

天天资源网 / 小学英语 / 教学同步 / 2020年新起点小学英语一年级期末模拟测试卷





2016-2017 年度一年级英语上册 期末模拟试题 班级____________ 学号_____________ 姓名______________ Listening Part 二.听录音,选出你所听到的单词或句子。(10 分) 1. A. schoolbag B. ruler 2. A. Touch your nose. B. This is my eye. 一.听录音,圈出你所听到的内容。(16 分) 4. A. B . B . 6. A. 3. A. Show me your book! B. What,s your name? 4. A. How many tigers are there? B. I like apples. 5. A. It,s a banana ・ B. This is my mouth. 三.根据你听到的汉语意思,圈出相应的英语句子。(20 分) 1.出示你的铅笔。 A. Show me you pencil. 2•早上遇见老师,你要说什么? A. Good morning! 3. 我有一把尺子。 A. This is my book. 4. 摸摸你的嘴巴。 A. Touch your mouth ・ 5. 我没有尾巴。 A. I have no tail. 6. 模仿猴子的动作。 A. It's a tige 匚 7 •有几只小鸟? B. Close your eyes. B. Bye-bye! B. I have a rule 匚 B. Close your eyes- B. What's missing? B. Act like a monkey. A. Show me five. B. How many birds are there? 四.听音,给句子排序.(20 分) ( ) Red apple, please ・ ( )What's this? ( ) A gift for you. ( )Show me an apple ・ ( )It's a tiger. ( ) How many are there? ( )Sit down, Joy. ( )Yes, I do. ( )Do you like pears? ( )Good afternoon. Writing Part 五 . 情景交际。(15 分) 1. ( )Do you like bananas? A. It's blue. 2. ( )What colour is it? B.Three. 3. ( )How many are there? C. No, I don't. 4. ( )Let's share. D. This is a penci 8. 一个黑色的大气球。 A. A red apple. 9. 我喜欢黄色。 A. Fm Angel ・ 10. 这是给你们的! A. Do you like pears? B. A big black balloon. B. I like yellow. B. This is for you! 5.( )Show me a pencil. E. OK. 六.选出相应的英语句子,将序号写在括号里。(10 分) ()1.让我们分享吧。 A. This is for you ・ ()2.它是什么颜色的? A. Do you like apples? ()3•请选择一支铅笔。 A. Choose a pencil, please. ()4•你喜欢香蕉吗? A. This is a cat. ()5.它是一只老虎。 A. Thank you ! B. Let^s share. B. What colour is it? B. I have a beautiful teache 匚 B. Do you like bananas? B. It?s a tige 匚 七•涂一涂。(9 分) a red balloon a green balloon a yellow balloon a blue balloon 查看更多

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