



Unit 6 I’m watching TV Part 6 Self Check ‎——自我检测,综合提升 一、读音标,写单词。‎ ‎1. /juːz/‎ ‎ /jʌŋ/‎ ‎/ˈnjuːzˌpeɪpə/‎ ‎ use ‎ ‎ young ‎ ‎ newspaper ‎ ‎2. /wɪʃ/‎ ‎ /ˈʌðə(r)/‎ ‎/əˈmerɪkən/‎ ‎ wish ‎ ‎ other ‎ ‎ American ‎ ‎3. /tʃaɪld/‎ ‎ /drɪŋk/‎ ‎/ˈmaʊntən/‎ ‎ child ‎ ‎ drink ‎ ‎ mountain ‎ ‎4. /stɪl/‎ ‎ /haʊs/‎ ‎/dɪˈlɪʃəs/‎ ‎ still ‎ ‎ house ‎ ‎ delicious ‎ ‎5. /reɪs/‎ ‎ /ˈstʌdi/‎ ‎/təˈmɒrəʊ/‎ ‎ race ‎ ‎ study ‎ ‎ tomorrow ‎ 二、单元语法过关。‎ ‎( A )1.—_________ cleaning the blackboard? ‎ ‎—Lucy is.‎ A.Who’s B.Who’re C.Whose D.Who ‎( B )2.—________ is she talking with? —She’s talking with hear mother.‎ A.What B.Who C.When D.Where ‎( B )3.Don’t talk. I’m _________ to my headteacher on the phone.‎ A.talk B.talking C.to talk D.talked ‎( A )4.They’re not __________ the movie.‎ A.talking about B.talking to C.talking with D.talking in ‎( C )5.Thanks __________ your letter and ____________.‎ A.for; photoes B.to; photos C.for; photos D.to; photo ‎( B )6.—Is he __________ a movie on TV?‎ ‎—No,he’s __________ an e-mail.‎ A.reading;writing         B.seeing;writing ‎ C.seeing;watching                                D.looking;reading ‎( A )7.—Is David playing computer games? ‎ 5‎ ‎—__________.‎ A.Yes,he is           B.No,he isn’t C.Yes,he does           D.No,he doesn’t ‎( B )8.Here  some photos of my family.‎ A.is                      B.are            C.has                  D.have ‎( A )9.I __________ to go shopping now. Do you go with me?‎ A.want                    B.wants          C.to want                 D.am wanting ‎( B )10.Thanks for __________ me, John.‎ A.help                    B.helping                  C.to help                       D.helps 三、配对阅读专练。‎ 左栏是对5个人的情况介绍,右栏是7个广告,请将这五个人与他们感兴趣的广告配对,并将答案的字母编号填写在相应的位置。‎ ‎( G )1.John finds a black dog on his way to school. He wants to find the owner of the dog. ‎ ‎( F )2.Tom thinks footballs are his good friends. He likes playing football very much. ‎ ‎( A )3.Jenny likes drawing. Her dream is to draw whatever she sees. She wants to take drawing lessons on Monday evening. ‎ ‎( B )4.Mr. Brown is so tired because he works very long hours. He likes swimming in the sea and wants to go somewhere for fun this Friday. ‎ ‎( C )5.Judy likes singing very much. She ‎ A.‎Drawing‎ ‎Center Come and join our Art‎ ‎Center and you can feel the beauty of art. We have drawing lessons every night. You will learn how to draw quickly. ‎ B.‎Beihai‎ ‎Beach Welcome to the beautiful beach! It’s open to you every day. Walk on the sand, enjoy the fresh air, swim in the sea… It is so fun. ‎ C.Singing Club Do you like singing? Do you want to know how to sing well? Come and join us. Open on Saturday and Sunday. ‎ D.Central Swimming Pool Open on Saturday and Sunday. It is the biggest pool in our city. The water is clean and the service is good. You can enjoy yourself here. ‎ E.Pet Shop ‎ If you like dogs, you can buy one. There is a lovely black dog in our shop. It’s 10 weeks old. TIY can buy it for only 50 dollars. ‎ F.Super Balls Come to our ball shops if you like collecting ‎ 5‎ wants to learn how to sing on weekends. ‎ balls, different kinds of balls can be found here. You’re sure to find something that you like. ‎ G.Help Needed If you find my dog, you can get 50 dollars. 2-year-old dog, black. It was lost last Saturday. ‎ 四、短文填空。