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1 2019-2020 学年九年级上期中考试重点 一.单选 1)介词:in 年 in 月 in 季节;on 指具体某一天; at 放在点钟前;三长两短一修饰。 2)情态动词:can 问 can 答;must 提问:肯定回答用 must 否定回 答用 needn’t 或者 don't have to。 3)时态:①一般现在时结构:主语+动词原形(三单加 s/es); 时间标志词 often, always, usually, sometimes, seldom, once a week, every day 。 ② 一般过去时:主语+动词过去式(did); 时间标志词 :last 系列, yesterday, in+过去时间点(in1995), in the past,the other day, at that time, just now, ago. ③ 一般将来时:主语+助动词 will+动词原形;时间标志词: tomorrow, this (afternoon),next (year),one day, soon, someday, sometime, in the future, when 引导的从句(将来时间)等。 ④现在进行时:主语+be ( am/is/are ) + 动词的现在分词; 标志词:now, right now, at this moment, look, listen。 ⑤过去进行时:主语+ was/were +v-ing+其他 标志词:at that time, at that moment, this time yesterday, at nine 2 yesterday morning。 现在完成时:have/has+ done; 标志词:just,ever,never, for,since。 4)被动语态:动作的承受者(主语)+be done by + 动作的执行者 一般现在时被动语态:am/is/are done (by ...) 一般过去时被动语态:was/were done (by ...) 一般将来时被动语态:will be done (by ...) 情态动词被动语态:can/may/must be done (by ...) 5)宾语从句:①语序:宾语从句必须是陈述语序,即按照“主语+谓 语”的顺序,尤其要注意 whether,if 和 wh-连接词,引导的宾语从句 的语序。 ②时态:主现从不限,主过从必过,真理永一现。 二.完型 解题技巧: 1. 动词:动作连贯性;动词和名词搭配得当;动词的情感色彩(通 过上下文作者的情感态度判断动词的感情色彩(积极/消极)) 2. 名词:原文复现;同类复现(名词相关性);动词和名词搭配得当。3 3.形容词副词:①找到上下文对作者情感态度的描述进行判断,重点 关注形容词/副词所表现的正负情感。 积极情感,and 积极情感。 积极情感,but 消极情感。 ②重点关注文中与形容词搭配的名词或与副词搭配的动词,看是否 搭配得当,从而选择正确答案。 三.阅读: 1.细节题:KFC 原则:K- key words(关键词) F- find it (定位找到原文) C- change it in another way / choose (同意替换) 2.猜词题:1)逻辑关系法(并列、转折、因果) 2)定义法:①“What is XXX?”;XXX 的含义可以在答句中 找到; ②XXX refer to…; XXX be called…;XXX 的含义可以在“refer to” 和“be called ”此类词组后面找到 ③the meaning of XXX is … ; XXX 的含义可以在 is 后面找到。 ④含有 XXX “:” XXX 的含义可以在“:”后找到。 ⑤被修饰词的意思可以在后面的定语从句中找到。4 3. 推断题:1)已知推未知。 2)语气推作者观点。 3)表层含义推深层含义。 4)根据主旨大意推断。 4.主旨题:首段尾段,中间段落首句尾句以及转折词后的句子。 九上期中作文范文集锦 U1 假如你是 Judy,在学校赢得了英语演讲比赛的大奖。学校邀请你给学生们做个演讲, 谈谈你学习英语的情况。请你谈谈过去在英语学习中遇到的问题和困难,以及你是如何解 决这些问题的,并且谈谈你学习英语的感受。 参考词汇:first of all, talk fast, hard, afraid, grammar, take notes, practice, never give up 1. What problems did you have in learning English? 2. How did you solve the problems? 3. What do you think about learning English? 基础版范文 Dear classmates, we all know that English is useful,but to be good at English is not so easy. Today I'd like to share my ideas with you. Last year, I found it was hard to remember the new words, so I couldn’t understand the reading part. Besides, my grammar was also poor. My English class was like a bad dream. Then one day I read an English book called Harry Potter, I fell in love with it. There were 5 many new words for me so I look them up in the dictionary. While I read the book, my grammar was better, too. From then on, I read an English book once a month. Now I enjoy learning English very much. I think love for English was the key to English learning. If we love it, we will take learning English as a happy thing and we can be better at English. 提升版范文 Dear classmates, we all know that English is useful,but to be good at English is not so easy. Today I'd like to share my ideas with you. Actually I had difficulties in learning English years ago, as I was afraid to speak English aloud. At that time, I usually lowered my head when my teacher asked some questions. Moreover, writing was also my shortcoming. There was no use for me reciting words because I always forgot them when I faced my composition paper. I began to change my learning habits as I noticed these problems. I started to talk with my friend after school, who has got a high score in English pronunciation test. I also recited many English passages to improve my writing skill. It took efforts but after keeping doing that for three months, I knew that they were effective. Now I realize that learning English is not as difficult as we thought. As long as we work hard and never give up, we can achieve a lot. U2 咱们的外教 Nicholas 很喜欢中国,他想深入了解春节、元宵节、端午节、中秋节等这 些中国比较重要的传统节日。请你选一个你最喜欢的节日介绍给他。 