


Lesson 6 Danny Is Lost! 一、用 1-7 给下列句子排序。 ( )What would you like to eat? ( )They're 4 yuan. ( )Can I help you? ( )I'd like some bananas. ( )Yes, I want to buy some fruit. ( )How much are they? ( )Don't buy the bananas! The train is leaving. 二、选出不同类的一项。 ( )1. A. train B. bus C. drive ( )2. A. buy B. look C. where ( )3. A. fruit B. banana C. apple ( )4. A. hungry B. worry C. thirsty ( )5. A. run B. walk C. this 三、单项选择。 ( )1. Mr. Li _________ them to the train station. A. drive B. drives C. driving ( )2. Please say good-bye ________ your friends. A. at B. with C. to 四、连词成句。 1. leaving, train, is, the (.)___________________________ 2. train, jumps, the, on, Danny (.) _____________________________ 3. the, they, beside, stand, train (.) ______________________________ 4. trip, a, good, have (!) _______________________________ 答案; 一、3614257 二、1. C 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. C 三、1. B 2. C 四、1. The train is leaving. 2. Danny jumps on the train. 3. They stand beside the train. 4. Have a good trip! 查看更多

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