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Unit19 Modern agriculture一、课文背景知识在社会发展进程中,农业经历了原始农业( primitive agriculture )、传统农业( traditional agriculture )和现代农业( modern agriculture )三个发展阶段。19世纪40年代到20世纪初,是全世界传统农业向现代农业的过渡时期;而从20世纪初期到50年代,是现代农业的确立时期。现代农业有四个重大特点:一是生物科学的发展和杂交优势理论的应用使人类能够通过育种手段,选择和要培育出品类繁多、高产优质的农作物和禽新品种,摆脱了对天然品种的依赖。二是化学肥料和农药的发明和生产,建立了农用化学工业,提供了农作物所需养分和减轻了病虫草的危害。三是蒸气机的发明,促进了机械化和半机械化农具的广泛应用,以现代工业技术和设备武装农业,实行区域布局、专业化生产,集约化经营,显著提高劳动生产率和土地利用率。四是这四大类技术的交织和综合,为农业生产开创了一个新纪元,使农作物和蓄禽产品大幅度增长。大约在200年间,农民基本上采用传统耕耘方式,农作物产量很低,差不多每100个农民一年的辛勤劳作进能养活两个居民;现在一个高效率的农民一年劳作可以生产6万~10万千克粮食,3000~4000千克肉食,足可以养活200~300个居民。过去一个农民生产100千克粮食需要1-2天的劳动,而现在只需要几秒钟就足够了。现代农业的核心是科学化,特征是商品化,方向是集约化,目标是产业化。现代农业是与生态农业( eco-agriculture ),旅游观光农业( sight-seeing agriculture ),绿色食品(green food ),无公害蔬菜( healthy vegetables ),以及可持续发展( sustainable development )息息相关的。二、疑难详解。1. It is on this arable land that the famers produce food for the whole population of China.农民们正是在这些可耕地上为全国人民生产各种粮食。[问]如何理解这个句子结构?[答]这是个强调句,,其结构为:It is (was)+被强调部分+that/who-从句,被强调部分可以是句子的主语、宾语、状语等,如果被强调部分是物,从句用that引导,如果指人,则可用that或who来引导从句。课文第三段还有一个强调句。又如:It was they who (that)helped me in the street this morning. 今天上午就是他们在街上帮了我。It was this morning that they helped me in the street. 他们是今天上午在街上帮我的。Who was it that taught them French yesterday? 昨天教他们法语的是谁?What was it that the new teacher taught them yesterday? 昨天新老师教他们的是 什么?2. To make as much use of the land as possible. two or more crops are planted each year where possible. 为了更充分地利用土地资源,在可能种植两种或两种以上作物的地方种植不同的作物。[问]不定式短语为什么放在句首?怎样理解as possible 和where possible?[答]不定式作目的状语可位于句首,起强调作用,此外i norder to 和so as to 都可引导目的状语,但so as to  不能位于句首。如:(In order )to pass the exams, he did his lessons till late at night. 为了通过考试,他复习功课直到深夜。此句可改为:He did his lessons till late at night so as to pass the exam. 句中的make use of 是一个短语,意为:“利用、使用”,如:We should make full use of time in our study. 我们在学习中应充分利用时间。It is very important for us to make good use of water. 好好利用水资源是很重要的。句中的as much ... as possible 意为:“尽可能多地……”, much 后接不可数名词,若为可数名词,则用many来修饰。又如:Please give him as muvh help as possible. 请尽可能多地买了书。句中的where possible 是一种省略形式,在句中作地点状语,相当于where it is possible ,连词if,when, while, until等都可用于这种省略句。例如:I will pay you a visit when (I am)free. 我有空时会来看你的。Tell the manager immediately about it if (it is )necessary. 如有必要,迅速把这事儿告诉经理。3. This saves time and allows famers to grow an extra crop in each season. 这就节约了时间允许农民可以在每个季节里种植一种额外的作物。[问]allow 和let的含义和用法有什么不同?[答]二者均可作“允许”解,但各有侧重;allow重在“允许”或“容许”,也可表示客气的请求,常用于allow sb. to do sth. 或allow doing sth. 结构中。例如:He allowed me to take his dictionary. 他允许我拿走他的词典。Will you allow me to use your bike?我可以用你的自行车吗?We don't allow smoking here. 我们不允许在这儿抽烟。而let作“允许”或“让”解,主要用于口语,一般可与allow互换。作“允许”解时,常暗含“听任”“默许”之意。注意: let之后作宾补的不定式不带to, 且不可用于被动语态,而allow则相反。例如;Please let me walk with you (=Please allow me to walk with you. ) 我(请允许我)跟你一起走。4. It is from the early 1990s that scientists started to develop new techniques to increase agricultural production without harming the environment. 