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Unit14 Festivals一、课文背景知识你可能知道圣诞节,春节和斋月节,教师节,儿童节等,在节日里人们相互祝愿,共同分享成果等,真实开心极了。节日的内容和意义各不相同。本单元讲的就是在美国的黑人自己过的节日。美国黑人拥有悠久的历史和丰富的文化,但宽扎文化节却是一个非常年轻的节日。宽扎文化节诞生于1966年,当时,毛拉.卡伦格博士创建了一个新的节日以便美国黑人能够庆祝他们的历史和文化。毛拉.卡伦格博士用了斯瓦希里人语中表示“第一个果”的单词,斯瓦希里语是非洲最大的语种。卡伦格博士之所以选择这个词是因为在非洲很多节日都是被称作“第一果”的节日。非洲的第一果节日有很多相同之处:人们总是聚集到一起庆祝他们的丰收;为他们的生活和丰收而表示感谢;人们常常对他们的祖先表示尊敬,对他们的过去,以及他们生活的团体和社会表示庆祝。节日是庆祝文化和历史的一种方式,是建设社团的一种方式,也是庆祝新年的一种方式。卡伦格博士是如此的喜欢非洲人的节日特色以至于他用这些写出了宽扎文化节的七个原则。人们庆祝宽扎节是从12月26日到元月1日。日期选定在圣诞节之后的一天开始到元旦的那天结束。这样,庆祝宽扎节的人们就能尽情享受节日带来的快乐,不需要再为圣诞节的商业活动而去操心了。由于宽扎文化节是一个既娱乐又学习的时间,所以,人们常常每天点着蜡烛讨论宽扎节的原则,以此来庆祝这个节日。蜡烛常常由家中最小的孩子点燃。在宽扎文化节的最后一天,家庭成员和朋友们聚集在一起进餐,庆祝新年。创立新节日似乎好象是庆祝历史和文化的不寻常方式,但是,事实上我们每年都在创建新节日,节假日总是在不停地改变着。当我们在庆祝他们的时候,我们是在新的历史篇章上发展我们的文化。春节、圣诞节、斋月节、宽扎文化节以及其他的一些节假日让我们更加了解自己,让我们记住我们来自何处,并且还让我们共同分享对未来美好的憧憬。二、疑难详解1. Kwanzaa is a seven-day festival celebrating the culture and history of African Ameiricans. 宽扎文化节是美国黑人庆祝自己文化和历史的节日,前后持续七天。[问]the culture and history of African Americans 是做celebrating的宾语吗?[答]是的。例如:Can you tell us why you want to stay here and what you will do when you stay here?你能告诉我你为什么要呆在这里及你想呆在这儿做什么吗?2. The week following Christmas Day, many African -American families get together to greet the new year and think about the past.圣诞节之后的那个星期,许多美国黑人家庭聚集在一起相互问候新年并回忆过去。[问]to greet the new year and think about the past 是两个不定式短语作目的状语吗?[答]是的。请看下面两个例句:1、We could get there to have the meeting on time. 我们可以准时到哪儿开会。2、The boy said slowly to let me know clearly about what had happened. 哪个小孩讲得和年慢目的是让我对所发生的事情一目了然。3. Kwanzaa was born in 1966, when Dr Maulana Karenga created a new festival so that African -Americans would be able to celebrate their history and culture. 宽扎文化节诞生于1966年,当时,毛拉.卡伦格博士创建了一个新的节日以便美国黑人能够庆祝他们的历史和文化。[问]when Dr Maulana Karenga created a new festival so that African-Americans would be able to celebrate their history and culture是什么从句?[答]非限定性的定语从句。引导词when在定语从句中作时间状语。如:1、He was born in 1949, when China was liberated by the PLA. 他出生于1949年,中国人民解放军在那是解放了中国。4. Dr Karenga chose the word because there are many festivals in Africa called "the first-fruit"festivals. 卡伦格博士之所以选择这个词是因为在非洲很多节日都是被称作“第一果”的节日。[问]如何解释because结构和called the first -fruit 结构?[答]because 引导的从句在句中作原因状语,called the first -fruit 结构?[答]beause 引导的从句在句中作原因状语,called过去分词短语在句中作定语。如:This is the student nameed Jack. 这就是名叫Jack. 这就是名叫Jack的那个学生。5. The African first fruit festivals had many things in common: people would get together to celebrate their harvest; people would get together to celebrate their harvest; people used to give thanks for their harvests and for life; people used to honour their harvests and for life; people used to honour their ancestors, celebrate their past, and the group or society they lived in.