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Unit 2 My week Introduce What do you do on Monday? Words wednesday [ˈwenzdeɪ] 作名词,意为“星期三” 常用例句:Was it always quiet on a Wednesday?     星期三去的顾客总是很少吗? 小练习: __________ is the day after Tuesday and before Thursday. A. Monday B.Tuesday C. Wednesday C, 根据题意。星期二的后一天,星期四的前一天是星期三。 C Words Thursday [ˈθɜ:zdeɪ] 作名词,意为“星期四” 常用例句:On Thursday Barrett invited me for a drink. 星期四,巴雷特约我去喝两杯。 小练习: ___________is the day after Wednesday before Friday.. A. Wednesday B. Thursday C. Friday B, 根据题意。星期三的后一天,星期五的前一天是星期四。 B Words Friday [ˈfraɪdeɪ] 作名词,意为“星期五” 常用例句:Mr Cook is intending to go to the Middle East on Friday. 库克先生打算周五去中东。 小练习: ___________is the day after Thursday before Saturday. A. Wednesday B. Thursday C. Friday C, 根据题意。星期四的后一天,星期六的前一天是星期五。 C Translations It’s Saturday afternoon. 这是星期六的下午。 Zhang Peng: Hi, Sarah. What’s that? 嗨,莎拉,那是什么? Sarah: It’s a storybook. 它是一本故事书。 Zhang Peng: Do you often read books in this park? 你经常在这个公园看书吗? Translations Sarah: No, I don’t. Do you often play football here? 不是的。你经常在这儿踢足球吗? Zhang Peng: Yes, I do. I like this park very much. 是的,我非常喜欢这个公园。 Sarah: Me too. 我也是。 Expressions Do you often read books in the park? 你经常在这个公园里看书吗? 这是一个一般疑问句,如对第一、二人称单复数和第三人称复数提 问,前面用do;如对第三人称提问,前面的do变为does。 eg:Do they often have a picnic on weekend?    他们经常在周末野餐吗? Expressions 小练习: _________you often play football in the school? A.Do B. Does A,对第一称提问,用动词原型do。 Do Expand 美国人过周末的几种主流方式 全家到外省旅行。当然,不可能是太远的地方,只要有新开放的游乐场,或是什么 风景区,美国人民一定率先知道,拍马赶到,绝不落后。他们渴望刺激的情怀使他们 的心态永远年轻,这是我们应该学习的地方。 二、全家公园野餐。美国的公园都非 常大,景色怡人,有山有水,全家来此度周末,也是个绝佳选择。吃吃喝喝,弄点烧 烤,在海上玩玩帆船,或是租艘快艇过把瘾,多么惬意。 三、全家出席音乐会或舞 会;美国人周末的社交活动很多,一起high一下,也是乐事。 四、全家观看重要的棒 球、篮球、橄榄球比赛;这三大球可谓美国人怕国球,周末各个赛事激战正酣,一家 老小共同为热爱的球队加油,这是美国人民的最爱。 Summary Words: Wednesday; Thuesday; Friday Sentences: do you often... Exercise 根据要求完成句子。 1、I have Chinese and music on Mondays. (变成问句) ______________________________ 2、Is it Friday? (做肯定回答) ______________________________ What do you have on Monday? Yes ,it is. Exercise 3、What do you have on Friday? (用单词music, art, science作答) ______________________________ 4、She’s my music teacher. (对画线部分进行提问) ______________________________ 5、She’s strict. “对画线部分进行提问” ______________________________ I have music, art and science. Who is she? What is she like? Exercise 用所给单词的正确形式填空。 1、He often _____(do) homework on weekend. 2、She ______(read) books in the park. 3、His mother often ______ (wash) his clothes on the weekend. 4、Mike’s brother often ______ (play) football after school. 5、I often_________(play)sports on the weekend.play reads washes plays does Exercise 从下面方框中选择正确的答语。 (  )1、Who is she? (  )2、How old are you? (  )3、What do you have on Monday? (  )4、Is she clever? (  )5、Is it Friday? (  )6、What do we have on Friday. A、I have music and art. B、Yes, she is. C、We have English and PE. D、I’m 12 years old. E、She is my mother. F、No, it isn’t. E D A B F C Exercise 将下列句子翻译成中文。 1、You look tired. ___________________ 2、I don’t like sports. __________________ 你看起来很累。 我不喜欢运动。 Exercise 3、I often watch TV, wash my clothes on weekend. _____________________________________ 4、You should play sports every day. ____________________________________ 5、I have a music class. ____________________________________ 我通常在周末看电视,洗我的衣服。 你应该每天坚持运动。 我有音乐课。 Homework What do you have everyday?Ask your friends about it. 查看更多

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