科学家开始发展研究既提高农业产量又不破坏环境的新技术是在二十世纪九十年代。[问]该句中develop是什么意思?介词without有什么用途?[答]develop 意为:发展,发达,发扬,发育,进步,逐步生长,逐步显示出来”等。如:Plants develop from seeds. 植物由种子发育而成。Several industries are developing in this area. 几种工业正在这个地区发展。Some children develop more slowly than others. 有的儿童比其他的儿童发育得慢。Fresh air and exercise develop healthy bodies. 新鲜空气和运动能使身体健康。He developed the photo graphs which he had taken. 他冲洗了他拍摄的胶卷。developing 意为:“发展中的”, developed意为“发达的”,如:China is a developin country while Japan is a developed one. 中国是个发展中的国家, 而日本是个发达的国家。介词without 表示“不,没有”, 后接名词、代词或-ing形式,在句中用做状语、表语或定语,如:She day passed without seeing me. 她从我身边走过而没有看见我。They never meet withour quarreling. 他们一见面就要吵嘴。Future agriculture should depend on high technology as well as traditonal methods. 未来的农业将依靠高科技和传统的方法。[问]as well 和as well as有什么不同?as well意为: “还;也”, 相当于too, 通常位于句末。 如:He gave me advice, and money as well. 他给我忠告,也给我钱。She went there as well. 她也去了那儿。as well as 与as well 同意,但常用来连接两个并列成分,可译为:“除……之外;和”。强调的重点在第一个成分。 如果连接的两个并了成分作主语,谓语动词的数和第一个成分一致。 如:He gave me money as well as advice. 她除了给我忠告外,还给我钱。You as well as I are right. 我是对的,你也是对的。6. Not only food production is important but also taking care of the environment. 不仅食物生产很重要,保护好环境也同样重要。[问]怎样理解这个句子结构?[答]此句相当于:Not only food production but also taking care of the environment is important. 并列连词not only ...but also...意为:“不仅……,而且……”,连接两个并列的主语food production 和taking care of the environment.not only... but also ...也可连接两个并列的谓语、宾语、表语、状语等,还可连接两个并列的句子,所强调的重点是后面的一个。有时可省略also。又如:She not only sings well but (also)dances beautifully.  她不但歌唱得好,而且舞也跳得很优美。He was not only a successful writer but (also)the greatest poet of his time.他不但是一位成功的作家,而且  他啊那个时代最伟大的诗人。He is famous not only in China but in the whole world. 他不仅誉满中国,而且誉满全世界。当not only ...but also...连接两个主语时,谓语动词应采取“就近一致”的原则,与后面哪个主语保持人称和数的一致。如:Not only the students but also the teacher is pleased. 不仅同学们高兴,老师也高兴。Not only he but also you are going there. 不仅他,而且你也要去那儿。7. The roots of these begetables are not planted in earth but hang in water that contains all the nutrients they need to grow. 这些蔬菜的根不是种植在土壤里而是放在含有它们所需要营养的水中。[问]怎么理解本句?they need to grow 在句中作何成分?[答]本句中有一组连词not...but...表示一种转折关系。否定not后面的内容,肯定but后面的内容,意为“不是……,而是……”,他可用来来年界两个结构类似、语法功能相同的句子成分。如:He does not speak English, but French. 他不讲英语而讲法语。It's not mine, but yours. 那不是我的,而是你的。Every day I went to school not by bike, but on foot. 我每天不是骑自行车而是步行上学的。Mary did not watch TV,but went over her lessons. 玛丽没有看电视,而是发复习了功课。Not the teacher but the students want to see the film. 不是老师而是同学们想看电影。由上例句可以看出,这种句型的主语可以是人或物,not前可以是行为动词也可以是连系动词,但不要与not缩写,而且not和but后哟啊连接结构相似、语法功能相同的句子成分。此句中they need是定语从句,修饰nutrients,不定式to grow也可用作定语修饰nutrients。8. The temperature is controlled with computers or kept the same, no matter how the weather is outside. 气温是由电脑控制的,或者保持恒温,无论外界气候如何。[问]如何理解该句中的no matter?[答]no matter可与what, who, which, where,when, how等连用引导一从句,表示“不管,无论”之意,在句中作让步状语。