非洲的第一果节日有很多相同之处:人们总是聚集到一起庆祝他们的丰收;为他们的生活和丰收而表示感谢;人们常常对他们的祖先表示尊敬,对他们的过去,以及他们生活的团体和社会表示庆祝。[问]people would get together to celebrate their harvest; people would get together to celebrate their harvest; people used to give thanks for their harvests and for life; people used to honour their harvests and for life; people used to honour their ancestors, celebrate their past, and the group or society they lived in. 为并列句吗?[答]可以这么分析。并列的三个部分对前面所说明many things in common进行解释。6. The festivals were a way to celebrate his tory and culture, a way to build society, and a way to celebrate the new year. 节日时庆祝文化和历史的一种方式,是建设社团的一种方式,也是庆祝新年的一种方式。[问] a way to build society, and a way to celebrate the new year也是并列句吗?[答]是的。也是并列的三个部分。7. Dr Karenga liked the characteristics of the African festivals so much that he used them to write the Seven Principles of Kwanzaa. 卡伦格博士是如此的喜欢非洲人的节日特色以至于他用这些写出了宽扎文化节七个原则。[问]so that...是什么意思?[答]这个短语是“如此……以致于”的意思。如:He is so good a  basketball player that we all like him very much. 他是如此好的一个男球运动员以致于我们都喜欢他。8. The dates were chosen so that Keanzaa begins one day after Christmas and ends on New Year's Day. 日期选定在圣诞节之后的一天开始到元旦的那天结束。[问]so that ... 是什么意思?[答]这个短语的意思是:“以便……”如:We must get up very early tomorrow morning so that we can arrive at the airport in time. 我们明天早晨必须早点起床以便能够及时赶到机场。9. This way, people who celebrate Kwanzaa can enjoy the spirit of the holidays without all the commercial activities of Christmas.这样,庆祝宽扎节的人们就能尽情享受节日带来的快乐,不需再为圣诞节的商业活动而去操心了。[问]who celebrate Kwanzaa 是定语从句吗?[答]是的。who是该从句的引导词。在从句中作主语,指人。如:This is the man who has been to hte moon. 这就是曾经登上月球的那个人。10. Since Kwanzaa is a time for learning as well as joy, people celebrate it by lighting a candle each day and discussing one of the seven principles of Kwanzaa. 由于宽扎文化节是一个既娱乐又学习的时间,所以,人们常常每天点着蜡烛讨论宽扎文化节的原则,以此来庆祝这个节日。[问]Since Kwanzaa is a time for learning as well as joy是原因状语从句吗?[答]是的。Since引导的原因状语从句常常表示说话双方共同知道的原因。如:Since everybody is here, let's begin our class. 既然大家都在这儿,我们就开始上课吧! 11. The candle is usually lit by the youngest child in the family. 蜡烛常常由家中最小的孩子点燃。[问]lit从何而来?[答]lit是light的过去式和过去分词,在这里是“点燃”的意思。如:1、This wood is so damp that it won't light. 这木头湿,点不着。2、These streets are very poorly lit. 这些街道的照明很差。12、On the last day of Kwanzaa, family and friends gather to enjoy a large meal and to celebrate the new year. 在宽扎文化节的最后一天,家庭成员和朋友们聚集在一起进餐,庆祝新年。[问]to enjoy a  large meal and to celebrate the new year作何解释?[答]两个并列的不定式作目的状语。