‎ Year 2018 is coming very soon. In 1 people name it with a kind of animal. So 2018 is the year of 2 . This year Spring Festival is 3 February 16th. Spring Festival is the most 4 festival for Chinese people. No matter how far away you work, It’s better for you to go back 5 to get together with your families. 6 ‎ is a lucky color for Chinese people. They often decorate their house 7 the red paper cuttings. In Spring Festival, the children are very 8 because they can get lucky money from their parents or relatives. So the kids really 9 ‎ to have this festival every day. But it’s impossible. During the Spring Festival the adults are also on holidays and It’s the best time for them to ‎10 a good rest and get together with their families.‎ ‎1. China 2. dog 3. on 4. important 5. home ‎ ‎6. Red 7. with 8. happy 9. wish/want/ hope 10.have / take ‎ 五、读写综合。‎ A.信息归纳。‎ Today is a great day. It’s my wedding(婚礼)day, and all my family and friends are here. Everybody is having a wonderful time.‎ My wife Jane is standing in front of the fireplace(壁炉). She’s wearing a beautiful white wedding gown(女礼服). Uncle Harry is taking photos, and Aunt Emma is watching Jane.‎ The band is playing my favorite pop music. My mother is dancing with Jane’s father, and Jane’s mother is dancing with my father.‎ My sister and Jane’s brother are standing in the yard, eating wedding cakes and talking about lessons. Our grandparents are drinking orange juice and talking about “the good old days”.‎ 根据短文内容,完成下列表格。‎ Information Card The Person The activities they are doing ‎ Jane Standing in front of the fireplace.‎ Uncle Harry ‎1. Taking photos .‎ 5‎ ‎2. Aunt Emma ‎ Watching Jane Parents ‎3. Dancing .‎ Sister Standing in the yard and 4. eating wedding cakes and talking about lessons. .‎ Grandparents Drinking orange juice and 5. talking about “the good old days”. ‎ B.书面表达。‎ 假设今天是星期六,你和你的家人都在公园玩,请根据以下要点提示,描述你的家人此刻正在做什么?‎ 内容包括:‎ ‎1.当时的天气情况。 2.家人正在做什么。 3.你当时的心情 写作方法指导与操练 一、写什么——细审题,列要点 ‎1.时间,地点和天气。‎ ‎2.每个人具体在做什么。‎ ‎3.你当时的心情如何。‎ 二、怎么写——遣词句,重结构 第一点:介绍当时的天气 今天是周六。______________ today. 天气很好。‎ The weather ______________. 父母带我和妹妹去家附近的一个公园。My parents ______________.‎ 可以用nice,fine,sunny,等形容词来形容天气好)‎ 第二点:描述你和你的家人正在做的事情。(sb. _________ am/are doing)near my home.‎ My sister is ___________________. My father is ___________________. My mother is ____________________.‎ I am ______________________.‎ 第三点:谈谈今天的感受 I think we really ./ Everyone enjoys .‎ It’s Saturday today. The weather is fine! I don’t go to school, so my parents take me and my little sister to the park near my home. Look! My little sister is running and playing games with our pet dog Dudu happily on the grass. She is 7 years old this year. She is so cute and I love her very much. Where are my parents? My father is listening to the music under a big tree and my mother is sitting on the grass and watching us. I am flying a kite. How high the kite is ! ‎ All of us are having great fun here.‎ ‎【我的完整作品—书写美观,可适当发挥】‎ ‎_________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎_________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎_________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎_________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎_________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ 5‎ ‎_________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ 5‎ 查看更多

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