


1 苏州市 2019~2020 学年第二学期学业质量阳光指标调研卷 高二英语 2020.7 注意事项: 1.本调研卷分为第 I 卷(选择题)和第 II 卷(非选择题),满分 150 分。答题时间 120 分钟。 2.请将第 I 卷的答案填涂在答题卡上,第 II 卷请直接在答题卡上规定的地方作答。答题前,务 必将自己的学校、姓名、调研序列号等相关息写在答题卡上规定的地方。 第 I 卷 选择题(共 75 分) 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 20 分) 做题时,先将答案标在调研卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将调研卷上的答 案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 5 分) 听下面 5 段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳 选项,并标在调研卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和 阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.What does the woman prefer to drink now? A.Milk. B.Coffee. C.Water. 2.What will the man do first? A.Pick up lunch. B.Visit the bank. C.Go to the post office. 3.What happened to the man? A.He lost his cat. B.He was nearly drowned. C.He was caught in the rain. 4.What are the speakers probably doing? A.They are on vacation. B.They are shopping. C.They are on business. 5.What is the man's opinion about high-speed rail? A.Comfortable but expensive B.Convenient and relaxing. C.Fast but not enjoyable. 第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)2 听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有儿个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中 选出最佳选项,并标在调研卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。 6.Why does the woman call the man? A.To confirm his order. B.To make an apology to him. C.To give her thanks to him. 7.What do we know about the man? A.He will be charged less. B.He is grateful to the woman. C.He is going to give up his order. 听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 10 题。 8.How did the woman know about the new hotel? A.From the radio. B.From her friend. C.From the newspaper. 9.What does the woman think of the new hotel? A.It will bring more tourists. B.It may ruin the beautiful place. C.It helps develop local tourism. 10.What does the man suggest the woman do? A.Advertise the hotel on a radio show. B.Hold a radio program to discuss the topic. C.Ask the local people to fight against it. 听第 8 段材料,回答第 11 至 13 题。 11.What books does the man like most? A.Books about sports. B.Books about the environment. C.Books about foreign countries. 12.How does the man feel about the pictures in food books? A.Appealing. B.Disgusting. C.Serious. 13.What will the man do next? A.Have a look around. B.Get the membership card. C.Sign the application form. 听第 9 段材料,回答第 14 至 16 题。 14.Who is the man most likely to be? A.A UN official. B.A farmer. C.A journalist. 15.What might be the reason for animal diseases spreading? A.Trade in animal products is decreasing. B.People and animals are moving from place to place. C.A lot of animals have died from various diseases.3 16.What happened in South Africa? A.A large number of sheep were killed. B.30 people were killed in an accident. C.The foot-and-mouth disease broke out. 听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。 17.How long has the speaker lived in a big city? A.One year. B.Ten years. C.Eighteen years. 18.What is the speaker's opinion on public transport? A.It's comfortable. B.It's time-saving. C.It's cheap. 19.What is good about living in a small town? A.It's safer. B.It's healthier. C.It's more interesting. 20.What kind of life does the speaker seem to like most? A.Simple. B.Colorful. C.Quiet. 第二部分:阅读理解(共 20 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 40 分) 第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分) 请阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并 在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Several Eye-Opening Facts about Tears Humans make three different versions of tears.Basal tears help our eyes move smoothly,reflex tears form in response to irritants(刺激物)such as smoke and dirt,and emotional tears flow when we're sad or over-joyed.Onion tears are obviously of the reflex variety-but what's the irritant?It turns out onions produce a chemical to defend themselves.To cut down on its release,freeze the onion before slicing,then use a sharp knife to reduce the damage to the onion and the release of the chemical. Crying can be good for you.Some studies have shown a good cry can cause the release of certain chemicals that make us feel better.Crying can also improve people's sense of well being by bringing about social support.On the other hand,crying can sometimes make you feel worse than if you haven't cried at all.One study found that people who tend to cry in general more often feel worse after crying during a movie than people who seldom cry. According to Entertainment Weekly,the biggest Hollywood tearjerker of all time is Terms of Endearment,about how a family deals with a cancer diagnosis.Number 2:Bambi.According to Merriam-Webster,the term tearjerker first appeared in 1912,which happens to be the same year the Titanic sank.