13. Create a new festival may seem like an unusual way to celebrate history and culture, but we are in fact all creating new festivals every year -festivals and holidays are always changing. 创立新节日似乎好象是庆祝历史和文化的不寻常方式,但是,我们事实上每年都在创建节日-节假日总是在不停地改变着。[问]Creating a new festival 分别在前后作主语和表语吧?[答]是的。动词ing在句子中不仅可以作主语,而且还可以做状语、宾语和表语等。如:(1)My job is learning. 我的工作就是学习。(learning在句中作表语)(2)He stood there, reading a magazine. 他站在那儿看杂志。(reading a magazine 在句中作状语,表示伴随。)14. As we cledbrate them, we make new history and develop our culture. 当我们在庆祝它们的时候,我们是在写新的历史篇章和发展我们的文化。[问]as究竟有些什么用法?[答]as的用法很多。(1)作为:We often regard him as our teacher. 我们常把他当作我们的老师。(2)当……的时候:As he grew older he lost interest in everything except gardening. 他年纪越来越大,除了喜欢园艺外,对一切都是失去了兴趣。(4)因为(常放在句首)As she's been ill, perhaps she'll need help.她由于生病可能需要些帮助。(5)尽管,虽然(用于形容词或者副词等的后面);Young as I am, I already know what career I want to follow. 尽管我还小,但对要从事职业已经胸有成竹了。15. The Spring Festival, Christmas, Ramadan, Kwanzaa and all the other holidays and festivals help us understand who we are, remember where we come from, and share our hopes for a happy future. 春节、圣诞节,斋月节、宽扎文化节以及其他的一些节假日让我们更加了解自己, 让我们记住我们来自何处,并且还让我们共同分享对于未来美好的憧憬。[问]understand who we are, rrmember where we come from , and share nou hopes for a happy future 三个并列的动词短语结构是否省略了to?[答]help后面的不定式作宾语补足语时,可以省略to,也可以不省。但是let,make, hear, watch,feel, observe,notice,have后面跟的不定式作宾语补足语时,省略to。如: Let him do it, please. 让他去做吧!三、本单元高考热点归纳与拓展[概述]本单元出现了很多非谓语动词的句子,如:1、Kwanzaa is a seven-day festival celebrating the culture and history of African Americans. The week following Chrismas Day, many African - American families get together to greet the new year and think about the past.2、The African first fruit festivals had many things in common:people would get together to celebrate their harvest;people used to give thanks for their harvests and for life;people used to honour their ancestors,celebrate their past,and the group or society they lived in .The festival were a way to celebrate history and culture, a way to build society, and a way to celebrate the new year.非谓语动词顾名思义就是不能做谓语的动词。动词一旦变成过去分词、不定式和动词ing后,就再也不能在句子中做谓语了,这时,我们就叫它非谓语动词。本单元除了讲非谓语动词很多以外,我们还可以见到这样几个句型结构:1、so...that...; 如此……以致于……。2、so that...以便……;3、used to 过去常常。以上几者可都是高考的重点了。[经典解析]例:1. nobody noticed the thief slip into the house because the lights happened to_____.                             (1998年全国高考第12题)    A. be put up   B. give in   C. to be turned on   D.go out简析:答案D。“……因为碰巧灯灭了”。go out 表示“(灯、火等)熄灭”;turn on 表示“打开(电灯、水龙头等)”;give in 表示“屈服”;go out 表示“熄灭”的意思。例:2、The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see_____the next year.                                (2000年全国高考第22题)    A. carry out   B. carrying out   C.carried out   D.to carry out简析:答案C。所要填的部分是宾语的补足语。这句话的宾语是that。宾语和宾语补足语之间是被动关系。例:3、_____late in the morning, Bob turned off the alarm.    A. To sleep   B.Sleeping   C.Sleep   D.Having slept简析:答案A。关闭闹钟是想睡觉。“想睡觉”是目的。刚好不定式做状语表示目的。三、易混易错词语辨析1、辨析clothing, clothes, dress 和 costume:clothing, clothes, dress, costume 的主要区别:clothing 为衣服的总称;clothes 指的是具体的身上穿的衣服。dress 为礼服;costume指的是工作服。2、辨析war,battle 和 fighting:war,battle,fighting的用法:war 战争,如:the civil war 内战;the liberation war 解放战争等等。battle 战役,如:Tai’erzhuang Battle 台儿庄战役;Huaihai Battle 淮海战役等等。fighting 则指具体的战斗。四、本单元生词详解1. theme [Wi:m]n. 主题,题目例: What is the theme of the opera? 这个歌剧的主题是什么?[记忆技巧]近义词联想记忆:subject (科目,主题)2.  dress up (1)穿上最好衣服 (2)乔装打扮例:Let's fress up and go out to the theatre. 我们穿戴整齐到戏院看戏吧。They dressed their children up for the New year's Day. 他们给孩子们穿上衣服过新年。The children are dressing up as pirates. 孩子们正在装扮成海盗。 They tried to dress him up as a "national hero". 他们想把他打扮成一个”民族英雄”。3. costume[5kCstju:m]n. 衣裳,衣服例:Ladies wear bathing costumes. 妇人们穿着浴衣。She looks very pretty in her winter costume. 她穿着冬装看上去很美丽。[记忆技巧]同义词联想记忆:clothing, clothes, dress, costume[常用词组]an academic costure 学生服/ a ball costume 舞会服装/a ceremonial costume 礼服4. flghting n. 战斗,斗争。例: Fihting broke and between the North and the South.南北两方发生了战争。[记忆技巧]近义词联想记忆:battle战役;war战争; fighting战斗5. crime [kraim]n. 犯法行为,犯罪,罪行;不该做的事例:Murder is a crime.  谋杀是一种罪行。That's a serious crime. 那是严重的罪行。It would be a crime to have a race horse do the work of a cart horse. 把赛马当役马是愚蠢的。It's a crime to waste so much food. 浪费这么多粮食是不应该的。[记忆技巧]联想同类词记忆:murder谋杀等等。6. argument [5B:^jumEnt]n.争论, 辩论, 论据, 论点例:Then came the arguments. 接着争论开始了。After a long argument, we decided where to go for our holiday. 经过长久的争论,我们把休假的地方决定下来了。They spent hours in argument about the plan.他们为这个计划争论了好几个小时。Two men were deep in argument. 两个人在热烈地争论。This argument doesn't hold water. 这个论点站不住脚。What is his argument? 他的论据是什么?[记忆技巧]根据名词前后缀联想记忆:argue-argument; move-movement; encourage - encouragement7. destruction [dis5trQkFEn]n. 毁灭;破坏例:The strong earthquake left death and destruction behind it. 强烈的地震留下了死亡和破坏。The destrucition of the railway was a big loss to the country. 铁路遭到破坏,这对该国是一个很大的损失。The storm caused great destruction. 风暴造成很大的破坏。[常用词组]great destruction 很大破坏/mass destruction 大规模破坏/bring destruction upon oneself自我毁灭 meet destruction 遭受破坏8. honour [5CnE]n. 荣誉,光荣;名誉;荣幸,敬重//v. 尊敬,致敬;给......以荣誉,使增光例:I have the honour to have been sent as theit\r representative. 我很荣幸被派来作他们的代表。He won honour for his bravery. 他因勇敢而赢得人们的尊敬。