

天天资源网 / 高中英语 / 教学同步 / 人教新课标 / 选修六 / 人教版选修6高二英语M5U2练习





Module 5 Unit2 The Environment I. 单项选择 1. Much new and high technology has been introduced from America, _____ great increase in production of the company. A. resulting in B. resulted in C. leads to D. having led to 2. I would appreciate ____________ if you come to my grandma’s birthday party and say“Hello”to her. A. that B. it C. you D. one 3. --- How was Robert's cooking? --- Oh, pretty good. I was quite . A. admired B. interested C. impressed D. inspired 4. Much to the couple’s comfort, their income is now double ____________ it was five years ago. A. that B. than C. which D. what 5. It is a good plan in theory, but it ___________ to be seen whether it works in practice. A. waits B. stays C. stands D. remains 6. —Have we ____ water? —Yes,_____. We’d better get some. A. run out of; we have run it out B. run out of; our water has run out C. run out of; our water has been run out D. run out; our water has run out 7. The old man is badly ill and he needs ___________ to hospital at once. A. to take B. taking C. being taken D. taken 8. His failure in the driving test ___________ his carelessness. A. resulted from B. resulted in C. led to D. brought about 9. I ___________ to go to the lecture yesterday, but I had an unexpected visitor. A. meant B. would mean C. was to mean D. had meant 10. There are still many people suffering a lot, and we are to do something to __________ poverty. A. keep out B. wipe out C. give out D. run out 11. Whatever he promises, you can’t ___________ anything. A. rely on his doing B. depend on his doing C. rely on him to do D. advise him to do 12. It is such a problem _________ we all should _________. A. as; pay attention to it B. that; attract our attention C. as; pay attention to D. as; attract our attention to it 13. Nobody is thinking the film is ___________ worth ___________ again. A. very; to see B. well; to be seen C. well; seeing D. very; being seen 14. If there is anything wrong with the sentence, please ____________. A. pick it out B. pick it up C. pick it D. pick it on 15. The one bedroom apartment ___________ its own bathroom and Internet access. A. is furnished for B. is supplied to C. is stocked with D. is offered with 16. He is not a bit mean; instead he is always __________ to help anyone in trouble. A. possible B. probable C. likely D. willing 17. The son promised to keep his parents _____ of how he was going on with his studies at college. A. inform B. informing C. informed D. to inform 18. Passengers are ___________ from using such electronic devices as mobile phones during take-off and landing. A. forbidden B. encouraged C. prohibited D. allowed 19. When a discussion is under way, everybody is welcome to have the ___________ in class. A. floor B. time C. chance D. right 20. What is ____________ is that try as they may, they can’t avoid the economic crisis. A. beneficial B. difficult C. effective D. obvious 21. The young dancers looked so charming in their beautiful clothes that we took ______________ pictures of them. A. many of B. large amounts of C. the number of D. a good deal of 22. There is still a long way to go to solve all the problems ____________ conservation of natural resources. A. concerning B. concerned C. concerning about D. concerned about 23. Other simple information was recorded on the walls of caves and buildings in the _________ of pictures. A. way B. means C. form D. terms 24. The Tower of London is ____ the Church tower. A. twice high than B. two times as high as C. twice higher as D. three times the height of 25. I want to leave now; I can’t ____ nothing useful here. A. stand to do B. stand doing C. stand being done D. stand to be doing 26. A person who believes that he is incapable will not make a real __________, because he feels that it would be useless. A. decision B. success C. effort D. trouble 27. Yesterday morning in a city in the USA, a crowd of dustmen went on a strike to _________ complaints about their low pay. A. voice B. tell C. speak D. say 28. The workers are going all out to make the output __________ three times what it was five years ago. A. grow to B. grow up C. grow by D. grow into 29. As these new products are not selling well, the members of the board have decided to __________ production. A. cut down B. cut down to C. cut down on D. cut off 30. He explained that not only ___________be taken but also ___________ that do his bit for the protection of the environment. A. should government measures; should everyone B.should government measures; everyone should C. government measures should; should everyone D.government measures should; everyone should 31. Once out of the earth’s gravity, the astronaut is________ by the problem of weightlessness. A. affected B. effected C. related D. offered 32. He soon found himself ___________his new co-workers. A. in harmony of B. in the harmony of C. in harmony with D. in the harmony with 33. I feel that it was time for me to ____. A. take actions B. take an action C. take the action D. take action 34. Only after_______ reaching eighteen ________join the army. A. have you; you can B. have you; can you C. you have; you can D. you have; can you 35. So funny ___ that everyone burst into laughing. A. she looked B. was she looking C. did she look D. had she looked 36. They _____ him ______ to keep him _______ as a witness of the murder. A. wiped; out; appearing B. wiped; off; being C. wiped; out; from appearing D. ruled; out; appearing 37. The accident happened _________ the carelessness of matches ( 火柴 ). Which is wrong? A. because B. as a result of C. due to D. on account of 38._______________ good care of, the patient is getting better day by day. A. Take B. Taken C. To take D. Being taken 39. There are many reasons for animals __________ but the most important one is the part ________ humans have played. A.die out, that B.dying out, that C.died away, which D.dying down, which 40._______________ his method, Tom was sure that he would pass the examination . A. Being improved B. Improved C. To be improved D. Having improved 41. The rescue team made every _______ to find the missing mountain climber. A. force B. energy C. effort D. possibility 42. It rained for two weeks on end, completely _____our holiday. A. ruined B. to ruin C. ruining D. having ruined 答案: I.单项选择 1-20 ABCDD /BBADB/ CCCAC/ DCCAD 21-40 BACDB/CAACB/ACDDC/CADBD 41-42 CC 查看更多

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