(The movie Titanic is 16th on EW' s tearjerker list.)4 In medieval( 中 世 纪 ) times,crying was perfectly acceptable,even manly.In the Anglo-Saxon poem Beowulf,when Beowulf was killed by a dragon,his soldiers were extremely sad and cried aloud for his death.King Arthur was also known to turn on the waterworks. Speaking of war,tear gas was banned on the battlefield via the Chemical Weapons Convention of 1993,which was made to happen by Iraq's use of chemical weapons in Iran in the 1980s.That said,American police can still legally use tear gas for crowd control. 21.Why do people have tears while cutting onions? A.Because they are sad. B.Because their eyes are affected by a chemical. C.Because they are over-joyed. D.Because their eyes can't move smoothly. 22.The underlined word"tearjerker"in Paragraph 3 probably refers to A.a popular newspaper B.a touching movie C.a deadly disease D.an interesting book 23.What can we learn from the passage? A.Crying is always beneficial to people. B.Tear gas is strictly forbidden in any case after 1993. C.Emotional tears only form in response to negative feelings. D.It is socially acceptable for men to cry in medieval times. 24.Where does the text probably come from? A.A guidebook. B.A chemistry paper. C.A medical report. D.A popular science magazine. B In June 1936,a great novel was published.It gave the world a sense of the Old South,an unforgettable heroine and(in the movie version)the classic phrase,"Frankly,my dear,I don't give it a damn.” That book is Margaret Mitchell' s(1900-1949)Gone With the Wind,which sold one million copies in its first six months,won the Pulitzer Prize in 1937 and brought an explosion of unexpected and undesired fame to its author.It is not in reality the second best-selling book of all-time,behind only the Bible,as generations of Atlantans have claimed,but it does stand as one of the most astonishing victories in the history of publishing.To be specific,more than 30 million copies of the novel are in print worldwide nowadays. Mitchell,a former newspaper reporter who used to listen to Civil War stories,declared herself to be thoroughly puzzled by the popularity her only book met with.She thought it might appeal to a limited readership,or at worst sell a thousand copies to family and friends.Instead, however,the book now has more than 1,000 foreign-language editions. “It appeals to different cultures on different levels,"says Pamela Roberts,who had made a film about the author."On the one hand,it's a great story that wins over young women' s hearts with this charming heroine Scarlett O'Hara who did things her way.The other appeal is the theme of survival.Gone With the Wind has inspired people around the world who have lived through war or suffered under cruel governing."5 Two years after the book was published,Mitchell was asked if she was writing anything else,or intended to.She said she had been so busy answering the phone,the doorbell and her fan mail that she had not had the time to.She added that"being the author of Gone With the Wind is a full-time job,and most days it is an overtime job filling appointments and meeting visitors." The fame which came with her book brought her around$1,000,000 in book copyrights. movie rights and other related returns in less than four years,but disturbed her way of living. Asked about her ambitions at the height of the fame of Gone With the Wind,for someone who hated publicity,Mitchell said that she hoped to put on weight,become fat and accessible and grow old gracefully. The comment which greeted her work was not all in praise,although much of it was applauded.Whatever future generations may decide as to its value,Mitchell wrote a book which was the most outstanding bestseller ever written by an unknown author of a first novel. 