He 's ready to fight for the honour of his country.   他随时准备为祖国的荣誉而战斗。They remove their hats to honour the flag. 他们脱帽向国旗致敬。He was honoured with a title. 他被授予光荣称号。I hope you'll honour me with further orders. 如蒙继续惠顾,不胜荣幸。Such a man is an honour to his country. 这样的人是国家的光荣。[常用句型]it's a great honor for somebody to do something对某人来说做某事是一种荣誉9. ancestor[5AnsistE]n. 祖先,祖宗(forefather); 先驱;前身;原型;[法律]被继承人例:John is descended from noble ancestors. 约翰为名门后裔。10. characteristic[7kAriktE5ristik]adj. 特有的,典型的//n. 特质,特出之处,特徽,特点例:John is descended from noble ancestors. 约翰为名门后裔。10. characteristic [7kAriktE5ristik]adj.  特有的,典型的//n.特质,特出之处,特徽,特点例:Sympathy is the feeling characteristic of mankind. 同情心是人类特有的感情。It is characteristic of him to talk nonsense. 胡说八道是他的特征。The characteristic I like best in him is his cheerfulness. 他的愉悦气质是我最喜欢的特点。[常用词组]the body characteristics 身体特征/the chief characteristics 主要的特征/the distinctive characteristics特征11. principle [5prinsEpl]n. 原则;德行例:We should follow the principle of seeking truth.我们要遵循实事求是的原则。12. unity[5ju:niti]n. 团结一致;整体,统一体例:To be strong, a country must have unity. 一个国家要强盛必须团结一致。Unity is strength. 团结就是力量。13. community [kE5mju:niti]n. 团体;社区;公众例:Newquay is fishing community. 纽基是一个渔业社区。[常用词组]the business community 实业界/a civilized community 文明社会/a religious community 宗教团体14. nation [5neiFEn]n. 国家;国民;民族例:France is a European nation. 法国是个欧洲国家。All nations, big or small, should be equal. 国家不分大小,应一律平等。He leads the nation in lumber production. 他领导国民生产木材。The whole nation was plunged into deep sorrow at this news. 当全国人民听到这个噩耗时,都沉浸在极大的悲痛之中。The Chinese nation is brave and hardworking. 中华民族是勤劳勇敢的。15. self-determination[5selfdi7tE:mi5neiFEn]自主,自我决定例:Is armed struggle the only way to achieve self-determination? 武装斗争是达到民族自决的唯一途径吗?[记忆技巧]复合词联想记忆:self-study自学;self-confidence自信16. purpose [5pE:pEs]n. 目的,计划,意图//vt. 决意,打算17. generation [7dVenE5reiFEn]n. 世代,一代,一代人;发生,产生例:The younger generation grows up sturdily. 年轻一代茁壮成长。Three generations live in our house. 我家三代人住在一起。The older generation doesn't like pop music. 老一辈的人不喜欢流行音乐。18. faith[feiW]n. 信任,信心;宗教信仰;忠诚,忠实例:Have you any faith in what he says?Do you have faith in Tim? 你相信蒂姆吗?Christians have faith in God. 基督教徒信仰上帝。The people of the nation pledged their faith to the new king. 全国人民宣誓效忠于新国王。[记忆技巧]词的后缀 faithful 忠诚的19. joy [dVCi]n. 快乐,欢喜,高兴;喜事;欣慰例:Rita is full of joy because she has a new baby sister. 丽塔十分高兴,因为她有一个刚出生的小妹妹。It brings two fold joy to you. 这真是双喜临门。To the joy of his friends, he won a lot of money. 他赢得了许多钱,他的朋友们很高兴。His children are a great joy to him. 儿女们是他最大的欣慰。Your letter was a joy when I was in hospital. 