


Unit 7 Sports and Good Health Lesson 41 Were People Healthy Then?Do you know the life of the people long ago? Can you tell something about it?Presentation go fishinggo huntingplay the drumsdance around the firepow-wow danceWords and expressions nation hunt spend natural pow-wow n. 国家;民族 v. 打猎;搜索 v. (spent/spent)用(钱);花(钱) adj. 自然的;天然的 n. 帕瓦(北关原住民族一种歌舞 庆典)Phrases 1. at that time 在那时 2. go fishing/hunting for food 钓鱼/打猎获得食物 3. make a fire 生一堆火 4. play the drums 敲鼓5. natural food 天然食物 6. a hard day of work 一天的辛苦工作 7. a gathering of ……的聚会 8. dancing competition 舞蹈比赛Language points 1. Grandpa, did people go fishing a long time ago? 爷爷,在很久以前人们去钓鱼吗? go fishing钓鱼 We often go shopping on weekends. 我们经常在周末去购物。【探究总结】 go +v. -ing表示“去干某事”。类似的短语有: go fishing 去钓鱼 go shopping 去购物 go swimming 去游泳 go hiking 去徒步旅行 【学以致用】 It’s sunny today. Let’s go ________ (hunt). hunting2. At that time, there were no supermarkets. 在那个时候,没有超市。 at that time 在那个时候。表示过去时间,因此 要用一般过去时。time的其他短语: at this time 在这个时候; at the same time 同时; have a good time 玩得开心; all the time 一直。3. They spent a lot of time outdoors. 他们在户外花费大量的时间。 spend v. 用(钱);花(钱) I spend five yuan on the book. 这本书我花费了五元钱。 I paid 50 yuan for the CD. 我为这张CD付了50 元钱。 It took Jack twenty minutes to work out the math problem yesterday. 昨天解决这道数学难题花费了杰克20分 钟。 【探究总结】spend/pay/take的用法辨析【学以致用】 Yang Fen ____ every Saturday afternoon volunteering in an old people’s home. A. costs B. takes C. pays D. spends DExercise s Ⅰ. 用所给词的适当形式填空 1. It’s sunny today. Mr. White is ______ (fish) at the lake. 2. Many people ______ (come) to the island(岛) a long time ago. fishing came3. Bill spends three hours ________ (watch) TV on weekends. 4. I like to eat ______ (nature) food like fish. 5. I can’t wait _______ (open) the gift. watching natural to openⅡ. 单项选择 1. Rick _______ 100 yuan on the shirt. A. paid B. spent C. took D. cost 2. We _______ yesterday afternoon. A. play the piano B. played the piano C. played piano D. play piano B B3. There _______ no shops here two years ago. A. is B. are C. was D. were 4. It’s very cold. Let’s _______ to keep us warm. A. worry about B. make a fire C. go fishing D. play together D BHomewor k Do you know about the people’s life a long time ago after learning the class? Compare it with our life now. 查看更多

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