


There are only nineteen crayons.教案 乐山市井研县马踏镇中心小学校 一.学情分析 五年级的学生年龄大概在 12 岁左右,他们整体认知水平和语 言运用能力都有较大地提升和发展,但是,学生在语言知识的综合运 用方面存在着一定的差距。有些孩子们能有意识、主动地学习,但同 时也有个别孩子出现厌烦英语的情绪,尤其男生比例较大,所以要充 分考虑他们学习英语的兴趣,在小组合作中,以优带进,并注重在练 习中分层次练习。 二.教学目标 1. Knowledge objectives: (1) the key sentences :There are only nineteen crayons. But there are twenty children in the class. There are twenty-one crayons. (2) 四会单词:crayon, begin, floor 三会单词: thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen 2.Ability objectives: (1) There are only nineteen crayons. (2) Try to apply the drills in their daily life. "how many ---?" "There is/are…" 3. Moral objectives: In the real context, the children can flexible application. 三.教学重难点 Teaching key points and difficulties 1.Key points: Sentence: There are only nineteen crayons. Words: crayon , begin , floor 2. Difficulties: 1)the pronunciation of these numbers: thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen 2) flexible application:There is or There are 四.教学过程 Step1 Greetings T: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, Miss Dan. 设计意图:通过问候,集中孩子们的注意力。 Step2 Sing a song Sing“Where did you go?” 设计意图:激发学生学习英语的兴趣。 Step3 Chant Chant“How many? How many? One,one,one.” 设计意图:对 1-10 的数字进行复习。 Step4 Lead in 1.T:What are they?How many pandas are there? Ss: They are pandas... There are... 设计意图:对 How many 以及一些数字进行复习。 2. Guess T: Can you guess “What’s this?” 学生会猜 pen,pencil... T:教读 crayon (导入新课的标题 There are only nineteen crayons.) 设计意图:通过猜测的方法导入新课。 Step5 Learn new words 1. 通过 3-9 的数字学习 13-19 的数字。 2. Find out the rules. (学生自己总结规律) 设计意图:学生在学习新单词的基础上,也进行了巩固,还锻炼 了学生写的能力。 Step6 Text learning 1.Watch and answer Questions: There are only nineteen crayons. But how many children are there in the class? 设计意图:锻炼学生的观察能力以及听的能力。也为后面的角色扮演 的做出铺垫。 2.Listen and answer Question: How many crayons are there now? 设计意图:让学生带着问题去听,炼学生听的能力。 3.Read ,find“There is ... There are..”and choose“T”or “F”. 学生边读边找 there is... there are...的句子。读完后完成 判断正误。 设计意图:学生带着问题去阅读课文,锻炼了学生阅读的能力。 4.Act it out 学生分为 Ms Smart ,Amy, Sam 三个人表演。 设计意图:加深学生对课文的印象,也激发了学生的兴趣。 Step7Key point 1. 讲解 There is... There are... 2. Practice Step8 Work in groups 1. Practise(activity 4) 2. Let’s have a competition 设计意图:对 there is ... there are.. 数字进行复习 Step9 Emotional education 插入《感恩的心》歌曲呈现一些图片,让学生知道贫困地区读书的来 之不易,让孩子们好好读书,帮助贫困的孩子。 Step10 Homework Write a letter to your father. Tell him about the poor children. Blackboard design M5U1 There are only nineteen crayons. three thirteen four fourteen Group1 Group2 five fifteen six sixteen seven seventeen There is... eight eighteen There are... nine nineteen 查看更多

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