我住院时你的来信对我是件乐事。It was the first joy I had known for years. 这是我多年来第一次感到高兴的事。[记忆技巧]同义词联想记忆: happiness 高兴;delight 高兴;joy快乐 [常用词组]full of joy充满欢乐/heavenly joys 无比的喜悦20. light [lait]明亮的;一些的,少量的;浅色的;轻的,轻便的;轻微的,微弱的//n. 光,光亮;发光体,灯;(火柴等发出的)火,火花;观点,外观;典范,显赫人物//v. 点火,生火,点燃;照亮,照明;亮起来//adv. 轻轻地;轻便地,轻装地例:This room has a lot of windows and is very light. 这间屋子有很多窗户,非常明亮。It gets light at about 5: 30 in the morning. 早上大约五点半天亮。She was in a light blue dress. 她穿着浅蓝色的衣服。A light rain began to fall. 下起一阵小雨。He felt well enough for light work. 他感觉(身体)很好,要做点轻微工作。The light energy comes from the sun. 光能来自太阳。Turn off the lights when you go out of the sun. 光能来自太阳。 Turn off the lights when you go out of the room. 离开房间时关上灯。Your explanation puts the matter in a new light. 你的说明使这事有了新的见解。She is one of the shining lights of the school paper. 她是校刊上最出众的人物之一。Mother did not light the stove. 母亲没有生炉子。This room is lighted by electricity. 这个房间用电照明。The newspaper reporter traveled light. 这位新闻记者轻装旅行。[常用词组]as light as air 象空气一样轻/a light pair of shoes 一双轻便的鞋21. informal [in5fC:mEl]adj.  非正式的;不拘礼节的例:He paid an informal visit. 他作了非正式的访问。[记忆技巧]词缀联想记忆:in -否定前缀+formal 正规的;正式的=informal[常用词组]informal clothes 日常服装/informal English  日常英语/an informal party 便宴22. salute [sE5lu:t]vt. 向(长官、军旗等)敬礼,向……致敬;(点头或举帽等)向(人)致敬(问候,打招呼);迎接(某人)(with);(书)颂扬,赞扬(勇气、人等)//vi. 敬礼//n. 敬礼,举手礼;敬礼的姿势;礼炮例:The soldier saluted the officer. 士兵向军官敬礼。It is the custom in Britain to salute the Queen's birthday with (by firing)21 guns. 以鸣炮二十一响祝贺女王生日是英国的习俗。The young soldier saluted awkwardly. 那名年轻士兵笨拙地敬礼。They saluted each other with a bow (by shaking hands). 他们以鞠躬(握手)互相问候。[常用词组]salute a person with a smile  以笑脸迎人/come to (take )the salute 敬礼(接受敬礼)/stand at the salute立正敬礼,立正致敬/a Royal (an Imperial)salute of 21 guns 二十一响皇家礼炮/exchange salutes 互放礼炮/ salute the colors 向军旗敬礼。23. kiss[kis]v.  吻,亲吻//n. 吻例:Rosalind kissed her mother good night. 罗莎琳吻了一下母亲祝她晚安。She bent over the baby and kissed it. 她弯下身去吻了吻那婴儿。She bent over the baby and kissed it. 她弯下身去吻了吻那婴儿。She gave her mother a kiss. 她吻了她母亲一下。[常用词组]hearty kisses 亲切的吻 / sweet kiss 甜蜜的吻/ exchange kisses  互相亲吻/implant (implant; press; print)a kiss on her forehead 在她额上亲吻一下/snatch(steal)kiss from her lips  趁她不备吻她一下/throw a kiss at sb. (throw sb. a  kiss) 给某人一个飞吻24. cheek [tFi:k]n. 面颊;脸蛋;无礼;厚颜//vt.对……无礼;顶撞She has rosy cheeks. 她双颊红润。Tears streamed (=ran )down her cheeks. 眼泪从她的脸颊流下。None of your cheek! 别再厚脸皮了![记忆技巧]行近词联想记忆:check 检查,核对,支票;[常用词组]Pale cheeks 苍白的面颊 /pink cheeks 粉红的双颊/plump cheeks 丰满的两颊/red (rosy)cheeks 红润(粉红)的双颊/round cheeks 圆脸蛋/kiss her on the cheeks 吻她的两颊/ a girl with rosy cheeks 两颊粉红的少女25. respect [ris5pekt]vt. 