25.Which of the followings statements is true as to the success of the novel? A.It's the second best-selling book of all time,behind only the Bible. B.It's the most astonishing success in the history of publishing. C.More man 30 million copies of the novel were sold in its first 6 months. D.The novel brought unexpected and undesired popularity to its author. 26.How did Mitchell feel at the popularity of the book? A.Delighted. B.Confused. C.Relieved. D.Embarrassed. 27.What contributes to the universal appeal of the book? A.The theme of the novel and the charm of the heroine. B.The fact that the book is set in the Old South. C.Mitchell' s personal popularity as a novelist. D.Praise from different cultures on different levels. 28.We can infer from the text that Margaret Mitchell_______ A.is an ambitious novelist B.enjoys public attention C.is very confident of her novel D.desires her usual way of living 29.What is the best title of the passage? A.Mystery behind Margaret' s Success B.Gone with the Wind C.Someone Never Gone with the Wind D.Forever Heroine:Scarlett O'Hara C Looking at his pile of unpaid bills always makes Giuseppe Del Giudice feel uneasy.More often than not,Del Giudice leaves his paperwork undone and sweeps the floor or watches TV instead,waiting until the last moment to write the monthly checks. Everyone procrastinates( 拖 延 ) 。 " It's part of the human condition,"says procrastination researcher Tim Pychyl,"One of the ways we cope is avoidance,and that's what procrastination comes 6 down to:We want to feel good now.The way to do that is avoid the task."You can procrastinate on nearly anything,even enjoyable tasks such as planning a vacation. One that almost everyone procrastinates on is their wills.70 to 80 percent of people,when they pass away,have no will or an out-of-date or incomplete will.It leaves terrible situations. But death isn't actually the cause of avoidance.Research has shown that the top tasks people delay are cleaning,advancing their careers,taking care of their health,and planning their finances. Some people welcome procrastination,believing that they perform better under pressure. But researchers don't agree with the idea.I did an experiment several years ago,putting procrastinators under restrictions of time,"says Joseph Ferrari,a psychology professor at DePaul University."They did worse than nonprocrastinators, but they thought they did better.They made more errors.They took longer." Whatever the motivation,procrastination is usually not going to be good for you.Delaying a diet or exercise program may increase your risk of heart disease.Not having seen the doctor when your illness was easier to treat may shorten your life.Just thinking about what you haven't done may cause discomfort."Procrastinators higher levels of anxiety,"says Fuschia Sirois,a psychology lecturer at the of Sheffield."Some of the research has shown that this anxiety increases their possibility catching colds and experiencing many other health problems." For those of us in need of motivation,the best advice might be to think small. " We used to believe behaviors follow attitude,but if you can start with a little bit of progress,that motivates you, Pychyl says.So if you have been procrastinating on starting an exercise routine,just put on your walking shoes.If you've been putting off a work project, reread your boss's notes about it. Next,try sending yourself signals to motivate action.For instance,you might put your lights on a timed dimmer switch( 变 暗 开 天 ) to encourage a fixed bedtime.Joel Anderson,a philosophy researcher-lecturer at Utrecht University,carried out an experiment around this concept,and it worked on most of his subjects."They formed an intention,"Anderson says. "When the lights start to dim,I'll start going to bed." Finally,reward yourself for each step you take toward your goal.After you've gone to the gym,take a relaxing bath.After you've paid the bills,watch your favorite TV show.(But don't try to convince yourself it will work the other way around!) 30.The author mentions Giuseppe Del Giudice at the beginning to_________ A.provide a setting B.describe the main character C.introduce the topic D.explain a phenomenon 31.Procrastination is driven by the desire_ A.to feel good for the moment B.to avoid the task C.to leave things till the last moment D.to carry out enjoyable asks first 32.Which of the following are people least likely to delay? A.Advancing their careers. B.Taking care of their health. C.Planning their finances. D.Doing exercise.7 33.What is Paragraph 5 mainly about? A.Consequences of procrastination. B.Significance of procrastination. C.Motivation behind procrastination. D.Physical problems with procrastination. 