例如:No matter what you say, I won't believe you. 管你说什么,我都不会相信你的话。No matter when you come, you'll be more than welcome. 不管你思茅时候到,你都会受到非常热烈的欢迎。No mater how hared you try, you'll never lose your American accent. 不管你多么努力,你都不会讲话时不带美国口音。no matter与what, who, which, where,when, how等连用引导从句时,同whatever, whoever, whichever, wherever, whenever和however(however后一定要家加上一个形容词或副词)引导从句时的 意思相同。其区别只是no matter...从句只能用作状语从句,而whatever...从句除了可作状语从句一 ,还可用作名词性从句在句中充当主语或宾语,有时甚至是宾语补足语。例如:No matter which /whichever you say, I won't believe you. 我不管你说什么,我都不会相信你说的话。No matter which /whichever of three sisters you choose to marry, you will have a good wife. 无论你选择三姐妹中的哪一位结婚,你都将得到一位贤淑的妻子。此外,no matter一般不单独使用,可以用在It's no matter (It makes no matter)+从句这种句型中表示“无关紧要”,如:It makes no matter /It's no a matter whether you get there early or late. 你到达那里早或晚都无关紧要。It makes no matter to him that brother lost all his money. 弟弟赔(丢)光了钱,对他无关紧要。 9. The tomato is one of nearly 4500 different plants that are genetically modified. 西红柿是将近4500种不同转基因作物的一种。[问]这句中定语从句的谓语动词能用单数吗?[答]不能。关系代词who、which、that本身没有数的变化,它们作主语时,从句中的谓语动词应与先行词的数保持一致、有时需根据具体情况而定,试比较:Look at the woman with two children who is sitting under the tree. 看那个坐在树下的妇女,她和两个孩子在一起。Look at the woman with two children who playing under the tree.看那个妇女,她和正在树下玩的两个 孩子在一起。但是当先行词是“one of + 复数名词”时,显然其重心在名词上,因此从句中的谓语用复数;当先行词是“the only one of +  复数名词”,时,其重心是the only one,因而谓语动词用单数,如:He is oen of the teachers who know Russian well.  他是懂俄语的老师之一。He is the only one of the teachers who knows Russion well.他是(老师中唯一懂俄语的一位老师。This is one of the most interesting questions that have been asked. 这是问过的最有趣的问题之一。She was the only one of the girls who was late for the meeting. 她是开会迟到的唯一的女孩。10. He spent his time on research into agriculture. 他一生致力于农学研究。[问]与spend搭配的介词on可以省略吗?[答]不能省略。当我们要表达“花时间做某事”时可用两种句型:spend ...on sth. 和spend ...(in)doing sth. 后接-ing形式时可省掉介词in。如:Don't spend any more time on that problem. 别在那个问题上再花时间了。Every spare minute he gets is spent on the car. 他业余的每一分钟都花在摆弄那辆车上。She spent her evenings (in) washing the windows and floors. 她利用晚上的时间清洗窗子和地面。He spends his whole life (in) looking after the poor. 他用毕生的精力来照顾穷人。[辨异]spend指花时间做某事时,其主语往往是人,而take作“花费时间”时,主语通常是物,常用于It take sb. some time to do sth. 这一句型。如:It took them several hours to set up a tent. 他们花了几个小时才搭起帐篷。(=They spent several hours in setting up the tent.)本句中,reseacher into意为“研究,探讨”,其中reseacher是名词,可有单、复数形式。如:They are carrying out a research into the cause of cancer. 他们正对癌症的病因进行研究。We have been making scientific reseaches on these plants. 我们一直在对这些植物进行科学研究。11. He collected information, studied it, did experiments and learnt from the experiences of famers. 他收集资料并加以研究,努力实践,向有经验的农民学习。[问]learn from是什么意思?experience 是可数名词吗?[答]learn from意为“向……学习”,如:Chaiman Mao called on us to learn from comrade Lei Feng. 毛主席号召我们向雷峰同志学习。One has to learn from other people 's experience. 我们都要学习他人的经验。experience作“经验”、“体验”解时,较为笼统,为不可数名词;作“经历”,“阅历”解时,较为具体,用作可数名词。