的是 1) He jumped for joy when he opened his present. 2) To our joy, we met the famous singer on the way there. 8. appropriate adj. for/to sth  suitable, right and proper v. take (sth) for one’s own use,especially without permission or illegally; sth for sth  put (esp money) on one side for a special purpose 1) Sports clothes are not appropriate for a formal wedding. 2) His formal style of speaking was appropriate to the occasion. 3) He was accused of appropriating club funds. 4) £5,000 has been appropriated for a new training scheme. 9. underline v. draw a line under(a word,etc); emphasize,stress;   1) You may underline any words that are new to you. 2) Our teachers always underline the importance of discipline Useful expressions: 1. take it easy =take things easy指在心理上别紧张相当于Don’t be nervous;而take one’s time 指在时间上不用慌张  1)——I feel nervous before the exam. ——Take it /things easy. It won’t be too difficult for you to pass. 2) Take your time, there’s enough time for you to get prepared          before the trip.  2. run out of =use up某人用完某物;run out某物被用完主动表被动 类似:come up with某人提出某事come up某事被提出主动表被动 1) We have run out of all the money that we have. 2) I’ve to draw some money from the bank before our money runs out. 3) A serious and important question came up at yesterday’s conference 4) He came up with a new plan at yesterday’s conference. 3. make up组成;虚构,捏造;弥补;化妆 铺床,配制等   be made up of = consist of 由……组成 1) 60 students make up our class. 2) Please make up a dialogue with these words. 3) Nothing can make up for the loss of a child. 4) The medical team is made up of 10 doctors. 5)He often makes himself up before going to work. 4. day by day一天天地,逐日地,强调逐渐变化的过程,只作状语   day after day日复一日地,强调重复性,可作主语或状语 1)T he patient is recovering day by day. 2)Day after day has passed, but still no news comes from him. 3)The lady has been looking after her sick mother day after day. 5.  probable  likely  possible likely与 probable的可能性接近,“很有可能” possible意为有某种可能,实际上也许不能实现 句型:sb./sth. be likely to do sth.  It is likely(for sb.)to do sth.  It is likely +that-clause; It is probable +that-clause; It is possible (for sb.)to do sth. It is possible +that-clause 1) Mr. Wang is likely to make a speech in our school on Sunday. 2) It’s likely/possible to carry out the plan in two weeks’ time. 3) It’s likely/probable/possible that a heavy rain will fall this afternoon 6. by chance = by accident = accidentally 1)     I met one of my old friend at a party by chance the other day. 查看更多

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