34.Which of the following is a wise choice for people lacking motivation? A.Buy a dress of larger size while losing weight. B.Treat yourself to a chocolate bar before working out. C.Place your cellphone within sight when doing homework. D.Write down your goal and stick it where you can see easily. 35.What is the author's purpose in writing the passage? A.To analyze the origin of procrastination. B.To present people's opinions of procrastination. C.To persuade people to accept procrastination. D.To urge people to say goodbye to procrastination. 第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 选项中有两项为多余选项。 Fear of missing out It's Friday night.While many of your friends may celebrate by going to the movies or checking out a restaurant that's just opened,you've decided to spend this special night of the week by yourself.The night is yours to enjoy.If you think this sounds relaxing,you're not alone. At least for a little while until you start wondering if you've made the right choice. 36 Suddenly,the quiet evening you planned for yourself begins to lose its initial appeal,and you find your excitement quickly turns to anxiety. 37 A recent study defined FOMO as"the uneasy feeling that you're missing out-your peers are doing or in possession of more or something better than you." Fear of missing out often develops as a result of deeper unhappiness.Research has found that those with low levels of general life satisfaction are more likely to experience FOMO. 38 Active users of social media have a higher probability of comparing their achievements with others'.Rather than finding happiness through their own experiences,they begin worrying that theirs aren't objectively better than anyone else' s. The consequences of FOMO are significant and far-reaching.One study conducted with first-year university students found that fear of missing out was associated with tiredness,stress, and sleep problems. 39 Begin with gratitude.By reflecting on what you already have,you're less likely to put valuable mental energy in worrying about what you don't.8 Embrace JOMO,or the joy of missing out.40 So,turn off your phones and tablets, and engage in something you enjoy while resisting the urge to upload and share it.While this may take practice and perseverance(坚持不懈),the results are well worth the effort. A.Therefore,you see yourself in new ways. B.So how can you overcome the fear? C.Who is easily affected by FOMO? D.Fear of missing out,or FOMO,is a common feeling. E.JOMO allows you to focus on what you really want at any given moment. F.A doubt begins sinking in as you imagine the fun your friends are having in your absence. G Further worsening the all-too-common feeling is the rise of social media use. 第三部分:完形填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 请阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在 答题卡上将该项涂黑。 In 2016,Maryann Webb was comforting her child when she asked herself a question:if a child from a loving family, 41 with toys and books,can still feel anxious,how can a child living in poverty deal? The former primary school teacher knew the 42 that education and social skills can have on a child's wellbeing. After a little research.she discovered that three million Australians were living 43 the poverty line in 2017,and over 700,000 of these were children. As a parent,I was shocked by that data."says Webb."The more I learnt,the more I was 44 to do something."Her bright idea was to create Play and Learn Packs.The result is carefully handmade dolls and books for kids 45 that promote healthy bonds in the home and 46 the cycle of disadvantage.What followed was Project KIN(Kids in Need): a charity that not only helps disadvantaged kids,47 provides social pathways to women who feel socially isolated. Today,Project KIN has more than 600 volunteers.The"Play and Learn"packs each 48 a handmade doll,the book Imagine If You Had a Friend,which also offers advice to 49 and carers about bonding with children over reading,and an activity book.The packs are 50 to children from poor backgrounds,and kids experiencing disadvantage. But the good deeds don't stop with the children:Project KIN is also inspiring a movement of 51 in the lives of its volunteers.