又如:He has much experience in teaching. 他有丰富的教学经验。I had an unforgettabe experience in the forest. 我在森林中有过一次难忘的经历。They can't forget their experiences in African. 他们忘不了在非洲的经历。experienced 是形容词,意为:“有经验的”,如:She is experienced in making speeches. 她在演讲方面颇有经验。12. It includes advice on the following subjects growing green vegetables and fruit trees, keeping cows, sheep and fish in lakes. 它包含了如下方面的建议:种植绿色蔬菜和果树栽培,牛羊的饲养和湖泊养雨。 [问]include,including,还有contain之间有什么区别?[答]include,including和contain都有“包括”,“包含”的意思。include强调“包括作为整体的一部分”,如:The list included his name . 这个名单上包括他的名字。At least 20 people got hurt, including five children. 包括五个孩子在内至少20人受伤。He had included a large number of funny stories in the speech. 他在讲话中加进了许多引人发笑的故事。The United Kingdom includes Northern Ireland and Wales.联合王国也包括北爱尔兰和威尔士。而contain意为:“含有;容纳;装有”,着重“其中包含有”。提’The bottle contains water. 这个瓶子里有水。The speech contained some interesting ideas. 这个讲演包括一些有趣的思想。This book contains forty maps, including three of Great Britain. 这本书里有四十张地图,其中包括三张英国地图。13. But if you go against nature and so things at the wrong time of the year, you will have to do more work and  results will not be so good. 但是如果你违背自然,不适时耕作,你就会付出更多的劳动,而成果却不见得好。[问]句中的go against是何意?[答]go against意为“违背,反对,不利于;如:Man can't go against nature. 人不能违背自然规律。Did what he said go against the law?他说的话犯法了吗?The game is going against them. 比赛情况对他们不利。[辨异]go against意为“违背,对抗”,而be against意为“反对,不赞成”。例如:He is strongly against our plan. 他强烈反对我们的计划。be againest 的反义词是be forWe are for your team. 我们支持你们队。14. The condition ofthe soil is also very important. 土壤条件也很重要。[问]condition的单、复数形式有什么不同?[答]conditon指“由于一定的原因、条件或环境所产生的特定情况”,指某人某物的情况、状况时多用单数。如:Ability is one ofthe conditions of success in life. 能力是人生中成功的条件之一。You must on no condition tell him what has happened. 你无论在什么情况下都不可告诉他所发生的事。His condition will not permit him to travel. 他的情况不允许他旅游。Though bought several years ago, the car is still in good condition. 虽然这车已买了好几年,但其性能仍然很好。On condition that 意思为:“条件是,在……条件下”,引导条件状语从句。如:You can borrow the book on condition that you return it to me on time. 只要你按时归还,你可以借走这本书。For example, do not plant rice year after year in the same field. 例如,不要在同一块地里年复一年地”种植稻谷。[问]year after year 是什么意思?与year by year 有何区别?[答]year after year意为“年复一年地”,强调重复性,而‘year by year 意为“逐年地”,强调逐年变化。例如:I have to do this knd of work year after year. 我不得不年复一年地干这种活。Year by year the trees grow taler and taller. 这些树一年一年地长高了。类似的词组还有:day after day, day by day; month after month, month by month;week after week, week by week 等,如:The boy came to see me day after day. 这孩子日复一日地来看我。The students made progress in English week by week. 同学们的英语学习一周一周地进步了。三、本单元高考热点归纳与拓展[概述]1.重点单词和词组:produce,effect,leader,local,irrigation,seed,depend on,short of,control,stand for,golden,garden,practical,guide,firstly,sow,condition,remove,and so on,2.重点语法:本单元的语法重点是学习it在强调句中的用法,这个句型可用来强调句子的某些成份,强调说话的重点。试比较:John gave me a handbag yesterday。昨天约翰给了我一个手提包。It was john that gave me a handbag yesterday。