Unit 5 Travelling abroad
Word usage
1。Expect v. 1) to think sth will happen
2) to consider that sth is likely to come or happen
He expected to finish the work by March.
We expected that you would succeed.
That's just what we expected.
Don't expect too much of him.
2. lecture n. 1) a speech spoken or read before a group of people
2) to give a lecture or a series of lectures
Professor Lee will give us a lecture on poetry.
Father gave me a lecture for speeding.
He continued to lecture on criminal law at Rome University.
Please don't lecture me.
3. qualification n. 1) a proof that one has passed exam and gain a certain degree of knowledge
2) the necessary ability or knowledge
She passed her qualification for the Olympic gymnastic competition.
What are the qualifications for an airline pilot?
They accepted my plan without qualifications of any kind.
The qualification of his policy as conservative is justified.
4. preparation n. 1) the action or speaking
2) the state of being prepared
He sharpened his knife in preparation for carving the meat.
We made preparations for the trip.
The preparation for his cough included camphor.
5. highly adv. 1) to a high degree, vevy
2) very well, very much, more than usual
They are highly skilled workers.
Dogs have a highly developed sense of smell.
He speaks very highly of you
He is highly paid.
6. recommend v. 1) to speak in favour of; praise as being good for a pursoe
2) to advise or suggest
3) to make attractive
Can you recommend me some new books on this subject?
I recommend you to comply with safety regulations.
His proposal has much to recommend it.
I recommended my child to her care.
7. host n 1) a person who receives and entertains one
2) compare of a television programme
v 3) act as host at an event or to a person
Yesterday we were hosts to a few friends.
It remains unknown which country will host the international tennis tournament
We attended a dinner party hosted by the president of the company.
A host of friends met him at the railroad station.
8. comfort n 1) state of being free from suffering, pain or anxiety
2) help or kindness
3) give comfort to sb
She longed for the comforts of home.
We could give him no comfort.
It's a comfort to be with you.
They tried to comfort her, but what could they say?
9. substitute n 1) the person or thing that replaces
2) put or use sb as a substitute
Is saccharin a good substitute for sugar?
Home-made parts are being substituted for imported ones.
Only art can substitute for nature.
The new substitute sweetener is made from a wild plant.
10. acadimic 1) adj: of school, colleges
2) n. teacher/students at a university, college
Professor Watson is leaving the academic world to take a job in industry.
A good historian must have an academic mind.
He has no interest in academic questions.
11. requirement 1) n. thing depend on or needed
2) thing ordered or demanded
Food is a requirement of life.
He has filled all requirements for promotion.
12. tutor 1) n private teacher
2) book of instruction in a particular subject esp. music
3) v. act or work as a teacher
His parents employed a tutor to teach him mathematics.
He often tutors a child of his friend’s for an examination.
13. numb. 1) adj. Without the power to feel or move
2) v. to make sb/sth numb
My fingers were numb with cold.
He was numbed by his wife's sudden death.
14. acknowledge 1) v. accept, admit
2) express thanks for
I acknowledge that her criticism is just.
The candidate waved his hands to acknowledge the cheers of the crowd.
Stella didn't even acknowledge me when I waved a greeting.
15. concern. 1) v. to worry, to trouble, to bother
2) to be business of sb, effect
3) n. worry, anxiety
The letter is chiefly concerned with export commodities.
The news concerns your brother.
The boy's poor health concerned his parents.
He was very concerned about her.
That's no concern of mine.
16. confuse 1) v. to mislead, to cause to be mistaken
2) to put into disorder; upset
3) to mix up
They confused me by their conflicting advice.
You confused Australia with Austria.
His granddaughter confused the papers on his desk.
17. occupy 1) v. to take up or fill time
2) to take possession
3) live in or have possession of
The enemy soon occupied the town.
Reading occupies most of my free time.
She is occupied in writing a novel.
He occupied himself with various research projects.
Useful phrases
1. take up 1) to fill time
2) to cover area of
3) to spend time doing sth
4) to continue
When did he take up football?
The work took up all his time.
Tom took up art while at school.
2. first of all: the first
He is a great soldier first of all.
First of all, I must check the number.
3. feel at home: feel free
While playing, children will not feel at home if adults are present.
4. so..that…: such that…
He is so kind that no one doesn’t like him.
He got up so early that he could catch up the early bus.
He worked very hard so that he would not fail the examination.
5. get used to doing sth/ be used to doing/ be accustomed to doing
I am not used to getting up late.
He has got used to the cold weather of this country.
6. It+ be( is was)+…+that /who…
It was in the street that I met my friend.
It was my friend that/who I met in the street
It was not until 10 o’clock that I went to bed.
7. say goodbye to
say Hello/Hi to sb
say one’s wish to
remember me to sb