“Our goal is promoting human 52 that contribute to the social and emotional wellbeing of our volunteers and the communities they live in,"says Webb.The charity brings together volunteers across Australia who 53 their creations,patterns,tips and stories,which in turn provides volunteers with a 54 of connectedness and purpose. "We know our Play and Learn packs won't solve the problem of 55,but we believe they're a powerful piece of the 'change' puzzle,"says Webb. 41.A.filled B.surrounded C.decorated D.loaded9 42.A.influence B.benefit C.advantages D.drawbacks 43.A.above B.beyond C.below D.across 44.A.forced B.allowed C.inspired D.appointed 45.A.in short B.in need C.in debt D.in order 46.A.promote B.conquer C.boycott D.break 47.A. and B.but C.so D.or 48.A.come with B.connect with C.go with D.live with 49.A.students B.teenagers C.children D.parents 50.A.gifted B.applied C.related D.rushed 51.A.change B.liberty C.challenge D.equality 52.A.activities B.needs C.sacrifices D.connections 53.A.invent B.share C.respect D.mention 54.A.meaning B.form C.method D.sense 55.A.disadvantage B.promotion C.volunteers D.women 第 I 卷 非选择题(共 75 分) 第四部分:语法填空(小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当词,如有括号提示,请以提示词的正确形式填空。请将答案 的完整形式写在签题卡上相应题号的横线上。 Ancient remains found in the Mongolian steppe( 大 草 原 ) suggest that the story of the female soldier Mulan may have been inspired by real Xianbei women who 56____(ride) horseback and probably also used bows and arrows. According to the folktale a 57______(power)ruler demanded every family send one man to join his army,and a girl 58_____ (name) Mulan faced a difficult choice:59 _____ let her weak father go to war.or take his place.Now it seems there may be 60_________(true)to this age-old story of Mulan. Christine Lee and Yahaira Gonzalez examined skeletons(骷髅)from 9 ancient burials across Mongolia.Three of the skeletons belonged to Xianbei women-and two were potentially soldiers.Lee and Gonzalez reached this conclusion partly due to the nature of marks left on the bones 61_____ muscles were once attached to.The marks are larger if the muscle was heavily used,and the pattern of marks on both women' s skeletons suggests they had routinely worked the muscles someone on horseback would use.There are also 62 _______(indicate)that they practised archery(射箭). Lee was surprised by the discovery."The number of women allowed to participate in these activities must have been really small,"she said,63_____(add)that Mongolian history suggests that it was rare for women to do either.10 Markings on three other skeletons indicate that Xiongnu women may also have engaged in archery and horseback riding 64_______ a limited degree.Another three skeletons indicate that Turkic women 65_______(obvious)didn't practise archery,although they seem to have spent a limited amount of time riding horses. 第五部分:词汇检测(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 请认真阅读下列各小题,并根据上下文语境和所给首字母或中文的提示,写出下列各句空格中 的单词,注意保持语义和形式的一致。请将答案的完整形式写在答题卡上相应题号的横线上。 66.Since the new drug was needed for World War II,the government a________________ process for penicillin was accelerated. 67.This project will be strongly o_______ by the local people because of the air pollution it may cause 68.With more children r_______________on technology for learning during this time,the risk of online abuse is rising. 69.Chinese people really v_________ the recording of history and Du Fu is better than anyone at reflecting history in his poetry. 70.The architect has c__________________ herself to finishing the design within a month. 71.______________(改编)from a novel written in 2014,the historical drama,Serenade of Peaceful Joy, is well received. 72.James was________________(决心)on going abroad alone,and nothing could stop him. 73.Donations of food and clothing have been collected and________________(分配)to the victims by volunteers. 74. The trip to the USA______________ (使体验 him to a completely different culture,which made him delighted. 75.Only when your_______________(身份)has been checked will you be allowed in. 第六部分:短语填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 请认真阅读下列各小题,并根据上下文语境,从方框中选择适当的短语(有两个多余选 项),并以其正确的形式填空使语义完整。注意:请将答案的完整形式写在答题卡上相应题号 的横线上。 