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Recycle 1 第一课时 一、教学内容: 教学用书 P32-P33 二、教学目标: 1.教学用书 P32-P33 内容。 2.Unit1-Unit3 所学单词与主要句型。 3.掌握 cl:/kl/; pl:/pl/; br:/br/; gr:/gr/; ch:/tʃ/; sh:/ʃ/等在单词中 的发音。 三、教学重难点: 1.Unit1-Unit3 所学单词与主要句型。 2.掌握 cl:/kl/; pl:/pl/; br:/br/; gr:/gr/; ch:/tʃ/sh:/ʃ/等在单词中的发 音。 四:教学过程: 1.复习导入: Greetings. T:When do you get up? S: I get up at 7 o’clock. T: Which season do you like best? S: Summer. T: What do you often do in summer? S: I often go swimming...... 2. 新课内容展示: (1).P32 Sarah’s weekend. 放本部分录音,学生听并按要求写出做对应活动的人名。 (2)模拟打电话情境,和同伴说说周末计划。 (3)完成 P33 对话内容,可参考书上所示作息时间。 (4)Find out your parents’timetable and role-play with your partner. My ____________’s timetable ____________ get up ____________ cook breakfast ____________ go to work ____________ go home ____________cook dinner ____________ ____________ ____________ go to bed 3.小组操练 学生分小组操练,并交流自己的发现。 4.布置作业 第二课时 一、教学内容: 教学用书 P33-P35 二、教学目标:1.教学用书 P34-P35 内容。 2.Unit1-Unit3 所学单词与主要句型。 3.掌握 cl:/kl/; pl:/pl/; br:/br/; gr:/gr/; ch:/tʃ/; sh:/ʃ/等在单词中 的发音。 三、教学重难点: 1.Unit1-Unit3 所学单词与主要句型。 2.掌握 cl:/kl/; pl:/pl/; br:/br/; gr:/gr/; ch:/tʃ/sh:/ʃ/等在单词中的发 音。 四:教学过程: 1.复习导入:日常口语练习 T:When do you go to school? S: I get up at 7:30 a.m. T: Which season do you like best? S: Spring. T: What do you often do in Spring? S: I often go on a picnic...... 2. 新课内容展示: (1)P34 教师放本部分录音,学生听。 (2)依据以下问题,再听录音 Is it spring in Sydney in April? What’s the weather like in April in Sydney? (3)P35 阅读本页短文内容,并且从中找出与下表划线部分发音相同的单词, 将其填入相应的表格中。 3.小组操练 学生分小组操练,并交流自己的发现。 4.布置作业 第三课时 一、教学内容: 1.复习教学用书 P32-P35。 2.Recycle 1 达标测试。 二、教学目标: 1.复习教学用书 P32-P35 内容。 2.Unit1-Unit3 所学单词与主要句型。 3.掌握 cl:/kl/; pl:/pl/; br:/br/; gr:/gr/; ch:/tʃ/; sh:/ʃ/等在单词中 的发音。 三、教学重难点: 1.Unit1-Unit3 所学单词与主要句型。 2.掌握 cl:/kl/; pl:/pl/; br:/br/; gr:/gr/; ch:/tʃ/sh:/ʃ/等在单词中的发 音。 四:教学过程: 1.复习导入: Greetings. T:When do you go to bed? S: I get up at 9 o’clock. T: Which season do you like best? S: Winter. T: What do you often do in Winter? S: I often make a snowman...... 2.Recycle 1 达标测试: 一、为下列的短语选择正确的中文。 ( )go swimming ( )eat dinner ( )play ping-pong ( )take a dancing class ( )sports meet ( )do morning exercises A.吃晚饭 B.做早操 C. 上舞蹈课 D.去游泳 E.打乒乓球 F.运动会 二 、听短文,选词填空。 winter , likes , summer, go, season There are four _________ in a year. They’re spring ______, autumn and winter. Mike ______spring best. Because he can ____on a picnic with his family. But Amy don’t like spring. She likes _______best. Because she can skate and play with snow. And she can have snowball fights(打雪仗) with her friends. 三、为下列句子选择相应的答句。 ( )1.Why do you like winter best? A.I often go shopping. ( )2. When do you go to school? B. Summer. ( )3.What’s the weather like in autumn? C. I go to school at 8o’ clock. ( )4. What do you do on the weekend? D. It’s windy and cool. ( )5. Which season do you like best? E. Because I can make a snowman. 5.布置:作业 学生在四线三格中抄 Unit1-Unit3 自己喜欢的句子。 查看更多

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