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DAY3play pingpong watch TV wash my clothes go hiking do the dishes 读出出现的短语 go fishing do homework play the pipa have some vegetables have breakfast have art class go boatingwatch TV see a film read a book have a cold ride a bikego shopping go fishing go camping go hiking go swimming go boatinggo:(去……) 我发现: 动词ing(动名词)+do homework do the dishes do the cleaning do sports do morning exercisesdo housework do:(做……) 我发现: 名词+play the pipa play the violin play the piano play badminton play football play ping-pongplay:(弹、踢、打、玩) 我发现: 运动名词 乐器名词 + the + play +运动 play the+ 乐器 总 结:have breakfast have some vegetables have a coldhave art class have some juice have: (吃、喝,上…课, 生病) 我发现: 三餐、食物名词 课程名词+ 病症(1)go+动词ing (2)do+名词 (3)play+球类运动 /play+the+乐器类 (4)have+早中午餐 /have+课程/have+病症 我发现:play the violin have music classgo shopping do the dishes He / She/ They ... every day. s es eshas breakfast do morning exercises He / She/ They ... every day.动词的一般现在时: 分为动词原形和第三人称单数。 当主语为第三人称单数时,主语后 的动词要加s或es,其它人称用原形。 go-goes have-has do-does play-plays Tips:He goes swimming. He goes boating. She does homework. She does the dishes. He plays ping pong. He plays basketball. They have some vegetables. They have art class.playing the violin going shopping doing the dishes He / She/ is ... now.having music class doing morning exercises They are ... now.现在进行时:be动词+动词加ing Tips: go-going have-having do-doing play-playing (当主语为第三人称单数时用 is,主语为复数时用are.)go ______ _______ do _______ _______ play _______ _______ have ______ _______ goes going does doing plays playing havinghas1. My grandfather ______ (go) fishing every day. 2. My parents _____ (go) swimming every afternoon in summer. 3. I _____ (go) shopping with my sister yesterday. 4. On the farm, Ms Smith ____ (do) the cleaning every day. 5. Mr Smith and his son ____ (do) sports every day. 6.They are ______ (do) housework together at home now. 7. The boy _____ (play) music the farm every day. 8.His brothers usually ____ (play) basketball after dinner. 9. I ______ (play) the piano yesterday evening. 10. My grandfather often ____(have) fish for lunch. 11.My parents usually ____ (have) bread for breakfast. 12. I am ______(have) dinner with my parents now. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。 goes go went does dodoing plays play played has havehaving1. We often _______ (play) in the playground. 2. What _____he usually_____ (do) after school? 3.Mike sometimes _____ (go) to the park with his sister. 4._____ Mike ______ (read) English every day? 5. Look,They __________ (play) football. 6. He ______ (do) sports every day. 7. The teachers _________ (have) a meeting now. 8. Miss Lin _______ (like) sleeping in the day. 9. Let’s ________ (have) lunch together(一起). 10. Look! A cat __________ (run) up the tree. 11.Tom ______ (play) football every day. 12. Lucy is ________ (clean) the bedroom now. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。 play does dogoes Does read are playing does are having likes have is running plays cleaningMike is drawing pictures. Mrs Booth is playing the pipa. They are having a picnic.summary (1)go+动词ing (2)do+名词 (3)play+球类运动/play+the+乐器类 (4)have+早中午餐/have+课程 /have+疾病 (5)一般现在时态:主语+动词现在时 (原形/三单) (6)现在进行时态:主语+be动词+动词ing fat old short hair a green bag black shoes He’s young. He has short hair. Look, he has a red bag. And he wears white shoes. heavy old short hair a green bag black shoes is my new friend, too. She’s and . She’s . She has hair. Look, she has a bag. And she wears shoes. Mrs Booth is my new friend, too. She’s tall and thin. She’s old. She has long hair. Look, she has a green bag. And she wears black shoes.描述外貌的常用词(组) 体型体型 tall高的, short矮的, heavy重的, thin瘦的, long长 的, big大的, small小的 头发头发 long hair长发, short hair短发, curly hair卷发, straight hair直发, black hair黑发, grey hair灰白的头发 鼻子鼻子 a big nose一个大鼻子, a small nose一个小鼻子, a flat nose一个扁鼻子 眼睛眼睛 big eyes大眼睛, small eyes小眼睛, blue eyes蓝眼睛 嘴巴嘴巴 a big mouth一张大嘴巴, a small mouth一张小嘴巴Introduction 介绍自己的一位新朋友,可以对他/她的外貌 特征、喜好等方面进行描述。 My new friend Hi, I’m … I have a new friend. He/She is … He/She is … years old. He/She has … hair. He/She is fat/thin… He/She often … I like my new friend.Homework绿色圃中小学教育网 http://www.Lspjy.com 查看更多

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