subscribe to correspond with break up lay out in vain in defence arise from spring up lay off refer to be addicted to live up to 76.The boy____________________computer games and often skips school,which often results in family quarrels.11 77.The police came immediately and _________________the crowd who gathered to protest against racial discrimination. 78.At the exhibition,we were amazed to see over a hundred kinds of tea were___________________in a line on long tables. 79.To their relief,the President_______________ the idea that the welfare system should be improved. 80.He has been working hard all the time to _______________ what his parents expect of him. 81.Jack's account of how the fight started did not __________________ the other boy's version. 82.I have tried every means to find a solution to the problem,but______________________ 83.After the heavy rain,bright yellow flowers__________________ across the field. 84.The spokesperson for the Foreign Ministry spoke at the press conference for an hour without___________________his notes. 85.Nowadays there are more and more family problems___________________lack of commutation. 第七部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分) 86.第一节 应用文写作(满分 15 分) 假定你是李华,你最近学习了课文 Robert Burns and his poetry 后,非常喜爱诗人罗伯特和 他的诗歌,正好你的日本笔友 Yumi 前些天给你发了一封邮件,希望你推荐值得学习的英文诗 歌。请你结合以下要点给他回封邮件,内容包括: 1.诗人简介: 生卒 1759 年-1796 年 出生地 Alloway, Scotland 性格 风趣、友善 生活状况 贫穷、务农 派系 浪漫主义诗人 2.推荐代表作《一朵红红的玫瑰》并指明诗歌主旨。 注意: 1. 词数 80 左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Dear Yumi, I'm writing to recommend to you my favourite English poet Robert and his masterpiece"A12 Red,Red Rose”. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Robert is indeed a wise choice,and I'd be glad if you enjoy his poems.Look forward to hearing of your reviews. Yours, Li Hua 87. 第二节 读后续写(满分 25 分) 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使其构成一篇完整的短文。 【注意】 1. 所续写短文的词数应为 150 左右; 2.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好。 Recently divorced(离婚),I was in my 20s,had no job and was on my way downtown to the employment offices.I had no umbrella,and I could not afford another one.I sat down in the streetcar- and there against the seat was a beautiful silk umbrella with a silver handle. I examined the handle and saw a name.The usual procedure would have been to turn in the umbrella to the conductor,but somehow I decided to take it with me and find the owner myself. Then I searched a telephone book for the name on the umbrella and found it.I called and a lady answered. Yes,she said in surprise,that was her umbrella,which her parents,now dead,had given her for a birthday present.But,she added,it had been stolen more than a year before.She was so excited that I forgot I was looking for a job and went directly to her small house.She took the umbrella,her eyes filled with tears.We talked for a while,and I must have given her my address. I don't remember. The next six months were tough.My last job ended the day before Christmas and my thirty-dollar rent was soon due,and I had only fifteen dollars.When I walked from the streetcar to my small apartment,the air was full of the sound of Christmas merriment.But there should be no Christmas for me.Unless a miracle happened,I would be homeless in January,foodless, jobless. Peggy,my daughter,had proudly set our kitchen table for our evening meal and put pans out and three cans of food which would be our dinner.When I looked at those pans and cans,I felt broken- hearted.We would have only hamburgers for our Christmas dinner tomorrow.I stood in the cold little kitchen and the coldness in my heart was colder than ice. Paragraph 1: The doorbell suddenly rang and Peggy ran swiftly to answer it,calling that it must be Santa Claus. Paragraph 2: Our dinner that night was he most delicious I had ever eaten.13 2019-2020 苏州市高二下期末考试解析 阅读答案: 传统阅读:21-24 BBDD 25-29 DBADC 30-35 CADADD 七选五阅读:36-40 FDGBE A 篇阅读讲流泪,段落简短易定位,难度简单。 B 篇文章讲了飘这本小说的成功和作者本人的态度,最后进行了高度的评价。考察理解概 括能力,难度中等。 C 篇文章围绕着拖延进行叙述,主要讲述了拖延引发的后果以及如何改变拖延的方法,作 者鼓励人们摆脱拖延症。答案不能直接从文章中直接获取,需要仔细理解文章及作者的意 思,选出正确的答案。 七选五阅读主要讲的是人们害怕自己错过机会而不愿独处的现象及其原因和解决措施。 详细解析: A 篇 第 21 题 第一段有原句提到洋葱有一种化学物质来保护自己,切洋葱化学物质释放刺激流 泪。故选 B。 第 22 题 词义理解题。通过对电影内容的理解可以看出,电影内容在说家庭面对癌症疾病 的故事,肯定是非常感人的,也就是赚眼泪的。故选 B。 第 23 题 细节题。A 第二段有提到有时候哭泣感觉更糟;B 最后一段在说 1993 某个会议禁 止使用催泪弹,而不是所有情况;C 第一段提到伤心或者喜极而泣都可能流泪;第四段开 头就说中世纪男性为了情感而哭泣也是被接受的。故选 D。 第 24 题 结合全文可知,在介绍流泪的原因和历史发展,显然是科普性质的文章,故选 D。14 B 篇 第 25 题 第二段第三行就在说小说发表后取得了意料预期之外的爆炸性的成就,为作者带 来了名声。