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Unit 4 Sharing Word usage 1. interview  n. 1) meeting at which sb is asked questions to find out if he is suitable.             v. 2) conduct an interview with sb He asked for an interview with the president. We are now going to interview the Minister of Education. She has interviewed most of the applicants for the job Don't be late for your interview, or you won't get the job. 2. survey  v. 1) look carefully at all of sth/sb            2) study the general condition of sth This book surveys the events leading to the Civil War. She surveyed herself in a mirror. A survey of world history is one of the courses offered this semester. We were pleased with our first survey of the house. 3. list n 1) series of names, items, figures,etc. written or printed        2) v. make a list of sth        3) lean over to one side His name was dropped from the list. These names are to be listed in the catalog. The reasons are listed below. 4. inclue v. 1) bring in as a part of the whole          2) make sb/sth part of a large group The price includes both house and furniture I include him among my friends. 5. wonder  v 1) be surprised              2) wish to know, be anxious to learn I wonder at her rudeness. I wonder whether you like her. We wonder that the little boy is a university student. There was a look of wonder in his eyes. 6. fantastic  adj 1) wild and strange                2) impossible to carry out; not practical                3) excellent She had some fantastic idea that I was poisoning her Your proposal is utterly fantastic. That store charges fantastic prices. Tina's really a fantastic girl! 7. relative  adj 1) having a connection with sth               2) considered in relation or proportion to sb/sth else               3) person who is related to another Relative to its size, the city is sparsely populated. Nothing's fixed in this world; everything is relative. He asked me some questions relative to the subject. My aunt is my only immediate relative. 8. adjust v. 1) put sth into the correct order or position; arrange           2) alter sth by a small amount so that it will fit           3) adjust sth/oneself to sth She must learn to adjust herself to English life. I must adjust my watch, it's fast. Astronauts in flight must adjust to weightlessness 9. possession  n. 1) state of possessing; ownership                  2) thing that is possessed; property The possession of a degree does not guarantee you a job. Her possessions could fit in one suitcase. Some Caribbean islands are still French possessions. 10. leftover  n. pl 1) food that has not been eaten at the end of a meal             n   2) an object, habit, method etc. that remains from an earlier time.               Adj 3) food that has not been eaten       Give the leftovers to the dog.      They still slept with the lights on, a leftover from more dangerous times.      Any leftover vegetables can be used to make soup. 11. compare  v  to examine or judge one thing against another in order to show the points of likeness or difference. Compared with him, I am a bungler Compare this with that, and you will see which is better. This view is beyond compare. 12. contribution  n 1) to join with others in giving money, help, etc.                   2) to help in bringing about The invention of paper was a great contribution to human civilization. I made a contribution of $100 to the Famine Relief Fund. Will you give us some contribution? The editor is short of contributions for the May issue. 13. purchase  v. 1) buy sth                 2) obtain or achieve sth                 3) action of buying He purchased this stamp at an auction. We treasure this dearly purchased victory. He worked all summer to save money for the purchase of a piano. He filled the car with his purchases. 14. glance  1) take a quick look             2) of bight objects flash He glanced round the conference room. He glanced at the envelope and recognized his uncle's handwriting. Their bayonets glanced in the sunlight. 15. acquire v 1) gain sth by one’s own ability, efforts or behaviour             2) obtain sth; be given sth    He failed to obtain a scholarship. They obtained a loan from the government. Those conditions no longer obtain. Useful phrases 1. set up 1) make sb healthier, sronger, provide sb with the money to start a business, buy a house ect          2) erect sth; establish or create sth          3) establish a record A new government was set up after the war.       She set up a new world record time in the 100 metres.      Her father set him up in business. 2. prepare for : to make sth or sb ready to be used or to do sth They prepared themselves for the worst. When we arrived home, mother had already prepared dinner for us. I was preparing for bed when I heard a knock at the door. 3.  notice sb/sth    notice that…    notice sb/sth doing sth    be/get noticed She didn't notice that I had entered the room. I noticed him winking at his brother. Did you notice her engagement ring? The plane was noticed to take off at six o'clock. 4. come across  1) be understood or communicated                 2) come across sb/sth, meet or find sb/sth by chance She came across to talk with me. We came across an old man lying in the road. I came across an old friend yesterday. A very good idea came across his mind. 5. die of   die from   The old man died of cancer.’   He died from a wound. 6.  can’t stand: bear, endure     can’t stand+ n/pron     can’t stand+ to do sth    can’t stand+ doing sth  I can’t stand such pain.   I can’t stand to see good food going to waste.   I can’t stand staying up so late. 查看更多

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