昨天给我手提包的是约翰。It was me that John gave a handbag yesterday。昨天约翰是给了我一个手提包。It was a handbag that John gave me yesterday。昨天约翰给我的是手提包。It was yesterday that John gave me a handbag。约翰是昨天给了我一个手提包。注意:如果被强调的成分是指人的主语,that 可用 who 替代。上文例2可改为:It was John who gave me a handbag yesterday。如果被强调的成分是人称代词,这个代词可用主格,也可用宾格。如:It was I/me who/that went there the day before yesterday。该句型不能用来强调 since,as 引起的原因状语从句、though ,although 引起的让步状语从句、动词或表语。如不能说:It is a tescher that he is。该句型可用在疑问句中。如:Was it French that the new teacher taught them yesterday?When was it that the new teacher taught them French?Whom was it that the new teacher taught French yesterday?[经典解析]ao例:1. Jumping out of _____ airplane at ten thousand feet is quite ______ exciting experience.    A. 不填; the     B.不填; an      C. an; an      D. the; the简析:本题考查冠词的用法。题中的“飞机”是泛指一类事物,要用不定冠词;而“从一万英尺的高度跳下”是指一次具体的经历,也应用不定冠词。故答案选C。例:2. In fact ______ is a hard job for the police to keep order in an important foofball match.    A. this          B. that          C. there        D. it简析:it 是形式主语,真正的主语是 to keep order in an important football match。由于空格出现在fact 的后面,所以很容易把它当作同位语从句,而选 that。实际上,如果 in fact 的后面接同位语从句的话,就不能称其为句子了,而是一个短语。着句话的意思是“实际上,在一次重大的足球赛中,对警察来说,维持秩序是一项艰难的工作。”答案选D。例:3.—Mum, why do you always make me eat an egg every day?      — ______  enough protein and nutrition as you are growing up.    A. Get    B. Getting    C. To get   D. To be getting简析:本题考查不定式作目的的状语的用法,答案为C。[高考透视]英语中表达目的的有不同的方法,主要有以下几种:(1)使用for, on 等介词短语。如:We study for the people. 我们为人民而学习。(2)使用动词不定式。如:We eat to live; not live to eat.我们吃饭是为了活着,而活着并不是为了吃饭。(3)使用“in order / so as + 动词结构。如:He shouted and waved so as to be noticed。他喊着,挥着手,以便能被注意到。(4)使用 so that, in order that, in case that(以免,以防)等引导的状语从句。如:I'm telling you this so that you shoutld not make the same mistake.我现在告诉你这个,目的是为了你不犯同样的错误。例:4.— I am going to the office。      — ______ you're there, can you get me some stamps?    A. As    B. While    C. Because    D. it简析:because 引导原因状语 从句,if 引导条件状语从句,不合语境及题意。as 强调主从句谓语动词的同时性。while 除表示同时性外,还含有“主句的动作在从句的动作进行或持续过程中的某一时刻发生了”的意义。因本题主从句动作不具有同时性,不能选A。答案为B。例:5. Some of the wheat is from Canada. What about _______ ?    A. another    B. the other    C. others    D. the rest简析:wheat 为不可数名词,要表示其剩余部分应用 the rest,其他三项都只能用来表示可数的人或事物。故选D。[高考透视] rest 常与定冠词 the 连用,意为“剩余部分;剩下的人物”既可表示可数概念(作主语时,谓语动词用复数);也可表示不可数概念(作主语时,谓语动词用单数);还可以表示同一事物的剩余部分(作主语时,谓语动词用单数)。例:6. One way of understanding thousands of new words is to gain ______ good knowledge of basic word formation.A. 不填    B. the    C. a     D. one简析:knowledge 后有 of 短语修饰,表示具体的“基本结构法方面的知识”,且其前有 good 修饰。故选C。[高考透视]knowledge 泛指“知识”时为不可数名词,其前一般不用冠词,但如果与介词 of 连用,则表示某一方面(领域)的知识,需用冠词(如有形容词修饰时,应与不定冠词连用)。四、单词详解1. produce[prE5dju:s]n.产物, 农产品//vt.提出, 出示, 生产, 制造, 结(果实), 引起, 招致, 创作例:The whisky bottle was marked 'Produce of Scotland'.这瓶威士忌酒上标有'苏格兰出品'的字样。Hard work produces success.辛勤劳动带来成功。Gas can be produced from coal.煤气可用煤来制造。[记忆技巧]比较记忆法:produce n. 