A 并不是仅次于圣经的销量;B 是出版史上成功的之一,并不是唯一那个;C 的发行量是至今的,不是发表后六个月的。故选 D。 第 26 题 词义理解题。第三段的 puzzled 就是表示困惑不解的意思,confused 就是近义词。 故选 B。 第 27 题 段落大意题,第四段就在分析引起共鸣的原因,一是斯嘉丽这个女主角的个人魅 力,还有就是书的主题背景是战争题材,故选 A。 第 28 题 第五六两段先是说作者有了名声过后过的很忙碌等等,第六段最后她说希望可以 增重,优雅的老去等等,可见想恢复平静的往常的生活。故选 D。 第 29 题 标题主旨题。结合全文看在介绍飘这本小说和作者的态度,最后一段给予高度评 价,是一本很杰出的小说。A 虽然确实提到成功的因素,但并不是着重说成功的秘诀;B 就是书的标题,过于宽泛;D 侧重于介绍女主角,但文中一笔带过;C 包含的意思就是这 本书将永远流传,同时切合书的名字,故选 C。 C 篇 第 30 题 C 定位到第一段,我们可以了解到虽然 Giuseppe Del Giudice 看到未支付账单很不 安,但大多数时候他会选择打扫地板或者看电视,直到最后一刻才会写月度支票。紧接着 第二段便开始围绕着拖延进行描写,因此作者在开头提到 Giuseppe Del Giudice 是为了介 绍文章的主题,所以选 C。 第 31 题 A 定位到第二段第二行“One of the ways we cope is avoidance, and that’s what procrastination comes down to: We want to feel good now. The way to do that is avoid the task.” 我们应对的方法之一就是逃避,而这就是拖延的本质:我们想要感觉良好,感觉良好的方 法是避开任务。所以这题选 A,拖延是为了一时感觉良好的欲望导致的。 第 32 题 D 定位到第三段最后一句话“Research has shown that the top tasks people delay are cleaning, advancing their careers, taking care of their health, and planning their finances.” 研究表15 明,人们推迟的主要工作是打扫卫生、促进职业发展、照顾自己的健康和规划财务。A 选 项促进职业发展,B 选项照顾他们的健康和 C 选项规划财务都包含在人们容易推迟的工作 里,所以这题选 D,人们最不可能拖延的是做运动。 第 33 题 A 定位到第五段可知一开始描述拖延通常对你没有好处,紧接着描述在不同事情 上拖延会导致的一系列后果,甚至会因此非常焦虑,这种焦虑可能会引发许多健康问题。 所以这题选 A,第五段的主要内容是拖延的后果。 第 34 题 D A 选项在减肥的时候买件大一号的裙子,这并不是个明智的选择,减肥时应该 买一件小一号的裙子。B 选项在锻炼前犒赏自己一块巧克力,这也不是个明智的选择,锻 炼前犒赏自己巧克力并不能让自己有动力去减肥,应当在锻炼后犒赏自己。C 选项做作业 时把手机放在视线范围内也是错误的,这样会很容易被手机吸引并不能及时完成作业。D 选项写下目标,并把它贴在容易看到的地方,这对于缺乏动力的人是一个明智的选择,所 以这题选 D。 第 35 题 D 纵观全文,作者描述了拖延会引发的种种问题以及拖延通常对我们并没有什么 好处。最后,作者鼓励人们在完成既定的目标以后奖励自己。A 选项分析拖延症的起因和 B 选项表达人们对拖延症的看法是错误的,作者只是提到了这两点,并不是这篇文章的基 调。而 C 选项,作者一直都在叙述拖延会导致的不好的后果并且鼓励人们在完成既定的目 标以后奖励自己,劝说人们接受拖延这一说法是错误的。D 选项为了鼓励人们对拖延症说 再见是正确的,所以这题选 D。 七选五 第 36 题 F 前面说觉得独处的夜晚很美妙,直到你开始怀疑自己做的决定(独处)是否正 确之前,以及下一行说为自己计划的夜晚开始失去吸引力可知,这里是发生了转折的,因 此填 F,“因为你想象你的朋友在你不在的时候玩得很开心,你开始怀疑了。” 第 37 题 D 根据在这个空格后第一次出现 FOMO,并且给了定义可知,这里是要提出 FOMO 这个概念,因此选 D,“FOMO,即害怕错过机会,是一个常见的情绪”16 第 38 题 G 根据下一行说 users of social media have a higher probability of …可知,这里是 说社交媒体使用者会有更高的概率去和别人比较自己的成就,然后开始担忧,即社交媒体 的使用加剧了这种情绪,因此选 G。 第 39 题 B 根据后面的 Begin with gratitude,然后开始提建议可知,这里是设问,“那么我 们如何消除这种恐惧呢?” 第 40 题 E 和 37 题一样,这里提出了一个新概念 JOMO,并且 40 题后面开始提建议可知 ,这里是要说明 JOMO 的作用,然后“所以,关掉手机、平板吧”,因此选 E。 02 完形填空答案:41-45 BACCB 46-50 DBADA 51-55 ADBDA 这篇完形讲述了 Maryann Webb 创办慈善项目 KIN 的灵感,过程,以及对项目的介绍。对 于高二的孩子来说,属于难度中等的完型,主要考察学生对固定搭配的掌握和联系上下文 的能力。文章本身比较通顺,理解起来比较容易,但个别题目需要学生会辨析短语,基础 扎实。对于高二的基础较好的学生,比较可能错 2-3 个,而基础非常扎实的学生也可能全 对或错 1 个,可能的难题是 41,46,55。 详细解析: 第 41 题 据这里修饰的是来自充满爱的家庭的孩子,并且和下面穷人家的孩子对比,可知 这里是“被玩具和书本围绕的孩子。”,这里修饰的是人,而且中文意思上“被围绕”比“充满” 更符合实际,因此不能用 loaded with 表示, sb be filled with 接的宾语是 admiration/joy/horror 等表示情绪的词,表示充满;decorated with 中文上就不符合。 第 42 题 这里是填定语从句的先行词,还原成陈述语序就是 have sth. on sb,并且根据后面 作者设立的慈善项目就是给孩子书可知,这里是作者知道教育和社交技能对孩子幸福的影 响,因此填 influence 构成固定搭配 have influence on sb.表示对某人的影响。 第 43 题 根据前面的 how can a child living in poverty deal?以及后面描述作者帮助穷人家的 孩子可知,这里是说在贫困线下面的人,即穷人。17 第 44 题 根据前面作者说震惊,并且后来确实去帮助了穷人家的孩子可知,这里是作者受 到了启发要去做些什么。 第 45 题 根据下一行的 KIN(Kids in Need)可知,这里是 in need。 第 46 题 打破世代贫穷的闭环,即让下层社会的孩子有几乎能冲向上层,因此选 break,这 里 disadvantage 引申为贫穷的意思。boycott 是拒绝购买,conquer 是征服,promote 是提升 ,都不符合这里的语境。 第 47 题 这里是 not only…, but also…句型, also 可以省略,但 but 不可以,因此填 but。 第 48 题 根据前面上一段说的 the result is carefully handmade dolls and books 可知,这里是 包里会有玩偶和书,选项中只有 come with 符合,表示和……一起来,包里会有。go with 表示伴随; 与...约会; 与...相配; 顺从...的趋势;live with 表示和……住在一起;connect with 表示与……有关系,都不符合这里的语境,用排除法也可以选出,但学生可能对 go with 不熟悉而误选它。 第 49 题 根据后面说 bonding with children 可知,这里是指还会给父母建议。 第 50 题 根据前面说要帮助下层社会的孩子可知,这里是会把包裹给他们,因此选 gifted, 熟词僻义,gift 作动词,表示白给,白送,虽然学生可能不知道这个用法,但是剩下三个 选项很容易排除,用排除法也能选出。 第 51 题 根据后面是 in the lives of its volunteers,并且后面说让志愿者们更幸福可知,这里 是她们生活中变化的一场运动,志愿者们并没有被限制,用自由 liberty 不合适。 第 52 题 根据后面的 bring together,connectedness 可知,这里是人与人之间的联系,因此 选 connection。 第 53 题 根据志愿者们聚集在一起,并且后面说有 connectedness 可知,这里是她们分享自 己的作品,故事等。 第 54 题 固定搭配 a sense of sth.表示 xx 感,照应前面的 bring together,“有一种联结感和 目标感”18 第 55 题 照应第三段第四行的 disadvantage,第五行的 disadvantaged,以及前面说是给穷孩 子可知,这里是 disadvantage,指经济上的劣势,“我们知道包裹不能解决经济上的劣势, 但我们相信它是一块有影响力的改变的拼图。” 03 语法填空答案: 56. rode 57. powerful58. named 59. either60. truth 61. which/that62. indications 63. adding64. to 65. obviously 该篇语法填空介绍了木兰传说有一定的考古依据,介绍了一些关于少数民族女子的考古发 现。总体考察时态语态等基础知识,难度简单。 详细解析: 第 56 题 rode。考察时态,结合上下句可知,木兰的灵感来源于真实的骑马的鲜卑族女子, 肯定是过去的,因此要填过去式。 第 57 题 powerful。考察形容词,ruler 即统治者,是个名词,需要形容词修饰。 第 58 题 named。考察被动语态,这个女孩是被命名,去掉缩略形式就是 the girl who isnamed。 第 59 题 either。