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《My father goes to work at eight o’clock every morning》 教案 ————青川县乔庄镇中心小学校 彭琬清 【教学目标】 1、知识目标: (1)掌握单词:evening,worker,factory,taxi,early, late (2)能听、说、认、读本单元课文内容 (3)能正确运用句型 What does your father/mother do? My father/mother is a ...... My father goes to work at eight o’clock every morning. 2、能力目标: 能正确使用句型来描述职业和上班时间。 What does your father/mother do? My father/mother is a ...... My father goes to work at eight o’clock every morning. 3、情感目标: ⑴通过多种形式的教学活动,激发学生学英语的兴趣,培养 学生积极大胆表达自己想法的能力。 (2)积极参与各种形式的课堂学习。 (3)通过调查家人的职业和作息时间体会父母的辛劳。 【教学重点】 (1)能够掌握单词:evening,worker,factory,taxi,early, late (2)能正确使用句型 What does your father/mother do? My father/mother is a ...... My father goes to work at eight o’clock every morning. 【教学难点】 能正确使用句型来描述职业和上班时间。 My father/mother is a ...... My father goes to work at eight o’clock every morning. 【教学准备】 课文图片 课文视频 PPT 单词图片 第一、Warm up (给力热身) 1. Free talk: Tt: Hello,boys and girls,Are you happy today? Ss: Yes. Tt: I’m happy too. 2. Review some words about jobs. Ss: Say the words quickly. teacher farmer doctor driver policeman nurse dancer sales assistant 3.Tt: Let’s play a guessing game. Ss: Listen to a voice. It’s a clock. Tt: I want to show you a video about clock. What time is it now? Ss: Watch the video.Sing the song. 3. Look at the pictures and say what time is it? ( 学生根据老师的指令观察图片时间,并正确表达) 4. It’s half past nine now.It’s time to have class. Miss Chai is coming! She goes to work at eight o’ clock every morning. Today we’ll learn M7U1. Ss: 看视频,看标题。 设计意图:创设真实的情景,拉近师生距离,自然导入课题。 第二、Pre-reading(读前活动) 1. Our old friends are coming.They are Daming and Fangfang.What are they talking about? 设计意图:通过抛出问题,引导学生主动思考,培养孩子的 听力和观察力,同学们看动画,讨论对话中的人物在说什么。 动力呈现(听中) Watch the video. Learn about Daming and Fangfang’s parents’ work. Step1: Listen and answer the questions.(听大明爸爸部 分录音) Tt: What does Daming’s father do? Ss: Listen carefully and answer the questions. He is a policeman. Step2: Listen and answer the questions.(听芳芳爸爸部 分录音) Tt: What does Fangfang’s father do? Ss: Listen carefully and answer the questions. He is a worker in a factory. 设计意图:培养学生仔细听,认真记,思考问题及用英语 问答问题的能力。 Step3: Tt: Learn the new words and important phrases. Ss: Pronounce correctly and beautifully. 设计意图:用自然拼读法教学单词,让学生掌握自然拼读技 巧。 Step4 :Look at the form,Listen and answer the questions. What does Daming’s mother do? What does Fangfang’s mother do? When does Daming’s father go to work? When does Daming’s mother go to work? When does Fangfang’s father go to work? When does Fangfang’s mother go to work? 设计意图:通过听、记,初步掌握全文内容,表格呈现,给 学生直观的感受。 第三、While-reading(倾力操练)(听中) 1. Watch and repeat.(跟读整段动画) 2. Retell (通过直观的表格复述整篇课文) Ss: 发音正确,乐于表达。 设计意图:引导学生回顾整个对话,增强学生的记忆力,发 展学生的语言表达力,自己架构语言的能力,让学生善于说 句子。 第四、Post-reading(潜力实践)(听中) Tt: I’m a teacher. I go to work at eight o’clock every morning. What about your parents? Talk about your parents. Ss: a. My father/mother is a ________. b.He/she goes to work at ________ every _______.(描 述相关内容) 第五、Summary(魅力展示)(听后) Tt: Show a picture of Zhong Nanshan.Write about Zhong Nanshan. Ss: Write and talk your favourite person. 设计意图:“魅力展示”是本节课学习成果的总结和展示, 既拓展运用了本节课的句型,又锻炼了学生的口语能力,提 升了语言水平,激发了学生学习英语的兴趣,提高了自信。 第六、作业设计: Use the sentences “What does your father /mother do?” to ask your friends and know parents’ hard work. 二、教学反思 (一)说亮点 1. 以生为本,教师引导 整节课我采用五部教学法:给力热身——动力呈现——倾 力操练——潜力实践——魅力展示,以学生自主学习,自主 操练为主,教师只是适时引导。 2. 以课为本,加以拓展 在疫情的背景下,用所学句式写钟南山,激发了孩子的兴 趣,吸引了他们的注意力,更锻炼了他们的语言能力。 (二)说不足 1. 在复述环节中,表格呈现和板书呈现有重复,学生在复述 课文内容时有点慌乱。 2. 教学课堂用语还可以更丰富一点,总认为孩子没听懂就反 复问,应该多引导。 (三)说措施 1. 丰富自己的教学语言,无论在课堂中还是课外多鼓励孩子, 增强他们的自信心。 2. 多开设一些英语课外活动,激发学生学习英语的热情,用 合理的方式评价学生。 3. 纠正自己的发音,提高自己的技能。 工作单位:青川县乔庄镇中心小学校 单位地址:青川县乔庄镇育才路 34 号 邮编:628100 电话:13547175060 查看更多

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