


Lesson 12 John and Jack 一、看图,读短语,连一连。 1. 2. 3. A.brush her teeth B. play catch with a ball C. play with the teddy bear 二、选词填空。 1. My sister plays with her__________. 2. What do you do_________ Sunday? 3. Saturday is___________. 4. He plays _________his friends. 5. We play__________with a ball. 三、看图片,仿照例子完成对话。 例: 一 What do you do in the morning? 一 I put on my clothes. l. 一 What do you do in the evening? 一____________________________. 2. 一_____________________on Sunday? 一____________________________. 3. 一______________________________? 一____________________________. 四、阅读短文,根据短文内容填空。 Hello, my name is Yang Ping. I am a girl. I’m ten years old. I brush my teeth and wash my face in the morning. I have breakfast at 7:00. Then I go to school. After school, I do my homework. In the evening, I help my mum and dad. 1. I’m _________years old. 2. I brush my teeth and_________________in the morning. 3. I_______________ at 7:00. 4. I___________________________ after school. 5. In the evening, I__________________________. toys, catch, on, fun, with 答案 一、1—C 2—B 3—A 二、1. toys 2. on 3. fun 4. with 5. catch 三、1. I clean my bedroom 2. What do you do; I fly a kite 3. What do you do in the morning/in the afternoon...; We play catch with a ball together 四、1. 10/ten 2. wash my face 3. have breakfast 4. do my homework 5. help my mum and dad 查看更多

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