考察固定搭配 either...or...表示二者之间选一个,木兰要么让年迈的父亲打 仗,要么自己去顶替。 第 60 题 truth。考察名词,发现的古代的遗物证实了这个传说是真实的东西,形容词要转 成名词。 第 61 题 which/that。考察宾语从句,这句话的意思是说肌肉附着的骨头上是留有痕迹的, 骨头是物,故填 which/that。 第 62 题 indications。考察同位语从句和名词,这里就是说有个暗示,暗示在说这些人还练 习射箭,that 没有具体含义,就是连接名词和具体解释内容。19 第 63 题 adding。这里她说完过后又追加内容,一个动词加了逗号,下一个动词要变成 ing 形式,故填 adding。 第 64 题 to。考察固定搭配,to...degree 表示从...程度而言,这里是说就有限的程度而言, 匈奴女子也参加骑马射箭活动。 第 65 题 obviously。考察副词,句子中已经有动词,要用副词修饰。 04 词汇检测答案: 66. approval 67. opposed 68. relying 69. value 70. committed 71. Adapted 72. bent 73. distributed 74. exposed/introduced 75. identity 详细解析: 66. approval 根据句意“由于第二次世界大战需要这种新药,政府对于青霉素的审批程序加 快了。”,故填 approval,表示“批准,审批。” 67. opposed 根据后面的“because of the air pollution it may cause”故可知这项工程会给人们带 来负面的影响,故可推测这这项工程遭到了人们的强烈反对,oppose 表示“反对(计划、 政策等)”,结合文意,被人们反对,故用被动形式,故填 opposed。 68. relying 句意:在这段时间,随着更多的孩子依赖科技进行学习,网络虐待的风险也在 上升。本题是 with 的复合结构,with sb doing sth 作伴随状语,表示此事正在做或同谓语动 作同时进行。故填 relying。 69. value 根据”Du Fu is better than anyone at reflecting history in his poetry”杜甫比任何人都更 擅长在他的诗歌中反映历史,可推测这里表示中国人都很重视记录历史,故填 value,表示 “重视”。20 70. committed 本题考察一个固定搭配“commit oneself to doing”表示“致力于,承诺…”,本句 句意:建筑师承诺在一个月内完成设计。又根据前面的 has,故用现在完成时,故填 committed。 71. Adapted 本句句意“改编自 2014 年的小说,历史剧《清平乐》深受好评”。adapt 表示改 编,因为是被改编,故填 Adapted。 72. bent 此处考察固定搭配“be bent on doing sth”下定决心做某事,专心致志做某事,故填 bent。 73. distributed 本句句意“志愿者们收集了捐赠的食物和衣物,并分配给了灾民。Distribute 表示“分配”,根据句子中的现在完成时,故填 distributed。 74. introduced/exposed 本题考察固定搭配,expose sb to sth 和 introduce sb to sth 均有“使某 人接触/了解某物”的意思。根据后面的 made,故填 introduced/exposed。 75. identity 句意:只有当你的身份被核实过后才会让你进入。故填 identity,表示“身份”。 05 短语填空答案: 76. is addicted to 77. broke up 78. laid out 79. subscribed to/ subscribes to 80. live up to 81. correspond with 82. in vain 83. sprang up/sprung 84. referring to 85. arising from 详细解析:21 76. is addicted to 句意:这个男孩沉迷于电脑游戏,经常逃学,这经常引发了家庭争吵。be addicted to 表示“沉迷于,对…上瘾”,根据 the boy,故用第三人称单数,填 is addicted to 。 77. broke up 句意:警察迅速赶来并把聚集在一起抗议种族歧视的人群驱散开。填 broke up ,表示“使解散”。 78. laid out 句意:在展览会上,我们看到了一百多种的茶被整齐的摆放成一行,放在长桌子 上。填 laid out,表示“(整齐)铺开,展开,摊开”。 79. subscribed/subscribes to 句意:令他们欣慰的是,总统同意了福利制度应该完善的这个 想法。故填 subscribed/subscribes to,表示“同意”。 80. live up to 句意:他一直都十分努力以不辜负父母对他的期待。故填 live up to,表示“不 辜负(期望)”。 81. correspond with 句意:杰克对飞机如何起飞的描述与另一个男孩的说法不一致。故填 correspond with,表示“与…相一致”。 82. in vain 句意:我已经想方设法找到解决这个问题的办法,但是白费力气。故填 in vain, 表示“徒劳,白费力气”。 83. sprang/sprung up 句意:大雨过后,鲜艳的黄色花朵在田野间突然盛开。填 sprang/sprung up,表示“突然出现; 突然产生;”。22 84. referring to 句意:外交部发言人在新闻发布会上发言了一个小时,没有参考他的笔记 。因为 without 是介词,故后面的动词用 ing 形式,填 referring to,表示“参考”。 85. arising from 句意:如今越来越多的家庭问题是由于缺少沟通引起的。arise from 表示“ 产生于,起因于”,又因为 arise 为不及物动词,题干中已经有了谓语动词 are,arise from 充当名词 problems 的定语,故用现在分词,故填 arising from。 06 作文 1. 应用文写作标准范文: Dear Yumi, I'm writing to recommend to you my favourite English poet Robert Burns and his masterpiece “A Red, Red Rose”. Robert Burns, supreme Romantic Poet, was born in Alloway, Scotland in 1759. He earned his living by farming and lived in poverty all his life, but he had a reputation for being humorous and pleasant to be around. Unfortunately, Robert died young at the age of 37 in 1796. "A Red, Red rose" is classic love poem, in which he compares his girl to a red rose and affectionately makes the promise to come back to her however far he travels. Robert is indeed a wise choice, and I'd be glad if you enjoy his poems. Look forward to hearing of your reviews. Yours, Li Hua 2. 读后续写标准范文: The doorbell suddenly rang and Peggy ran swiftly to answer it, calling that it must be Santa Claus. Then heard a man talking heartily to her, so I went to the door. He was a delivery man, and his arms were full of parcels. “This is a mistake,” I said, but he read the name on the parcels and they were for me. When he had gone could only stare at the boxes. Peggy and I sat on the floor and opened them. A huge doll. Gloves. Candy. A beautiful leather purse. Incredible! I looked for the name of the sender. It was the lady. 23 Our dinner that night was the most delicious I had ever eaten. I forgot I had no money for the rent and only fifteen dollars in my purse and no job. My child and I ate and laughed together in happiness. We decorated the small Christmas tree with the gifts that we received. Then Peggy fell asleep. Looking at her, I felt a sweet peace flooding me. I had some hope again. 查看更多

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