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Lesson 5 Toys Unit 2 At Home 冀教版(三年级起点) 四年级上册 Greeting: T: Hello, boys and girls. How are you? S: I am fine. Thank you. 复习回顾 (1)Review the words about a week. (2)Review the phrases brush my teeth wash my face brush my hair put on my clothes 今天我们学习与玩耍有关的英语短语 和句子。 toy /tɒɪ/ (名词)玩具 ball /bɔ:l/ (名词)球 1 2 kite /kaɪt/ (名词)风筝3 play /pleɪ/ (动词)玩;做游戏4 fly /flaɪ/ (动词)飞;放飞 with /wɪð/ (介词)和……在一起;同,跟 4 5 6 play with 拿……玩;和……一起玩 点击“新词展示”,跟 我一起学词汇吧! 新词展示 词汇巩固 What is he /she doing?   小喇叭朗读开始 了,点一点音箱,一 起听。   小喇叭朗读开始 了,点一点音箱,一 起跟着读吧。 1. What do you do on Saturday? We fly kites.On Saturday,l play with my friends. 1. What do you do on Saturday? We play catch with a ball. We read books. Jenny plays with her toy. Saturday is fun. 1. What do you do on Saturday? toys ball kite ①play /pleɪ/ (动词)玩;做游戏 play with拿……玩;和……一起玩 重点词汇 短语 ②fly /flaɪ/ (动词)飞;放飞 We like to play with Danny.我们喜欢和丹尼 玩。 fly away 飞走 fly a kite 放风筝短语 例句 例句 I like to fly a kite. 我喜欢放风筝。 His kite is very nice.他的风筝很好看。 重点词汇 例句 ③kite /kaɪt/ (名词)风筝 ④catch (名词)(儿童们玩的)接球游戏 Catch the box.接住那个盒子。例句 catch还可以作动词,意思是“接住”。拓展 ⑤toy /tɒɪ/ (名词)玩具 I like this toy. 我喜欢这个玩具。 重点词汇 例句 play with balls 玩球 ⑥ball /bɔ:l/(名词)球 We play catch with a ball. 我们玩接球游戏。 短语 例句 1. We play catch with a ball. 我们玩接球游戏。 重点句型 详解 此句为一般现在时的陈述句,用来描述某人做某 事。其中主语是we, 动词为play, 此处catch是名 词,专指儿童们玩的接球游戏,是有固定词义的名 词。 play的用法 重点句型 拓展 作及物动词 (1)表示“打(球)”,后接表示球类的名词,不与冠词连用。 如: They are playing football. 他们在踢足球。 (2)表示“演奏(乐器)”,后接表示乐器的名词,与定冠词 the连用。如: The girl played the piano quite beautifully. 这女孩钢琴弹得很动听。 重点句型 (3)表示“打(牌);下(棋)”,后接表示棋牌类的名词, 不与冠词连用。 如: Do you like playing cards? 你喜欢打扑克吗? They often play chess. 他们经常下国际象棋。 作不及物动词 常与with连用,表示“和……一起玩”。 如: She plays with her sister. 她和她的妹妹一起玩。 2. Jenny plays with her toy. 詹妮和她的玩 具一起玩。 重点句型 详解 本句为一般现在时的陈述句,主语为Jenny, 是第 三人称单数,因此后面的动词要用第三人称单数 形式。句型结构:主语(第三人称单数)+ 动词(第 三人称单数形式)+ 其他. 重点句型 拓展 动词第三人称单数形式的变化规则 (1)一般情况下,动词后面直接加-s。如: work — works, get — gets, say — says (2) 以ch, sh, s, x 或o结尾的动词,动词后面加-es。如: teach — teaches, wash — washes, fix — fixes, go — goes, do — does (3)以辅音字母+y结尾的动词,把y变为i 再加-es。如: study — studies, try — tries, carry — carries, fly — flies 2. Let’s do it!   小喇叭朗读开始 了,点一点音箱,一 起听。   小喇叭朗读开始 了,点一点音箱,一 起跟着读吧。 3. Letters and sounds Practice What do you do on Saturday? I fly kites. What does he/she do on Saturday? Blank filling. ___ Saturday morning ,I__ __ my friends. We ___ ____.We___ ____ Jenny’s ____.We ____ _____ ______ Li Ming’s ____. Then we feel tired. So we rest and read our books.Jenny plays with her ____. Saturday is fun. 二、本课时学的重点句子如下: What do you do on Saturday? I play with my friend. We fly kites. We play catch with a ball. Jenny plays with her toys. 一、本课时学的重点词汇如下: toy(玩具) ball(球) kite(风筝) play (玩耍) fly(放;飞) with (和;跟) play with (和……一起玩) 29 Homework 1. Do the exercises in the students' book. 2. Read and write the words and sentences in this lesson ... Thank You 查看更多

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