


Unit 3. 1. have a preference for 偏爱 in preference to 优先于 prefer to do….rather than do 2. make a convenience of sb 利用某人 3. be impressed by / with / at 欣赏 / 受感动 be impressed on one's mind / memory 留在脑海里 leave / make a…impression on sb 给某人留下…的印象 impress sth on sb = impress sb with sth 使..牢记 4. despite = in spite of 尽管 ( + 短语) although / though ( +从句) 5. The Opera House 歌剧院6. fill up with 用…..装满 fill in 填写 be filled with = be full of 装满了… 7. belong to 属于 8. set aside 搁置....一旁 / 拨出 / 留出 9. develop into 长成 develop heavy industries 发展重工业 develop the mind 启发思想 develop the film 冲洗胶卷 develop one's health 增进健康 be under development 在发展中 10. live close to / near to stand closer to 更接近… keep close to me 紧跟我 come to a close 结束 He came close to losing temper 差一点儿发脾气 11. in the twenties 在二十年代 in one's twenties 在二十几岁时 12. in a way to look unnatural / of looking unnatural 13. go against 违背 / 反对   What you did went against your parents' wishes. His thinking goes against all logic. 14. in the choice of 从…..的选择上 make a choice have no choice / alternative but to do别无选择只好.. 15. works of art 艺术品 16. after a while 一会儿之后 all the while 始终 once in a while 偶尔 17. Though / Although he is young, he knew a lot about the world. 尽管    Despite / In spite of his young age, he knew a lot about the world.    Young as / though he is, he knew a lot about the world. 18. think of = think about 想起 19. It looks like rain = It looks as if it is going to rain. 20. A is to B what / as C is to D. 正如 A对于B来说, 正如C对于D来说一样。 21. be fit for = be suitable for = be suited to = be cut out for 适合于 fit in with = get on well with 符合    fit sb for sth 使某人能胜任 22. pull down 拆除 pull in pull out of 23. be decorated with 被装饰.... 24. remind sb of sth remind sb to do sth 25. set aside the book 搁置一边 set aside / lay aside some money 储蓄 set aside one's advice 不理会set aside a decision 取消 aside from 除了 26. of different sizes / weights / shapes of the same size / weight / shape of high quality 高质量 be an interest to = be of great interest to = be very interesting to be a value to = be of great value to = be very valuable to 27. for sale 待售 on sale 在出售 buy sth at a sale 大减价时买某物 have a sale on sth 大甩卖sales department销售部 28. show good taste in 对….有鉴赏力 have a taste for / in … 喜好 to one's taste 合某人口味 29. would rather (not) do sth 宁愿(不)做 would rather (not) have done 宁愿(没)做过 would rather do … than do 宁愿做…也不… would … rather than do 宁愿….也不 30. get ill get lost get married to get used to get tired get dressed get angry get drunk 31. all the same = just the same 仍然 / 还是 be all / just the same to …对….来说都一样 The same to you 同贺 32. be joined / connected to 与….连接 be connected with 与…有联系 33. follow / copy the example of 以….为榜样 set sb an example= set an example to sb为某人树立榜样 for example take…. for example 以… 为例 34. invite sb to a party 邀请某人参加聚会 is / looks inviting 诱人的 feel invited to do 很想做… 35. with the help / aid of… 在…的帮助下 come / go to one's aid 来 / 去帮助别人 first aid 急救 in aid of 作为对…的帮助 查看更多

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