介绍包括你最喜欢的节日是什么、简单介绍这个节日(时间、活动、意义或者象征)、 你的看法以说明你为什么最喜欢这个它 1. What is your favorite traditional Chinese festival? 2. What is it like (when, activities, symbols…)? 3 . Why do you like this festival best? 基础版范文 There are many traditional festivals in China. The Mid-Autumn Day is my favorite. It’s 6 celebrated on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month. When the Mid-Autumn Day comes, the whole family will stay together and enjoy the festival. We share moon cakes and chat with each other at night. Moon cakes are in a shape of a full moon. It carries our wishes to the family we love. While chatting, we also look up at the sky to admire the moon. The moon is always so bright and round and it is a symbol of reunion. Sometimes my family will watch the Mid-Autumn Gala on TV too. It brings me more joy of celebrating the festival. I like Mid-Autumn Day not only because it’s a festival for relaxing and having delicious food but also because it makes me feel warm and peaceful with my families around me. My heart is always filled with happiness and love. 提升版范文 The Spring Festival is my favorite festival. It’s not only a tradition for Chinese, but also a symbol of warmth and happiness. Chinese new year is celebrated at the beginning of the lunar calendar. It falls on one day between January 21st and February 20th. In order to celebrate this festival my family usually gather together and have a big meal, which is the most important one of the whole year. After the meal, we sit down around the table and watch the Spring Festival Gala happily. As far as I’m concerned, the most exciting thing of the festival is to set off fireworks. As for the reason why I like it best, first I like the delicious food–dumplings. In addition, I am free from school work and I really enjoy the vacation. I can stay up late and play all night long. Finally, and the most importantly, it is a special time for family reunion, and it also brings my love and miss to my relatives. At that time of the year, the weather might be a little bit cold, but my heart is warm than ever. U3 假如你叫李华,你的美国朋友 Jim 要在你学校开放日来体验你们学校的课后活动。请 你写邮件告诉他活动开始的时间,地点,有哪些活动种类以及你最喜欢哪种活动和原因。 提示词语:many kinds of, take part in, club, colorful, develop 1. When and where will the activities start? 2. What activities do you have on School Day? 3. What’s your favorite activity? Andy why?7 基础版范文 Hi! Jim, I’m glad that you are coming to our school and try the after-school activities here. All the activities will start at 4:30 this Friday afternoon. You can get to the playground at 4:20. In our school there are many kinds of after-school activities, such as acting, taking part in singing and dancing clubs, playing sports games and so on. My favorite activity is painting. I like painting because it’s an amazing thing to use colors to describe the world. I think the after-school activities in our school are very colorful and meaningful. And I hope you can enjoy yourself on our School Day. 提升版范文 Hi! Jim, I’m glad that you are coming to our school and try the after-school activities here. It’ll be arranged on our school playground at 4:30 this Friday afternoon. Here are some relevant details. I’m exceedingly excited to tell you there will be an overwhelming majority of activities which will definitely arouse our interest. First, there’ll be a football match and you can take part in it. Moreover, you can join in singing and dancing clubs to sing and dance. It can cultivate your interest. Last but not least, you can come to the science lab and do some science experiments. In conclusion, from the bottom of my heart, doing the science experiment is my favorite activities. Because it can not only broaden my horizons but also enrich my life. U4 进入初三后,你在日常生活、学习、兴趣 爱好以及性格等方面都有了一些变化。请你选 择两个方面谈谈你的变化和你对初三生活的看 法。 1. What was your life like in the past two years? 2. What is your life like now in Junior Three? 