尊敬,敬佩;重视;顾虑;注意//n. 尊敬,敬意;问候;点,方面;细事例:Our teacher is highly respected by all. 我们的老师极受大家的尊敬。I deeply respect  her courage. 我非常敬佩她的勇气。You ought to respect his opinions more. 你应该更加重视他们的民族风俗。We must respet his sorrow. 我们应同情他的悲伤。Please give your father my respects. 请代我向你父亲致意。In that respect you are quite right. 在那一点上,你完全正确。[常用词组]to show respect for one's parents 尊敬父母/treat sb. with respect 以礼相待26. skeleton [5skelitEn]n. 骨骼;骨架例: The shell of a snail is tits skeleton.  蜗牛的壳是它的骨骼。She is reduced almost to a skeleton by long illness. 她因长期生病骨瘦如柴。the bones of the skeleton 骨架27. cycle [5saikl]n. 自行车;周期,循环//vi. 骑自行车例:I go to school by cycle every day. 我每天骑自行车上学。My cycle is broken, so I shall have to walk. 我的自行车坏了,所以我不得不步行。My cycle is broken, so I shall have to walk. 我的自行车坏了, 所以我不得不步行。A cycle of the sun takes a year. 太阳循环周期需要一年。The seasons of the year---spring, summer, autumn, and winter---make a cycle. 一年四季,春、夏、秋、冬进行循环。Do you like cycling? 你喜欢骑自行车吗?We will cycle to the park today.  今天我们将骑车去公园。28. fool [fu:l]v.  作滑稽动作,胡闹;愚弄,欺骗//n. 蠢人,傻子例:Top fooling and listen to what I am saying. 别胡闹了,听我说话。You can't fool me! I don't believe you. 你骗不了我!我不相信你。No trick can fool me. 任何阴谋诡计都骗不了我。Who are you trying to fool?你想欺骗谁?What a fool you were!你真是个大傻瓜!He's a fool because he leaves his door open when he goes out. 他是个大傻瓜,因为他出去时把门开着。[记忆技巧]构词法联想记忆:fool n. &v.  加上后缀-ish为foolish adj. 愚蠢的[常用词组]be fooled by sb. 上某人的当/fool sb. into doing sth. 愚蠢的[常用词组]be fooled by sb. 上某人的当/fool sb.  into sth. 哄骗某人干某事/fool sb. out of his money 骗去某人的钱。29. invitation  [7invi5teiFEn]n.  邀请例:Judith sent me an invitation to her party 朱迪思给我送来送来请贴,要我去参加她的聚会。I received an invitation to her birthday party. 我收到了她生日宴会的请贴。I've had an invitation from the people that live next door. 我从住在隔壁的人那里收到一张请贴。[记忆技巧]构词法联想记忆:invite v. -invitation 接受邀请/decline an invitation 谢绝邀请/send out invitations to a  dinner发出宴会请帖30. occasion [E5keiVEn]n. 机会,时机;(重大的)时刻,场合,盛事;需要,理由例:I'll speak to him on the first occasion. 一有机会,我就告诉他。He turned his back on the occasion of seeing the film.  他放弃了看电影的机会。I have travelled in an aeroplane on three occasions. 我坐飞机旅行已经三次了。A wedding is a big family occasion. 婚礼是家庭中的一件大事。This was a great occasion, there were flags everywhere, the band was playing, and everybofy was most excited. 这是一个盛大的场面,旗帜到处飘扬,鼓乐齐鸣,人人都很兴奋。I send you my best wishes on this happy occasion. 值此欢乐的日子,谨向你致以最良好的祝愿。I will write and let you know if the occasion arises. 必要时我会写信告诉你的。There is no occasion to refuse. 没有什么可以拒绝的理由。There's no occasion to be angrey. 不必生气。 查看更多

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