产品,产物,乘积;production n. 生产,产品,作品,(研究)成果;productivity n. 生产力[常用词组]the agricultural produce农产品/the native produce 土特产品2. effect[i5fekt]n.结果, 效果, 作用, 影响/vt.招致, 实现, 达到(目的等)Alcoholic drink can have a bad effect on your body.含酒精的饮料会对你身体有很坏的影响。One of the side effects of this drug is the easiness of habit-forming.这种药的副作用之一就是容易上瘾。The old system is still in effect.旧制度仍有效。The medicine quickly took effect. 药很快见效了。The new minister hopes to effect changes in the government's policy.这位新部长希望改变政府的政策。The new manager effected several changes in the company.新来的经理在公司里促成了好几次改革。[记忆技巧]比较记忆法:effective adj. 有效的,被实施的,给人深刻印象,有生力量;effectively adv. 有效地,有力地[常用词组]in effect正在实行;实际上/take   effect开始实行;开始生效/to... effect大意是/to no effect无效果, 不灵验/to that  effect带有那个[这个]意思/to the effect that ...大意是, 内容 是/have an effect on(upon)对...有影响; 对..起作用, 产生效果/be of no effect无效, 没有作用, 不中用/bring into  effect实行, 实施, 使生效, 实现/carry into effect实行, 实施, 使生效, 实现3. leader[5li:dE]n.领导者Our teacher is the leader — she will show us where to go.我们的老师是领路人,她会告诉我们怎么走的。[常用词组]the leader of an expedition探险队的领队/leader of a choir歌咏队的指挥4. tobacco[tE5bAkEu]n.烟草, 烟草制品, 抽烟I gave up tobacco. 我戒烟了[记忆技巧] 联想记忆法:cigar n. 雪茄; cigarette n. 香烟,纸烟 5. local[5lEukEl]adj.地方的, 当地的, 局部的, 乡土的/n.当地居民, 本地新闻, 慢车, 局部例:My brother go to the local school.我兄弟上本地的学校。Many of the local dignitaries attended his grandfather's funeral.当地许多达官贵人都参加了他外祖父的葬礼。Mrs Brabante is talking to the manager of the local factory where the crop is processed.布拉班特夫人正在和当地农作物加工厂的经理谈话。Last Tuesday he received a letter from the local police.上星期二他接到当地警察局的一封信。6. irrigation[7iri5^eiFEn]n.灌溉, 冲洗Irrigation is needed to make crops grow in dry regions. 要使庄稼在干旱地区生长就需要灌溉。[常用词组]an irrigation channel [canal]灌溉渠/bring the farmland under irrigation使农田水利化7. pump[pQmp]n.泵, 抽水机//vt.(用泵)抽(水), 抽吸例:A bicycle pump puts air into the tires.自行车打气筒把空气打进轮胎里。Here is an old-fashioned pump for drawing water from a well.这里有一个旧式水泵可从井里抽水。The villagers had pumped the well dry, and could get no more water.村民们已把井水抽干了,再也抽不出水来了。He pumped up his tires.他给车胎打足了气。8. seed[si:d]n.种子, 萌芽//vt.播种, 结实She planted the seeds of virtue in her children when they were young.孩子们小的时侯, 她就在他们心田里播下了道德的种子。[常用词组]seed grain种子粮/sow the seed in the spring/春播sow the /seed in the ground播种下地/seeds of trouble灾难的根源9. technical[5teknikEl]adj.技术的, 技术上的, 技巧方面的To build this machine,you must have technical ability.要造这台机器,你们必须有技术能力。a technical job技术性的工作/a technicalschool.技术学校/technicalexpert技术专家/technical institute工学院10. depend[di5pend]vi.依靠, 依赖It all depends on the weather. 那要看天气如何(这取决于天气)。Can I depend on you?我可以信任你吗?I haven't a car, I have to depend on the buses.我没有汽车,只能靠公共汽车。Children must depend on their parents. 孩子们必须依赖他们的父母It all depends.[口]要看情况而定。You may depend upon it.[口]肯定无疑; 放心好了。[记忆技巧] 比较记忆法:rely v. 依赖,依靠,信赖,信任,依赖于,例如: rely on one's own efforts 依靠自己的努力。 count on v. 依靠,指望;trust vt.信任,信赖[常用词组]depend on(upon)依靠; 由...而定, 取决于; 从属于; 依赖其维持/depend upon it[口]肯定天疑, 管保没错, 我敢说11. root[ru:t]n.