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unit4 When is Easter ppt课件

  • 2021-01-19
  • 29页
  • 8.39 B
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看图说单词。 chocolatecho- co- late chocolatecho _ _ latec o choco_ _ _ _l a t eHow clever!  (好聪明!) clever看图说单词。 Easter card Easter Bunny chocolate Easter eggsEaster card Easter Bunny (复活节的小兔子) cute 逗人喜爱的Unit4 Easter Lesson8 象征生命的蛋、火、水、 兔等成了复活节的吉祥物。 鸡蛋和兔子在西方是新的 生命和兴旺发达的象征。 鸡蛋的本色象征太阳,把 鸡蛋染成红色则象征生活 幸福。在复活节中,父母 要特地为孩子们准备制成 鸡蛋、兔子形状的巧克力 糖。亲友间要互赠彩蛋。Easter eggs chicken eggs (鸡蛋)chocolate eggsWhen is Easter? (复活节是什么时候的?)复活节(主复活日) 是一个西方的重要节 日,在每年春分节(3 月20日或3月21日)当 日见到满月或过了春 分见到第一个满月之 后,遇到的第一个星 期日设为复活节。一 般在每年3月或4月。When is Easter? 复活节是什么时候的? It comes in March or April.paint the eggs (给蛋绘色) hide the eggs(藏蛋) look for the eggs(找蛋)How beautiful !Listen to the vedio1)What’s this? 2)Where is the card from? 3)What can the Easter Bunny do? It’s an Easter card. It’s from England. It can paint eggs and hide the eggs in the garden.把图与相应描述的句子连起来。 She is going to paint the eggs. She is painting the eggs. She is going to make the eggs.把图与相应描述的句子连起来。 She is hiding the eggs. She is going to hide the eggs.把图与相应描述的句子连起来。 They are looking for the eggs. They are going to look for the eggs.Look, think and match. 1. When is Easter, Sally? ( ) A.It comes in March or April. B.It comes in January or February. 2. When is Spring Festival? ( )A BLook, think and match. 1. When is Christmas Day? ( ) A. It’s September 10th. B. It’s December 25th. 2. When is Teacher’s Day? ( )A BLook, think and match. 1.When is Children’s Day? ( ) A. It’s June 1st. B. It’s May 1st. 2. When is May Day? ( ) A BLook, think and match. 1. When is Earth’s Day? ( ) A. It’s April 22th. B. It’s January 1st. 2. When is New Year’s Day? ( )A BLook, think and match. 1.Are they chicken eggs? ( ) A.Yes, they are. B. No, they aren’t. 2. Are these chicken eggs? ( )A BHomework 1)《一册通》 Lesson8 2)背诵课文和 单词 查看更多

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