



山东省泰安市肥城市第三中学高中英语 Unit 3 Under the sea Reading知识点学案2 新人教版选修7‎ ‎【学习目标】‎ ‎1.熟读课文,了解课文中的重要知识点。‎ ‎2.学习be aware of., upside down, be scared to death 的用法并熟练运用。‎ ‎【学习重点,难点】‎ 学习 be aware of., upside down, be scared to death 的用法并熟练运用。‎ ‎【课型】新授课 ‎【回顾预习】‎ Read the text quickly, and try to find the following phrases.‎ ‎1崭新的生活空间________________2 认真思考,沉思________________‎ ‎3充满魔力的一天____________________4去潜水 ‎ ‎5醒来_______________________6.对…知道,明白;意识到_____________‎ ‎7.介意做某事 8.橙白相间 ‎ ‎9. 上下颠倒的 10.靠近 ‎ ‎11.阻止某人做某事 12. 吓死_________________‎ ‎13.在—边缘 ‎ Task 1. Class Report. ‎ Task 2. Self-learning(自主学习)‎ ‎1.upside down “上下颠倒的(地),乱七八糟的(地)”‎ 你把那张图片给弄颠倒了. You have got _____________________ ‎ My little boy always makes the room upside down.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎2. scare n. v. ‎ be scared to death 吓死了 I ______________ when I knew how dangerous I was.‎ ‎3.…but where the reef ended, there was a sharp drop to the sandy ocean floor.‎ 在本句中where 引导的是 从句。‎ 有志者事竟成. ‎ 你该把它挂在我们大家都能见到的地方。‎ You shall put it up . ‎ ‎4.My heart was ----- I felt very in such deep clear 学习指导 明确学习目标!‎ 注意准确性 3‎ ‎ water.我的心急剧地跳动着----在这样深邃而清澈的海水中,我感觉我彻底曝光了。‎ ‎5.And what a tiny I was in this world.而我在这个巨大的海洋世界中又是多少渺小!‎ Task 3. Discussion and presentation(合作探究)‎ 小组讨论自主学习中的问题,并进行展示和点评,点评过程中要注意补充和质疑。‎ Task 4. Summary (当堂达标)‎ 活页训练103页第一、二题。‎ ‎【总结提升】 用短语的适当形式填空.‎ ‎ in the meantime help out be/become aware of upside down ‎ ‎(be) scared to death ‎ ‎1.Everything in my room is __________.‎ ‎2.The manager went abroad last week ; ____________ we made Mr Wang in charge of our company .‎ ‎3. When I first saw a real snake , I ______ . ‎ ‎4. He often ______________ in his father’s shop when things are busy .‎ ‎5.He said that the manager _____________the problem .‎ ‎【当堂小结】‎ 总结本节课所学内容,并表扬表现好的小组。‎ ‎【Homework】‎ ‎1.整理课堂笔记。2.做完新发的学案。‎ Keys:‎ 回顾预习:‎ a new dimension of life reflect on a day of pure magic ‎ go snorkeling wake up be aware of wake up be aware of ‎ mind doing orange and white upside down get close to stop sb from doing be scared to death over the edge of Self-learning:‎ ‎1. the picture upside down.‎ ‎2. was scared to death 我展示!我精彩!‎ 注意改正错误的地方 3‎ ‎3. Where there is a will, there is a way..‎ where we all can see.‎ ‎4. beating wildly exposed ‎5. spot enormous Summary;‎ upside down in the meantime was scared to death helps out ‎ was aware of 注意句子理解 注意正确形式 ‎ ‎ 3‎ 查看更多

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