根, 根部, 根本, 根源//v.(使)生根, (使)扎根, 使立定不动, 坚定不移, 确立Fear rooted her to the ground.她吓得呆若木鸡。Her affection for him is deeply rooted.她对他的爱是坚定不移的。Are you going to root here forever?你留在这儿永远不走了吗?[常用词组]the root of a tooth [a hair, the tongue]牙[发, 舌]根/the root of all evil祸根/a root idea根本思想/square root平方根12. control[kEn5trol]n.控制, 支配, 管理, 调节, 抑制, 控制器, 调节装置//vt.控制, 支配, 管理(物价等), 操纵, 抑制He was in control of the car.他负责这辆小汽车。All schools are under the control of the Ministry of Education.所有学校统归教育部管辖。This handle controls the flow of electricity.这个把手调节电流。Control yourself; don't get angry.你要克制自己,不要发火。[常用词组]under control 在控制中/out of control 失控13. golden golden[5^EuldEn]adj.金色的, 金黄色的, 贵重的, 极好的, 黄金的/the golden sun.金色的太阳/We feel sure your future here is golden. 我们确信你在这儿前途似锦。[常用词组]a golden sky 金黄色的天空/golden hours幸福的时刻/a golden opportunity.千载难逢的机会/a golden generation.前途光明的一代14. wisdom[5wizdEm]n.智慧, 明智的行为, 学识, 名言, 贤人, 至理名言Learn wisdom by the follies of others.[谚]从旁人的愚行中学到智慧。No wisdom like silence.[谚]知道什么的时候应保持沉默就是聪明;智者寡言。That's good wisdom which is wisdom in the end.[谚]最后灵验的话才是至理名言;聪明到头才算真。One cannot have wisdom without living life.一个人不经历生活不可能有智慧。15. garden[5^B:dn]n.(菜、花)园, 花园//vi. 栽培花木;从事园艺Everything is nice in your garden.你家的东西那有不好的!;你家的狗屎都是香的!No garden without its weeds.[谚]没有不生杂草的花园。[记忆技巧]联想记忆法:garden center n. 花园中心; garden-variety adj. 普通的,平凡的;gardened adj. 有花园的; gardener n. 园丁;花匠;园艺家; gardening n.  园艺;园艺学; gardenly adj. 如花园的,适合于花园的16. practical[5prAktikEl]adj.实际的, 实践的, 实用的, 应用的, 有实际经验的He is very practical -- he can make or mend almost  anything.他很能干,他几乎可以制造或修理任何东西。Let's get down to a practicaldiscussion.让我们认真地讨论吧。[常用词组]for all practical purposes实际上/a practical proposal切实可行的建议/a practical method实用的方法; 有效的方法/practical minds讲实际的头脑/a practical teacher有经验的教师/practical politics行得通的政治/a practical proposal切实可行的建议17. guide[^aId]n.领路人, 导游者, 向导, 引导者, 指南/vt.指导, 支配, 管理, 带领, 操纵They guided us to the office.他们带领我们到了办公室。Be guided by your feeling.按你的感觉行事。[常用词组]a Guide to English Grammar英语语法指南18. firstly[5f\:stlI]adv.第一, 首先There are three reasons against it: First...有三个反对的理由: 第一…[记忆技巧]比较记忆法:secondly adv. 第二,其次;thirdly adv. 第三;lastly adv. 最后;终于19. sow[sau]vt.播种, 散布, 使密布As you sow, so will you reap.种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。reap as what one has sown自食其果[常用词组]sow a field with wheat在田里播种小麦sow seeds in the field在田里播种sow the seeds of distrust[喻]散布猜疑的种子sow dissension分化离间a sky sown with stars满天星斗20. condition[kEn5diFEn]n.条件, 情形, 环境, 社会地位The car is in very good condition.这辆汽车情况良好。The patient's condition is critical.病人情况危急。I can let you have it on very favorable conditions.我愿意以非常优厚的付款条件卖给你。You must on no condition tell him what has happened.你无论在什么情况下都不可告诉他所发生的事。Ability is one of the conditions of success in life.能力是人生中成功的条件之一。He is in no condition [out of condition] to travel.他的健康状况不宜于旅行。[记忆技巧]比较记忆法:situation n. 形势;状况;事态;staten n. 