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How to describe feelings学案

  • 2021-01-21
  • 2页
  • 3.9 B




How to describe feelings学案Part l Reading passageI love singing, but was afraid to sing in front of everyone. The first time I was waiting to go out on the stage, I could not see anything but a dark wall in front of me that shut out all light and felt as if I had been buried under the ground. I didn't fall down, although I was going to. But I blacked out(眼前发黑) so badly that I went temporarily blind. To be honest, I didn't even guess that I would be so afraid. It came as a shock!Luckily, one day I met my best friend, Helen in the choir(唱诗班) and she was very friendly. Biting my lips, I asked, "What can I do about nervous singing while in front of people? She replied,"Just be confident and change your singing mindset(精神状态) ." I stared at her in surprise and Helen asked me to sing to her. She was the first person I sang to, besides my family. I had butterflies in my stomach but was very excited to hear “You have a really sweet voice!"The next day the whole class was singing. When I heard a solo(独唱) was needed, I want to sing it badly. Helen encouraged me, “You should try! I'm sure that you are going to get the part. So I practised every day as if there were no tomorrow. I even recorded my voice to hear how I was singing. It did not sound pretty but I just couldn’t stop trying.One week passed and the day was finally here. I crossed my fingers behind my back so that they could not see them shaking. When Mrs. Green, my choir teacher, called out my name, I stood up from my chair to the front and my heart beat so violently that I felt as if I couldn't breathe. The class looked like a hungry lion about to eat me. But I was sure my efforts would pay off. I took a deep breath and sang with my eyes closed. When I opened my eyes, Helen gave me the thumbs up and a big smile. Everyone clapped and was cheerful. A wild joy took hold of me and I was floating on air. I felt my dream came true. It was all thanks to Helen, my best friend who helped me conquer my fear. I hugged her and whispered, “Thank you! Without your encouragement, I couldn’t have made it!"Part 2 Learning aims:1. to figure out the main character's feelings in certain situations;2. to find out the feeling descriptions in supporting details;3. learn to describe feelings of a person through actions, thoughts, emotions, surroundings and words.Part 3 While -class1. Read the passage and complete the form..Who? (Characters)What? (Event)2. Read the passage and focus on the writer's feelings and find out the supporting sentencesSupporting sentencesConclusion:____________________________________________________________3. WritingPlease describe your own feelings by using words,actions, emotions, thoughts and surroundings.Situation: November 18, 2018, everyone was in the classroom. The result of the Mid-term Exam was announced._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Part 4 After-classHomework: Polish your writing using what we have learned today. 查看更多

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