


Unit. 8 1. aid sb with / in sth 帮助某人做某事 with the aid / help of 在…的帮助下 first aid 急救 2. in ink = in pen = with a pen 用钢笔 3. catch / take fire 着火 make / light / start a fire 生火 set sth on fire = set fire to sth 纵火 fire a gun at 对…开火 fire station 消防站 4. upside down 颠倒着 5. a witness of an accident 事故目击者 call sb to witness 叫某人作证 give witness on behalf of sb 为某人作证 6. keep / bear / have in mind 记住 bring / call sth to one's mind 想起 come into one's mind 计上心来 make up one's mind 下定决心 7. calm down 平息 8. be in a panic 在恐慌中 be seized / struck with a panic 惊慌失措 cause a panic 引起恐慌, get into a panic 陷入恐慌状态 9. in response to 响应 make / give no response to 对…不予回答 respond to / reply to a letter 回信, respond with a smile 报以微笑 10. be conscious of / about 意识到 11. on the tip of one's tongue 话到嘴边,说不出来 12. feel one's pulse 把脉 My heart pulsed / beat fast 心跳 13. revive = come to oneself = come to one's life = come to one' s sense 使苏醒 14. make a quick recovery 复员快 recover one's health 恢复健康 recover one's losses 弥补损失 15. roll over 翻转 roll up 岁月流逝 roll up 挽起袖子 16. suddenly = all of a sudden = all at once 突然地 17. in honor of 为纪念… / 为向…表示敬意 / 为庆祝… do / show / pay honor to sb 向某人表示敬意 on one's honor 以名誉担保 in praise of 歌颂 in memory of 纪念 in favor of 赞同 in place of 代替 in charge of 负责 in need of 需要 18. take possession of 占有 take up 占据 / 开始从事 take pride in 以…为豪 take sides in 站在…一边 take to sb 喜欢某人 19. give a clear explanation to 给…做清晰的解释 explain sth to sb = explain to sb about sth 向某人解释.. in case of +(短语) 假使 / 以防 in case +(从句)假使 / 以防 in any case 无论如何 in this case 这样的话 as the case stands = in reality = in fact = as a matter of fact 事实上 20. on the list 清单上 make a list of 列出清单 a list of 一张…的清单 21. make sure of 确保 make sure that … be sure to do sth = be sure of / about sth 对…有把握 22. turn against 背叛 turn in = hand in 上交 turn over turn to sb for help = ask sb for help turn up 出现 turn down 拒绝 turn out (to be ) = prove (to be ) 结果是 turn back / around 转身 23. be responsible for / to 对….负责 a sense of responsibility责任感 take the responsibility of / for 负起…的责任 24. save one's life 拯救某人生命 save … from save up 储蓄 25. on the way = under way 在路上 / 即将到来 on the way to doing 就要干某事 in no way 26. be pressed for 迫于 press an attack on 强攻 press one's way 奋力前进 Press conference 记者招待会 27. in common with 与…共有 out of common 特殊的 common property 公共财产 28. see a doctor 看医生 see into = look into 调查 see to it that … 保证… see sb off 给某人送行 29. call for an ambulance 叫救护车 call in a doctor = send for a doctor call off 取消 call on sb to do sth 号召某人干… call for sb to do sth 请某人干… call out for help 大声呼救 30. spit out 吐出 / 坦白说出 spit up 呕吐 / 吐血 spit on / at / upon = look down on / upon 轻视 查看更多

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