情形,状态,国家,政府,州[常用词组]be in  condition身体很好[不适]/be out of condition身体很好[不适/be in good condition完好无误/be in (a) condition (to do a thing)/能做, 有作...的条件/be in no  condition to(身体状况)不适宜/make it a condition that ...以...为条件/on condition that条件是/on no condition绝不要21. removeremove[ri5mu:v]vt.移动, 开除, 移交/vi.迁移, 搬家Three removes are as bad as a fire. 6三次搬家犹如一次失火。[常用词组]be removed from与...远离; 与...疏远的; 与...不一样/be removed from school被开除, 被勒令退学/but [only] one [a] remove from与... 相隔不远(指程度或来亲属关系)/remove oneself走开, 离去/remove all doubts消除一切怀疑/to remove your hat脱掉你的帽子/to remove a child from a class把一个孩子从班上带走/remove the cloth from the table把桌上的桌布拿走/remove soldiers to the front调兵上前线/remove a man from office/免除一人的职务22. weed [wi:d]n.野草, 杂草/v.除草, 铲除They weeded out useless books from library.他们从图书室里淘汰无用的书。He is busy weeding.他正忙于除草。He weeded out the books he didn't want. 他把不想要的书丢掉了。[常用词组]weed out清除杂草; 剔除; 删去; 淘汰易混易错词语辨析1. 辨析 product,produce,production 和 productivity:produce 作名词用是不可数的,特指“农产品”,例如:The marketing of these produce is out of question. 这些农产品的销售是不成问题的。product 多指“工业产品”,也可泛指任何体力、脑力劳动产生的东西,或发源于其他事物的东西,例如:Shkespeare's plays are the product of his times. 莎士比亚的剧本是他那个时代的产物。production 指“生产”,在不同场合可有不同意义,例如:To improve the people's living conditions we must first of all increase production. 要改善人们的生活条件,我们必须首先增加生产。The production of steel is now a nation-wide concern. 产钢现在成为全国性的事业。productivity 意为“产量,生产能力”等,如:By ploughing deep,the productivity of the soil can be greatly increased.通过深耕的办法,土地的生产率可以大大地提高。2. 辨析 depend 和 rely:两者都含有“信赖”的意思。relu指“在过去经验的基础上,依赖、相信某人或某事物,希望从中得到支持或帮助”,如:He can be-lined on to keep secret. 相信他能保密。depend 指“出于信赖而依靠他人或他物,以取得其支持或帮助,这种信赖可能有过去的经验或了解为根据,也可能没有”,如:He can depend on his wife for sympathy. 他相信妻子会同情他。3. 辨析 sow, plant 和 grow:sow 意为“播、撒、播种、种”,其后跟(the)seeds或“植物(结成种状的)”。如:It's time to sow wheat now. 现在该种小麦了。Don't sow the seeds of hatred. 请不要撒下仇恨的种子。(比喻用法)plant 意为“栽、插、移植”,其后跟作物(多为苗状的)。如:He plants rice fastest in the village. 他在那个村子里插秧的速度最快。The garden was planted with Chinese roses. 园子里栽上了月季。grow 作及物动词时,意为“种植、培植”,后接宾语(不表明种状还是苗状,强调种植后的栽培及管理过程);作不及物动词时,意为“生长、发育”;作系动词时,意为“变得”。如:They can only grow potatoes in the fields.他们只能在地里种土豆。It grows up straight and thin.它长得又直又细。It began to grow dark.天渐渐黑了。4. 辨析 condition, situation 和 state:三个词都有“情况、形势”的意思,作为名词 condition 多用复数形式,当我们要表示具体的工作、生活、学习的环境和条件时,要用 condition。而 situation 常用单数,侧重“形势,情景”,试比较:What are conditions like in yur schoo? 你们学校的条件如何?What do you think of the present economic situation? 你觉得当前的经济形势如何?On condition that “在……条件下”,引导条件状语从句。You can go out on condition that you come back before 8 o' clock. 只要你能在8点以前回来,你可以出去。state 系常用词,指“人或物存在或所处的状态”,但不着重于“这种状态和具体原因或条件的关系”,如:He is in a good state. 他身体健康。5. 辨析 golden 和 gold:golden 也可指“金子做的”,但在现代英语中多作“金黄色的,象黄金一样宝贵的”,如:a golden sunset. 金色的夕阳;the golden years of one's childhood. 一个人童年的黄金时代;而 gold 意味“金的,金制的”,此外它还可用作名词,指“黄金”。如:She wore a gold ring. 她戴了一枚金戒指。All is not gold that glitters. [谚]闪光的未必都是金子。 查看更多

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