3. What do you think of the changes ? 基础版范文8 I have changed a lot since the beginning of Grade Nine, both in my daily life and in my study. As for my daily life, I am much busier than before. I used to have lots of free time, so I could talk with my friends after school. However, now I have to go right home and do my homework. I have no time to play games any more. As for my study, I used to be lazy in the past. I didn’t finish my homework sometimes. I was even absent-minded in class. Now I am more hardworking. I hand in homework on time and listen to the teacher carefully every day. Life in Grade Nine is hard, but I enjoy it because it makes me feel good. I also know how to face problems bravely this year. 提升版范文 All of the students in Grade 9 now know this is the most important year. As a student in Grade 9, I also find many changes between the past two years and now. I’ve got a lot of changes in my daily life. First, I didn’t have a timetable in my mind in the past. I just woke up late and stayed up late. Second, I used to hate sports and I never took exercise. Now, I make a to-do list and follow the steps every day, which helps me have a organized life. I never stay up late now. What’s more, I do some sports every day now, such as running .It makes me strong enough to deal with heavy school work. As for my study, it also changed a lot. In the past, I thought reciting was important and I just recited my books and some answers to questions. I wasn’t interested in studying but I pretended to be. Now, I know understanding is the most important thing, and I practice my thinking skills to the questions I used to be confused with. I love studying because I feel satisfied when I’m studying. Though this is a difficult year that needs a lot of hard work, I know if we have a positive attitude, we will improve a lot. I will keep this year’s experience as a treasure in my life. U5 假如你是李华,你的学校即将举办中国传统文化节,请你写一个请柬邀请你的外教 Mr. D 来参加,告知他活动开始的时间,举行的地点以及在文化节中可以体验什么。 提示词语:traditional art, sky lantern, paper cutting, Chinese clay art, 1. When and where will the Chinese traditional culture festival be held? 2. What can people do on the festival?9 基础版范文 Dear Mr. D: We will have Chinese traditional culture festival at 5 p.m. on November 20th. It will be held in the gym. There will be many activities you can try that day. For example, you can make sky lanterns, and then see them slowly rise into the air like small hot-air balloons. Besides, you can also try paper cutting. It has been around for over 1,500 years. You need to cut the red paper with scissors. It sounds very easy but it can be difficult to do. Another interesting thing for you to try is Chinese clay art. It is famous because the clay pieces are small but look very real. I’m sure you will have a good time on Chinese traditional culture festival. Hope to see you then. Yours, Li Hua 提升版范文 Dear Mr. D: Chinese traditional culture festival in our school will be held in the gym at 5 p.m. on November 20th. There will be many activities that you can try that day. Firstly, I strongly recommend you to try to make sky lanterns, which can be seen slowly rise into the air like small hot-air balloons. They are seen as bright symbols of happiness and good wishes. Besides, paper cutting has been around for over 1,500 years. To make a beautiful paper cutting, you need to fold the red paper before cutting it with scissors, which sounds very easy but actually can be difficult to do. Another interesting thing for you to try is Chinese clay art. It is famous because the clay pieces are small but look very real. These small pieces of clay art show the love that all Chinese people have for life and beauty. I’m sure you will have a good time on Chinese traditional culture festival. Hope to see you then. Yours, Li Hua 查看更多

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