


Lesson 46 Get Ready for Summer Holiday. 教学目标: 一. 知识目标: 1.学习并了解 Jenny 和 Betty 的假期计划。 2.掌握一些高频的关于假期计划的短语和表达。 3.通过听获取一些文段的细节信息。 二. 技能目标: 1.运用电子白板大容量的呈现并学习基础知识。 2.通过白板的书写对比功能提高学生读和写的能力。 3.通过白板的动画演示功能创设适当的情景,练习并提高学生“听”的策略。 三. 情感目标:学生能在小组活动中积极与同伴合作,注意聆听并理解他人的 看法和做法。 教学过程: Step 1. Revision. What is Danny’s summer plan? What is he going to do for the summer? Watch and tick out the right summer activities. Step 2. Lead-in. Encourage the students to introduce Danny’s summer plan. Then ask them“Do you know what Jenny’s summer plan is?” Step 3. Watch a video and then match the time adverbs with the sentences. Step 4. A game. Six questions will appear on the screen one by one. Let’s see who will be the first one to put up the hand and answer the question. 1. What did they eat at noon? 2. Did Jenny do well in her exams? 3. Where is the national park? 4. What will they do in the national park? 5. How far is it from Jenny’s home to the beach? 6. Where is Jenny’s favorite place for summer? Step 5. Practice using the target words to fill in the blanks and try to retell the text. Step 6. Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks. Betty has big _____ this summer. She ____ visit her aunt and cousins in Beijing. She will stay there for two _____. On the first day, they are going to _____ the Palace Museum. And later, they will _____ Wangfujing Street. The next day, they plan to _____ the Great Wall. They _________ the Wall and have a picnic near the mountains. On ______, they are going to the Beijing Zoo. Betty ______ to see the pandas at the zoo. She loves pandas! It’s going to be a great _______. Step 7.Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the given words. 1.They _______ (go) to school tomorrow. 2. He ______ (leave) the house at 8:00 a.m. every day. 3. She ____ (go) to work on weekdays. Jenny wrote an e-mail to Li Ming on June 26. She said they ______ a baseball game outside that morning. At noon, they ____ a party. Jenny said she ___________ her exams. Now she is __________ her summer holiday. Next week, she ___________ a national park. She will _____ in the forest, ____ at the lake, ________ the birds and _____ more about Canadian nature. In August, her family will ______ the beach. 4. Jenny __________________ (watch) a movie next Tuesday evening. 5. We __________________ (play) basketball together the day after tomorrow. 6. I _____ (listen) to the English radio program every morning. Step 8. Consolidation. Explain some of the language points if necessary. More exercises on the target expressions are followed. Step 8. Sum up and homework. Lesson 46 Get Ready for Summer Holiday New words: noon、hamburger、nature、wish At noon 在中午 Play baseball 打棒球 Wish to do sth. → Best wishes Be over 结束了 A 本节课有意识地利用了白板的书写对比功能,目的在于提高学生读和写的能力;尝试利 用白板的动画演示功能创设适当的情景,练习并提高学生“听”的能力。另外,本课还 积极利用了白板的演示功能直观形象的呈现新课内容。以上设计都取得了很好的效果。 多媒体丰富多彩的视听效果,可以增强教学直观性和生动性,在课堂设计和使用时,但 一些老师在追求丰富多彩的视听和动画效果时,容易忽略心理学中的有意注意与无意注 意规律。在课件中过多采用与教学内容无直接关系的图像、音乐、动画,只会使学生把 更多的无意注意放在添彩的画面和悦耳的音乐上,而无法专心这些画面和音乐所蕴含的 教学内容,效果往往适是其反。因此,在课堂教学时,一定要根据教学内容和学生的认 知规律适当选用多媒体的效果。 查看更多

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