


Unit. 10 1. frighten sb into doing sth frighten sb out of doing sth frightening be frightened to do 害怕做 be frightened of = be afraid of 害怕 be frightened to death = be scared to death 吓得要死 2. on end 直立 / 竖立 end up直立 / 竖立 make ends meet 量入为出 end up with / in 以…结束 3. draw / attract / catch / get one's attention to 吸引某人的注意 bring…to one's attention 使某人注意到某事 focus / fix / devote one's attention on 留心 / 专心于 hold one's attention on 将注意力集中于 4. rise up 起义 give rise to 引起 on the rise 在上涨 5. on the spot 当场 / 在现场 spotlight 6. at first sight 第一眼 at the sight of … 看见 catch / have / get sight of 看见 / 发现 in / within sight 看得见 out of sight 看不见 lose sight of 看不见 7. at hand 近在手边/ 在附近 by hand 用手工 hand in hand 携手 in hand 随时可用 at first hand 直接地 / 亲自 with one's own hand 由某人亲自 8. lose courage = lose heart cluster up one's courage to do sth 鼓起勇气做… 9. flee from = run away from = escape from 逃离… 10. urge sb to do sth = urge sb into doing sth 催促 / 力劝某人干某事 urge against sth 极力反对… 11. calm (sb) down 使某人镇定 / 平静 stay / keep / remain calm 保持冷静 12. on board 上船(火车/飞机/汽车) 13. knock about 冲击 / 碰撞 / 接连打击 knock down 撞倒在地 knock into 相撞 / 不期而遇 knock off 把…撞下来 knock out 击倒 14. all of a sudden = suddenly = all at once 突然 15. live through 度过 / 经受住 live by 以…为生 live on = feed on以…为食 live up to 辜负get through to 接通到 pass through 通过 look through 浏览 break through 突破 16. as though = as if meanwhile = at the same time 与此同时 17. get into a panic 惊慌失措起来 be in a panic 惊慌 18. be severe with oneself 严于律己 be severe on / upon sb 对待某人严格 19. at a distance of …在距离…(多远)处 in the distance 在远处 keep a distance away 保持一定距离 20. leave for = set out / off for = start out / off for 动身前往… set out to do = get down to doing = set about doing 着手干… 21. upon arrival = on arrival 一到达 as soon as / immediately / instantly / directly / the moment / the second / the minute + 时间状语从句 hardly + had sb. done(过去完成时) when + 一般过去时 No sooner + had sb. done sth.(过去完成时) than + 一般过去时 22. have something to do with 与…有关 be connected with与…有关系 / 和…相连接 23. the more, the better 多多益善The higher we went up the mountain, the colder it became. more… than … 与其说…倒不如说… He was more frightened than hurt 24. hold out (食品)维持 / 提供 / 坚持hold back 隐瞒 / 阻止 hold down 阻止 / 制止 hold on to 执着于 hold over 延期hold to 坚持 / 抓住 hold up 举起 / 抢劫 hold together 连在一起 25. what's up = what's happening = what's the matter 出了什么事 26. do for 可作…用 / 对…使用 The room is rather small, but it will do for me. 查看更多

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