


Unit. 7 1. live with 忍受 / 与….住在一起 a live broadcast 现场广播 live on = feed on 以….为食 live up to 不辜负,按……要求行事;符合……的标准工资live by 靠…为生 live through 经受住 / 度过 live / lead a simple life 过着简朴的生活 2. via = by way of 途经 3. persuade sb to do sth = persuade sb into doing sth 劝说某人干某事 persuade sb not to do sth = persuade sb out of doing sth劝说某人不要干某事 persuade sb of sth 使某人相信… advise sb to do sth = try to persuade sb to do sth 试图劝说… 4. receive good treatment from sb 受到某人良好待遇 5. die from lack of food / a wound / an accident 死于(外部因素) die of hunger / cold / illness 死于(内部因素) 6. lack of 缺乏 have no lack of 不缺乏 lack of nothing 一无所缺 7. in the proper way 用正当的方法 8. discourage sb from doing sth 劝阻某人不要做某事 9. cheer …up 使…感到兴奋 / 使….感到高兴                     10. suffer from 遭受(痛苦 / 疾病 / 损失) He suffered for his carelessness 因…而受苦 11. with all one's strength 全力 12. recover one's losses 弥补损失 recover one's health 恢复健康 13. on the contrary 正相反 14. for the moment = for the time being 暂时 / 目前 for free = free of charge 免费的 get free 恢复自由free from 不受….的影响 / 没有…的 15. by turns 轮流的 by mistakes 错误的 by far …得多 learn…by heart 背熟 little by little = gradually take ….by surprise 出奇不意的攻占.. / 使…惊奇 16. be / become infected with 被传染上 an infected area 污染地区17. by accident = by chance = accidentally 偶然地 by no means = at no time = in no case = in no way 决不 by means of 借助 by oneself = alone 独自 18. be different from = differ from be similar to 类似于 be the same as 与…一样 19. get lost/dressed get married get separated 分离 get injured 受伤 get about = spread 传开 get treated得到治疗get on / along well with get close to 接近… get down to doing 着手做… get / keep / get in touch with 20. be / make friends with 与…交友 21. feel for sth 摸索找… feel like doing 想要做.. feel one's way 摸索前进 22. take / make a note of 记录 / 记下 take note of = take notice of 注意到 take no notice of 忽视compare notes 交换意见 23. can't help doing = can't help but to do 禁不住干某事 help sb with sth help oneself to 自便 / 取 24. keep + adi 使…保持 keep…doing 使…处于 keep a record 保持记录 keep back / hold back阻止 keep fit = keep healthy keep….in mind记住 keep / catch up with keep on doing 持续做… keep one's promise 信守承诺 keep an eye on = keep a close watch on 密切注意 / 监视 keep away from = keep off 避开 keep house 当家 keep the house 看守家园 keep silent / quiet keep calm 保持镇定 keep still 保持不动 keep doing (动作的持续)Keep standing there for an hour. keep on doing(动作的反复)Keep on standing up 一再起立 25. break down 破坏 / 损坏 26. immune system contact with 与…接触 27. spread out 传开消息 spread rumors 散步谣言 spread oneself 舒展身体 spread = get about / around / round 28. owing to = due to = because of = on account of 由于 29. through birth 与生俱来 30. Being ill (= As she was ill), she didn't go to school today Not having received (=As I had no received) an answer, I wrote to him again. 31. all the way 径直 in any way 不管怎样 lose one's way 迷路 make one's way to 前进 32. 许多 a great (good) number of / quite a few / a good (great) many / plenty of + 可数名词复数 a great (good) deal of / a large amount of / a large quantity of + 不可数名词 33. take samples of 采集…样本 34. have an empty feeling in sb's stomach 脑袋一片空白 have no stomach for 对…没有胃口/对...不赞同 35. be treated with 接受…的治疗 treat sb to sth 款待某人某物 treat sb for(身体部位)治愈 She treated me as a child and treated me to a movie. The doctor treated her for a broken arm 36. take every chance to live life to the fullest chance to do = happen to do 碰巧做…, have / take a chance to do sth = have / take a chance of doing sth 利用机会做…. by any chance 万一 It so happen / chanced that …. 碰巧… 37. look on / think of / consider/ regard / treat … as 把…当作 查看更多

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