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一般疑问句和特殊疑问 Hello,boys and Hello,boys and girls!girls!2.Can you play basketball? --Yes, I can. / No, I can’t. 3.Do you like playing sports? 1.Is this your pencil ? --Yes, it is. --Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. 用YES或NO来 回答的 常是一般疑问句。 / No, it isn’t. 问句:一般疑问句有三种类型: 1)以系动词 Is,Are开 头例: Is this your schoolbag? Are these your pencils? Are they Tom's friends? 2)以情态动词Can, Must开头 例:Can you spell it, please? Must he ask his teacher for it? 3)以助动词Do, Does, Did开头 例:Do you have a soccer ball? Does he like playing sports? 首字母大写,句末问号 自学: 1.判断下面的句子是否是一般疑问句? 1.Are you a student ? 2.Is it on the sofa ? 3.What’s that in English? 4.Can they swim? 5.Do you have a tennis ? Are √ Is √ × Can √ Do √ ? ? ? ? 6.Is that a football or a tennis? × Is It's a tennis.肯定句变一般疑问句 一、 1) I am a student. Are you a student? 2) They are blue. Are they blue? 3) The boy is Alan. Is the boy Alan? 句子中有be,把be提到句首二、句子中有情态动词Can,Must,把其提到句首 1)I can spell it. Can you spell it? 2) He can speak English. Can he speak English? 技巧1、主语为I/we,转化成一般疑问句时,I/We要变为you, my,our 变为your。 技巧2、句子中没有实义动词时,选Is/ Are,有实义动词时 选Can/Do/Does 技巧3、肯定回答:Yes, +主语(通常是代词主格)+v. 不能用缩写形式Yes,it’s(x); Yes,it is.(v) 否定回答:No, +主语(通常是代词主格)+ v not.(常缩写形式).但 am与not不缩写.如:— Are you a student — No, I'm not. 三.谓语是实义动词原形,在句首借Do 1) I have a book . Do you have a book? 2) They like Chinese . Do they like Chinese? 3) We come from China. Do you come from China? 常见的实义动词: like, have, play, think, eat, ask, know, want, sound,need, work, watch, sell, teach,love, buy, take, spell,find, come, taste,look, say, go, 四.谓语动词是第三人称单数,在句首借用 Does,句中的实义动词恢复回原形。 1) She has a small collcetion. Does she have a small collection? 2) Maria likes playing sports. Does Maria like playing sports ? 3) John comes from the U.S.A. Does John come from the U.S.A? 前借用,后还原,动三只一个 疑问代词:What, Who, Whose,Which 疑问副词:Where, When, Why, How, How are you?特殊疑问句 含义:特殊疑问句是指以 Wh- ,How, (How组成的词组)等特殊疑问词开头,后 接一般疑问句的问句。回答时不用 Yes/No,要根据内容用一个词或一句话来 回答。 eg:1.What is this in English? 2.How do you go to school every day? 特殊疑问句结构: 特殊疑问词 + 一般疑问句 ?特殊疑问词 意思 对…提问 what 什么 东西 who 谁 人 whose 谁的 谁的(who的所有格) which 哪一个 选择 where 哪里 地点 when 什么时侯 时间 why 为什么 原因 how 怎么样 方式,方法拓展: 由what构成的特殊疑问短语 What color 什么颜色 What time 几点 What class 哪个班 What club 什么俱乐部 What fruit 哪种水果 What kind of 哪种 What animal 哪种动物 What sport 什么运动 What language 什么语言由How构成的特殊疑问短语 How many 多少(修饰可数名词) How much 多少(修饰不可数名词); 多少钱 How old 多大 How far 多远 How often 多久一次 How long 多长时间 How soon 多久以后肯定句与一般疑问句、特殊疑问句间的联系 1、This is an old jacket. Is this an old jacket? What's this? 2、My schoolbag is black and white. Is your schoolbag black and white? What color is your schoolbag? 3、She likes playing sports. Does she like playing sports? What does she like?拓展练习: • 1.My coat is black. • 2.We have ten presents. • 3.I am 16 years old. • 4.I am going to buy mooncakes because the Mid -autumn Festival is coming. Why are you going to buy moon cakes?• 二.用what time, what color, what day, how many, how much填空。 • 1. A: ______ _______ is it?   •     B: It is nine o’clock. • 2. A: ______ _______did your mother give  you?    •     B: My mother gave me ten yuan . • 3. A: ______ _______is it?   B: It is purple. •  4.A:_____ ______ hands do you have?          •     B:I have two hands. • 5. A: ______ _______ is  it today?     •     B: Today is Monday. What time How  much What    color How  many What    day 查看更多

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